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O X F O R D S H IR E .
Norrie Laura Jane (M rs.), u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 16 I Oxford C in em atograp h Th eatre (Thom as T o u n g , m anKingston road, S t. G iles
ag e r), G eorge street
Norris H enry, shoe m aker, 60 O bservatory st. St. G iles' O xford C ity Chess C lu b (W . W ebb, hon. sec.), 6 &
North & Co. Lim ited, m ineral w ater m anufacturers, x, 3,
7 C ornm arket street
i, 7 & 9 Cobden crescent, Grandpont
Oxford C ity Conservative & Unionist R egistration A s Â
North Oxford G o lf C lu b (H. S. C ritch ley, hon. sec.), 41
sociation (W m . Henry G ee, registration agent), 14 & 16
& 42 Cornm arket street
G eorge street
North Oxford K inem a Syn dicate (R. H. J. B artlett, O xford C loth iers (T h e), 12 C orn m ark et street
m anaging director), W alton street
Oxford Cold S to rag e & Ice Co. L im ited , H yth e B rid g e
North Oxford Land Co. L im ited (H . S. C ritch ley, sec.),
street, St. Thom asâ
41 & 42 C ornm arket street
O xford C ollege Servan tsâ Society C lub (H enry G. G ibbs,
Northampton B rew ery Co. L im ited (E dm und Cadm an,
hon. s e c .; E. C. W h ite, stew ard), 113a, S t.A ld a teâ s st
agent), S t. G ilesâ brew ery, O bservatory st. S t. G ile sâ
O xford C o-operative Builders & Decorators L im ited , 40a,
Norton James Lees M .A . solicitor, 7 S t. A ld a teâs street
Wralton crescent
Norwood G eorge Robert, apartm ents, 204 Iffley road
Oxford Co-operative & In dustrial Society Lim ited (E dw d.
Nurse W m .H ow e,m anufacturing fu rrie r,1 148 t.A ldateâs st
Cooke, s e c .; W alter Thom as Reeve, general m an ager),
Nurser Thom as, u n iv ersity lo d gin g house, 28 St.John st
63, 65, 67 & 69 & 24 & 26 G eorge st. & 2 G loucester
Nutt Arthur, boot repairer, 24 Kingston rd. S t. G ile sâ
s t r e e t ; branches, 87 & 88 S t. C lem en tâs s t r e e t ; 59
Nutt Frederick, apartm ents, 30 K in gston rd. S t. G ilesâ
St. A ldateâs s t r e e t ; 41 & 42 W alton s t r e e t ; 4 South
Nutt Frederick, p ainter, 38 Henley st. C owley St. John
parade, Sum m ertow n ; 60 H u rst street, C ow ley St.
Nutt Geo.Hy. bird & anim al dir. 146 & 147 Th e M arket
John & 190 to 194 C ow ley ro a d ; bakery, H enry road,
Nutting E m ily (M rs.). aparts. 28 W oodstock r d .S t.G ile s â
B otley ro a d ; coal depot. Canal w harf, N ew road
Oakes Donald Henry E rnest, registration agen t to M id- O xford Corporation H ospital for Infectious Diseases (M iss
Oxon Conservative A ssociation, 19 H igh street
M. G ray, m atron ), Cold A rbour, St. A ldateâ s
Oakley Ruth (M rs.), confr. 7 Com m ercial rd. St. Ebbeâs O xford Corporation W harves (W . H. W h ite, su rveyor),
Oborne Frances (M iss), u n iversity lodging ho.63 H igh st
B otley rd. ; Dawson pi. ; Nelson st. ; Pem broke st. ;
Oborne L aura (M rs.), u n iversity lo d g in g ho. 3 Iffley rd
Union street, C ow ley road, S t. C le m e n t s ; G reat
Old Oak Tea House (M rs. Jane E lizabeth Cransw ick,
Clarendon street, J eric h o ; F renchay rd. St. G ile sâ ;
proprietress), refreshm ent room, Ship street
Isis street, w harf & stables (T. I. H ull, san itary
Oliver John & Son, printers, 62 G eorge street
in sp ector; G eorge H arry W ebb, forem an)
Ora Stephanus P aul, tobacconist, 1 G eorge street
Oxford C ottage Im provem en t Society Lim ited (W illiam '
Orchard A rth ur W illiam , hair dresser, 32 S t.C le m en tâs st
F ran cis T ilb y, collector), Lloyds Bank ch m b rs.H ig h st
OâReilly John, principal clerk custom s & excise office, Oxford County C hess C lu b (E rn est E. Shepherd, hon.
