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O X FO R D .
C h arles A nnie (M iss), univ. lo dgin g ho. 168 W alton st
C hauncy A m y (M rs.), university lo dgin g house, RochesÂ
ter house, Pem broke street, S t. A ldate's
C haund y A rth u r E rnest L .D .S .E n g . dental surgeon, 91
H igh street
C haund y Chas. u n iversity lo dgin g ho. 12 K in g Edward st
C haund y F rederick W illiam , bookseller, 104 High street
A 36 Broad street
C haundy Geo. p hotograp her.79 Howard st.C ow leySt. John
C haundy John, p rint seller, 49 Broad street
C heal G eorge, hair dresser, see W eston A Cheal
C h eek ier G eorge, u n iv ersity lodgin g house, 36 W ellin g Â
ton square, St. G iles'
C h em istry Departm ent (O rgan ic) (Professor W illiam
H enry Perkin M .A. W aynflete, professor of ch em istry),
U n iversity m useum , P arks road
C hennell Joseph J. tailor, 1 S t. M ichaelâs street
C h erw ell H all (Miss C atherine I. Dodd M .A. principal),
C ow ley place
C heshire Chas. general sm ith, W orcester st. S t. Thom asâ
C hold croft Christopher Jam es, hair dresser, 11 Woodsiock road, S t. G ilesâ
C h rist C hurch (V ery Rev. Thom as Banks Strong D D.
dean), S t. A ldate's street
C h rist Church C athedral School (Rev. E dw ard Peake
M .A. head m aster), B rew ers street
C h rist C hurch C ricket Ground, Iffley road
C h ristian Science R eading Room s (Miss H. B. C . Sollas,
clerk), 26 C ornm arket street
C hristian Social Union (O xford C ity branch) (Rev.
Jam es A lexander C arlyle D .L itt. chairm an ; M. Pratt,
hon. trea su rer; J. Theodore Dodd M .A . hon. sec.), 55
S t. G iles' street
C h rysan th em u m Society (F red erick D. Low e, sec.), 22
N orfolk street, St. Ebbeâ s
C h urch A rm y Labour Home (F rederick G eorge Wallhridge, sup t.), 3 C am bridge terrace, S t. E bbeâ s
C h u rch of England Tem perance Society (H. F erris-Pike,
sec.), 43a, Queen street
C hurch M issionary Society (Rev. H. G . G re y A R ev.
T . W. K etchlee M .A . hon. s e c s .; C ol. F . S. Le
M esurier C .B . hon. treasurer), S t. A ld a te 's T ec to ry,
Pem broke street, St. A ldate's
C h u rch ill M ajor A rth u r B enjam in Norton, arm y tutor,
10 Bardw ell road
C ity A ccountantâs Office (W illiam S. C arver F .S .A .A .
c ity accountant), S t. A ld a teâs street
C ity E ngineerâs Office (W illiam H enry W hite M .I.C .E .
engineer), Town hall, St. A ldate's street
C ity E states Surveyorâs Office (W illiam H y. C astle),
Town hall, St. Aldateâ s
C it y Free P ub lic L ib ra ry A B ead in g Room (Jam es L.
D ougan M .A. librarian ), Town hall. St. A ld ateâs street
C ity L a u n d ry (The) iB ennetts L td . proprietors). A bbey
place, St. ESbe's. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 3 5
Ci*v of O xford E le ctric Tram w ays L im ited (A rth u r A.
T yler, gen. m anager), 3a, Queen s t .; depot.Leopold st
C ity of Oxford H igh School (for boys) (A. W . Cave M .A.
head m aster), G eorge street
C ity of Oxford T ech n ica l Schools (A rth u r H. F lem m in g
B .S c.. A B .C .S c. sec. A head m aster), C h urch street,
St. E bbe's ; 98 St. C lem entâs s t r e e t; Clarendon Press
In stitu te. W alton street A P up il Teachersâ C entre
room s. New Inn H all street
C it y of Oxford W eights A M easures Office (Charles
Richard F ox, inspector). B lue Boar street
C itv Police Station (Oswald Cole, chief constable), Blue
B oar street
C ity T yp ew riter Co. (T he), typ ew riters A duplicators,
43 B read street. T N 655
C ity W ater W orks (W illiam Henry W hite M .I.C .E .
engineer); office. Town hall, S t.A ldate's stre e t; storage
ya rd , Paradise street, S t. E bbeâs ; works, Lake street,
New H inksey
C lan field E lizh .(M rs.),W aterm an âsArm sP.H .E ast st.Osney
C lare K athleen (M iss), teacher of piano, 20 Beaum ont st
Clarendon Club (J. H. Dickinson, sec.),54 Cornm arket st
Clarendon Hotel (G eorge Saunders), Corn m arket street.
[ k e l l y âs
C larke A Son, engineers, 9 A bb ey road
C larke A rth u r, un iversity lodgin g house, 7 Oriel street
C larke C y ril H arry M .S .I.A . assistant san itary inspector
Town hall, S t. A ld ateâs street
Clarke E dw d. beer retlr. 84 B lackfriars rd. S t. Ebbe's
C larke E dw in, un iversity lodgin g house, 136 W alton st
C larke E m ily (M rs.), shopkeeper, 90 Cowley S t. John
Clarke E th el M ary (M iss), apartm ents, 141 W alton st
C larke G eorge, assistant supt. P rud en tial Assurance Co.
53 Southfield road, Cowley St. John
C larke H enry W illiam , w atch m aker, 25 St. M aryâs road,
C owley S t. John
C larke M ary (M iss), aprtm nts. 4 Longworth rd. St.G ilesâ
C larke M ary Jane (M rs.), stationer. A post A telegraph
office, 103 H urst street, C owley St. John
C larke Sarah (M rs.), shopkeeper, 12 H igh st.St.T hom asâ
C larke Sarah C harlotte (M iss), fru itr.13 A 14 The Market
C larke W alter Jas. academ ical robe m a. 62 Abingdon rd
C lay Thom as H enry, Red Lion P.H . 268 W oodstock rd.
Sum m ertown
Clave S. J. L im ited, railw a y c arriag e A wagon builders,
G reat W estern R ailw ay w harf, Osney lane, Osney
C layton A lbt. u n iversity lodgin g ho. 42 New Inn Hall st
Clayton C h ristr. chem ist 158, A ironm onger 160,Cowley rd
C layton R. E . W . univ. lo dgin g I10.24A25 Cornm arket st
C leaver H enry, grocer, Si W alton street
Cleaver W illiam , m iscellaneous dealer, 115 Magdalen rd.
Cowley St. John
C leg g Stanley H ., M .P .S ., F .S .M .C . chem ist, 71 High st
Clem ents A. M. (M iss), apartm ents, 37 H igh street
Clem ents F ran k, boot repairer, 74 B ridge st. Osney
Clerk of the Peace for the C oun ty (offices of) (James
Rose M .A. clerk of the peace A clerk of the county
council). C oun ty hall, New road
Clew lev W illiam , fried fish shop, 4 C hurch st. St. Ebbe's
Clews Joseph, engineer A ironfounder ; gas A oil engine
A gas producer plan ts, 35 a, G reat Clarendon street,
Jericho. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 51
C lifford E d ith (M iss), shopkeeper, 13 V icto r st. Jericho
Clifford H arry, apartm ents, 155 Iffley road
Clifford H enry, c ity m issionary, 35 Southfield road,
Cow ley S t. John
Clinkard Richard H. m arket gardener, 20 H arpes road,
Sum m ertown
C lin kard Thom as, collector of poor rates for St. Gilesâ,
C ow ley S t. John, Cowley, Iffley A S t. Clem entâs disÂ
tricts, H eadington union, 257 C owley road A (attends
10 to 1 m on aays A Saturdays) 10 W oodstock road,
St. G ilesâ
Clinkard W illiam H. greengrocer, 290 W oodstock road,
Sum m ertow n
Coates W . A Son, joiners, 123 K in gston Toad A 20
A delaide street, St. G ilesâ
Cock burn M aria J. (Miss), news agent, 47 G eorge street
C ockell W alter, m anager of the London County A WestÂ
m inster Bank Lim ited A c ity treasurer, 121 High st
Coggins H arry, apartm ents, 45 Pem broke st. St. Aldateâs
Cole A rth u r Geo. grocer, 186 M arlborough rd.Grandpont
Cole Oswald, chief constable of c ity police, Police station,
Blue Boar street
Colebrook A Co. L im ited, fishmongers, 14 G eorge street
Colem an E th el (M iss), dress m aker, 86 G reat Clarendon
street, Jericho
Colem an Jam es, parish clerk of St. Thom as the Martyr,
Osney cem etery. Osney lane
Coles Em m a A M ary (M isses), upholsterers, 3 PlantaÂ
tion road, S t. G ilesâ
Coles H enry A Son, upholsterers, 129a, H igh street
Coles C harles M .D., M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P , D .P .H .L o n d .
m edical officer of h ealth A school m edical officer to
the O xfordshire C oun ty Council, C oun ty o f f i c e s , New rd
Coles H enry Jam es, baker, 43 Cranham st. Jericho
Coles Jessie Helen (Miss), grocer, 123 Kingston road,
St. G ilesâ
Coles Stephen, in sur. agt. 53 Princes st. St. Clementâs
C ollcutt Percival A rth . cabinet m aker,71 James st.Cowley
C ollcutt Sydney, solicitor, 119 S t. A ldateâs street
Collett A Co. dairym en, 5 N orth Parade aven. St. Giles
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 3 7
C ollett H edlev Joseph, draper, 63 B otlev road
Clarendon H otel Co. Oxford Lim ited (E . J. B ro o k s,sec.); Collett M ary E lizabeth (M iss), dress m aker, 22 O a'registered office, 14 A 15 M agdalen street
thorpe road, Sum m ertow n
Clarendon Laboratory (The) (Professor Robert Bellam y C ollett Robt. Norfolk A rm s P.H . 10 B ridge st. St. Ebbe s
C ollett W illiam H enry, house decorator, 2 H urst stree ,
C lifton M .A ., F .R .S .), Parks road
C larendon Press D epository, 116 H igh street
C owley S t. John
Clarendon Press In stitu te (H arry M aplestone, sec.), C ollier John A Sons, cycle m akers, 26Banbury road
C ollier W ill A Son, cycle m akers, 200 Banbury t o ,
150a, W alton street
C l a ridge Richard, county accountant, County hall.New rd
Sum m ertow n
Collier A lbert, h air dresser, 2 Park End st. St. Tho
C la rk Charles, pork butcher, 99 A 120 The M arket
C la rk Jane (M rs.), shopkpr. 5 Penson's gdns. S t. E bb eâs Collier Ann A vis (M rs.), shopkeeper, 14 Oakthorpe
Clark John, grocer, 81 S t. A ldateâs street
Sum m ertow n
T hn
Collier E lena (Mrs.) aparts.56 M arston st.Cowley
C la rk W alter Thom as, hatter, 45 A 46 C astle street
C la rk W illiam , pork butcher, 104 A 105 The M arket
Collier Jam es, builder, 30a, Jericho street, Jencbo