15 St. G ilesâ street
sec.), 6 & 7 Cornm aTket street
Organ E. H. & Son, cab proprietors, 250 B an b ury rd. O xford & C oun ty C lu b (V iscoun t V a len tia C .B ., M .P .
Summertown & 27 Farndon road, St. G ile sâ
p resid en t; E arl of Jersey P .C ., G .C .B . v ic e -p re s id e n t;
Organ E phraim & Son, builders & contractors, 205
M ajor W. M elville Lee, hon. sec.), 33 H olyw ell street
Cowley road
Oxford D airy Co. L im ited , 40 Queen s tre e t; 38 H ertÂ
Organ John & Co. buildersâ m erchants, C ow ley road &
ford s t r e e t ; 65 S t. C lem en tâs s tre e t & 198 Banbury
builders, Jeune street
Toad, Sum m ertow n
Organ A lbert Thom as, grocer, 23 Bullingdon rd. Cowley Oxford Diocesan Board (Rev. Canon H. E . T ro tte r M .A .
St. John
hon. sec.), 43a, Queen street
Organ G ladys (M iss), teacher of pianoforte, 23 B u l O xford Diocesan M agazine (B . H. B lackw ell, p u b lis h e r;
lingdon road, C owley S t. John
published m on thly), 50 & 51 Broad street
Organ H arry, New inn, 108 St. A ldateâs street
O xford & D istrict D airym en âs A ssociation (E rnest Pocock
Organ W illiam Henry, cab proprietor, 85 W alton street
M essenger, sec.), 103 St. A ldateâ s street
Organ W illiam Jam es H enry, jobm aster, 106 S ou th  O xford & D istrict M aster B u tch ersâ A ssociation (E rn est
moor road, St. G ile sâ
Pocock M essenger, sec.), 105 St. A ldateâs street
Oriel College (Rev. Lancelot R id ley Phelps M .A . pro O xford D istrict Police S tation (R euben H atton, conÂ
vost), Oriel street
stable in ch arge), 45 S outh parade, Sum m ertown
Ormerod A rth u r Latham M .A ., M .D., D P .H .O x o n ., Oxford Down Sheep B reedersâ A ssociation (Howard Sam Â
F.R C.P.Lond., M .R .C .S .E n g . physician, & m edical
m ons, sec.), 19 G eorge street
officer of health for Oxford, Town hall, St. A ldateâs Oxford D ru g C om pany L im ited , dispensing ch em ists.
street & 99 H olywell street
The A rcade, 29 & 30a, C orn m arket s t r e e t ; 132 H ig h
Osborne Thom as, apartm ents, 65 Iffley road
street & 146 Cowley road
Osborne W illiam Robert, m onum ental m ason, 5 H u rst Oxford E ducation al S u p p ly Co. booksellers & stationers
street, Cowley S t. John
(Joseph C olegrove, m an ager), 8 Queen street.
Osney Lock (P hilip Scholey, keeper), E a st street, Osney Oxford E le ctric Co. Lim ited (F. H. Francis, ch ief enÂ
Osney, St. Thom asâ & New Botley Allotm ent Association
gineer ; H enry E eles. sec.), 2 S t. M ichaelâs m ansions,
(Ernest G. C. C haundy, sec.), B otley Toad
Ship s t r e e t ; w orks, R ussell street, O sney
Ostler M argaret (M iss), dress m aker, 133 W alton street
Oxford E n glish D ictionary Office (H enry B rad ley hon.
Ovenell & Fowles, bookbinders, 35J H olyw ell street
M .A ., D .L itt. & W illiam A . C raig ie M .A ., 'L L .D .
Owen A lbert T y rre ll, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 1 & 2
editors), Old Ashm olean b uildin g, Broad street
Wellington square, S t. G ile sâ
Oxford E states Co. L im ited (T h e) (Jam es F. B u tler,
Owen Myra (M rs.), university lodgin g ho.55 H olywell st
sec.), n 8 St. A ldateâs street
Oxborrow M artha E llen (M iss), u n iv ersity lo dgin g O xford E ye H ospital (attendance from 9 a .m .) (P h ilip
house, see N ixon & Oxborrow (Misses)
E dw ard H om er A dam s M .A ., M .B ., B .C h ., D.O O xon .,
Oxenford Hall Boarding E stablishm ent (M iss A. Maud
F .R .C .S .E n g . hon. su rg eo n ; L ion el W illiam Sevm our
Watson, p roprietress), 13-17 M agdalen street. S e e
M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P ., L .S .A . & H enry G eorge Frean
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g re 4 5
Oxford A ngling & Preservation Society (H arry V.
Swinnard. sec.), 13 New road
Oxford A rch itectural & H istorical Society (Miss Lees &
R- G . Collingwood, hon. secs.), A shm olean m useum ,
Beaumont street
Oxford Billposting Co. L im ited, 43 & 45 G eorge street
Oxford Blind Society (Dépôt) (Col. A rth u r W illiam
I'orbes, hon. sec.), 4 L ittle Clarendon st. S t. G ile sâ
Oxford & C am bridge Schools E xam ination Board (P. E.
Matheson M.A. sec.), 74 H igh street
Oxford C am era C lub (S ir W illiam J. H erschel bart
president; Miss G. Aitchison & Miss E. G ifford, joint
hon. secs.), U niversity m useum , Parks road
Oxford Canal N avigation (O ctavius A . Anderson, sec.),
Oanal office, New road
Oxford Central C onservative & Unionist C lu b (H. A.
â k ° n.' sec ) â T4 & 16 G eorge street
x °rd Chronicle & Berks & B ucks G azette, printed &
published on friday, at 119 H igh street, by the Ox°rd Chronicle Co. L im ited . S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
P a g ;e 4 4
Oxford Chronicle Co. L im ited , printers, 119 H igh street
M .B ., F .R .C .S ., D.O. hon. clinical a s sista n ts ; V .
O'Hea Cusson M .B . house surgeon ; M iss Effie W hite,
m a tr o n ; Col. A rth u r Forbes, hon. sec. ; S ir Jam es
M cCrone Douie K .C .S .I . hon. trea su rer), WTalton s t
Oxford Fem ale Penitentiary & H ouse of M ercy (F. A.
D ixey M .A ., D.M . sec.), M anor house, S t. Cross road
Oxford G as L ig h t & Coke Co. (Frank G rav, s e c .; Jam es
E ld rid g e C .E . engineer & m an ager) ; offices, 120 H igh
s t r e e t ; works. G as street, S t. E bb eâs
O xford G oldsm ith sâ Co. (T h e), jew ellers, 17 C ornÂ
m arket street
O xford Hand Loom W eavin g In d u stry (M iss J u d ith
M erivale, sec.), 13 Pem broke street, S t. A ld a teâs
Oxford H igh School for G irls (M iss H aig-Brown M .A.
head m istress), 21, & dom estic economy d ep artm en t
40, B an bury road
Oxford H ouse Ladiesâ School (M iss A m y Steane & Miss
M ay G ardiner, principals), 47 S t. John street
Oxford In dustrial & Provident Land & B uildin g Society
L td . (C harles G reen, sec.), 48 New Inn hall street
O xford In stitu te(H arry W illis,caretak er),29 S t.A ld ateâs s t
[ ?!; I: