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d ir e c t o r y
O X F O R D S H IR E .
Williamson Leonard E rn est, apartm ents, 27 K ingston
road, S t. G iles
Willis M ary E liza b e th (M rs.), G reyhound P.H . 10
Worcester street & G loucester green
Willis Reuben H y. boot ma. 47 S t. Johnâs rd. St. G ile sâ
Willis W alter E dw ard, boot repairer, 43 Pem broke st.
St. A ldateâs
Willis Wm. Hy. chiropodist, 36 Pem broke st. S t.A ld a te âs
Willis W illiam W yckham , boot rep airer, 16 Beaum ont
buildings, S t. G ile sâ
Willoughby Francis Jam es, confectioner, 98 C ow ley rd
Wilmott E llen (M rs.), laundress, 47 Pem broke st. St.
Wilsdon Frank, grocer, 84 Cowley road
Wilson E llen (M rs.), shopkeeper, 8 F riars st. S t. E bb eâs
Wilson Louisa (M iss), corset m aker, 85 St. A ld a teâs st
Wiltshire Nellie (M rs.), wardrobe dealer, 131 Howard
street, C owley S t. John
Wiltshire W alter W illiam , p lu m b er, 100 Howard st.
Cowley St. John
Wiltshire Wm. builder, 52 Pem broke st. St. Clem entâs
Windows Herbert H enry, tailor, 76 Cowley road
Winstone W illiam E th elbert, boot m aker, 23 W ellington
square, S t. G ilesâ & 233 B anbury road, Sum m ertown
Winter P h yllis (M iss), costum ier, 434 C ow ley road
Wirdnam C lara (M rs.), aparts. 5 Rose pi. S t. A ld ateâs
Witcomb Thom as, w atch m aker, 4 N ew Inn H all street
Witham Charles E dgar, tripe dresser, 8 C astle street
Withers E dgar, cycle dealer, 43 W alton street
Wixon W alter W illiam , E lm Tree P.H . 95 C owley road
Wixon Wm. Hy. butcher, 56 Cowley rd. & 60 Th e Market
Wolsey Hall (J. W . K nipe, .principal), Correspondence
college, G eorge st. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 5 0
Women Studentsâ D elegacy (R eginald W elb ury Jeffery
M.A. sec.), Clarendon b uilding, Broad street
Womenâ s Hostel (The) (M rs. R. G rim sh aw , m atron), 6
Rose place, S t. Aldate's
Wonnacott Brothers, coal m erchants, L . & N . W . R a ilÂ
way coal w harf, R ew ley road & 117 Cowley road
Wood John M .A ., M .D., L .R .C .S .E d in ., L .S .A .L o n d .
surgeon, 8 W orcester st. St. Thom asâ & 64 S t.G ilesâ st
Wood John A lfred M .A ., M .B ., B .C h .O xon , M .R .C .S .,
L.R.C.P. physician & surgeon, 64 S t. G ilesâ street
Wood John Henry, beer ret. 36 & 37 F riars st.S t.E b b eâs
Wood Mabel (M iss), m illiner, 20 G eorge street
Wood Thomas John, saddler, 6 S t. M ichaelâs street
Woodbridge Hannah (M iss), u n iv ersity lo dging house,
66 St. Johnâs road, S t. G ilesâ
Woodford G eorge D avid, butcher, 61 The M arket
Woodley John, New inn, 46 Nelson street, Jericho
Woodward W illiam & Son, grocers, 34, 35 & 36 Bridge
street, Osney
Woodward G eorge, tobacconist, 44 C astle street
Woodward Henry W illiam W ilton, tailor, robe m aker &
clerical outfitter, 51 Cornm arket street
Woodward Thos.baker, 101 M agdalen rd.C ow ley St.John
Woodward Thom as W illiam , teacher of singin g, i 3
Beech C ro ft road, Sum m ertow n
Woodward W m . coal m er. G . W. coal wharf, B otley road
W ooldridge & Sim pson, builders, F ren ch ay road, St.
G ile s' & contractors, G reat W estern R ailw ay wharf,
j Osney lane, Osney
W ooldridge Sarah (M iss), dres3 m aker, 57 Plantation road,
I St. G ilesâ
W ooldridge W m . ap artm en ts,37 S outh m oor rd.St.G iles*
W oolford Percival G eorge, u n iversity lo d g in g house, 33
W alton crescent, S t. T h om asâ
W ootten F ran cis E llis, cycle m aker, m otor car & m otor
cycle agen t & g a r a g e ; rep airs of all descriptions at
reasonable charges, 55 H igh street. T N 308
W orcester C ollege (Rev. C harles H en ry O live Daniel
D.D provost), W orcester street
W orth John, sew ing m achin e repr. 5 F e rry rd. Jericho
W ren C h ristop h er, u n iversity lo d g in g house, 4 Manor
road, H olywell
W rig h t E d ith S. (M rs.), dress m a. 3 S t. M ichaelâs st
W rig h t E v a (M iss), dress m aker, 89 S t. M aryâs road,
C owley S t. John
W right Henry, beer retlr. 15 C om m ercial road, St. E bb eâs
W rig h t H enry, tailo r, 185 C ow ley road
W ya tt G eorge & Son, ironm ongers, 67 S t. G ile sâ street
& 7 N orth Parade av. & b uilders, A lfred la. S t. G ile sâ
W 'yatt John & Son, ten t prop rietors, 278 W oodstock rdSum m ertow n
W yatt & Sons, drapers, 143 H igh street
W ya tt Isaac Charles, Duke of E d in b u rg h P .H . 76 S i.
C lem en tâs street
W ya tt Sarah (M rs.), apartm en ts, 31 Cowley road
W ycliffe H all T heological College (Rev. H arry G eorge
G rey M .A. p rin cip al), 54 B an b ury road, S t. G ilesâ
W ykeham Departm ent of Physics (Prof. Jn. Sealy Edwd.
Townsend M .A ., F .R .S .), U n iversity m useum ,P arks rd
W ylie D avid Thom as M .D .D urh., L .R .C .P . & S .Irel.
physician & surgeon, 217 Iffley rd. C owley St. John
W ym an & Sons, news agents, G. W . & L . & N. W . R a ilÂ
w ay stations, B otley road
Y a te s G eorge F red erick , landscape gardener, 13 Farndon road, S t. G ile sâ
Y eates John, fruiterer & greengrocer, 49 T h e M arket
Y oshim oto T ad asu, fan cy goods im p orter, 5 Sh ip st
Y o u n g Menâs C h ristian Association (W ill H. D rake,
general sec.), G eorge street
Y o u n g W om enâs C h ristian Association (C en tral) (Mrs.
B. S m ith , la d y su p erin ten d e n t; M iss Dorothy W
C otterell, sec.), 3 M agdalen street
Y o u n g E lizh . (M rs.), laundress, 2 B ath st. S t. C lem en tâs
Y ou n g Sarah (M rs.). laundress, 44 M agdalen road, CowÂ
le y S t. John
Y o u n g W illiam Hy. aparts. 135 K in gston rd. S t. Giles"
Zacharias & Co. w aterproof clo th in g m an u factu rers, 2S
& 27 Corn m arket street
P E P P A S D , see Rotherfield-Peppard.
T 0 1 r is a parish and village at the foot of
Muswell Hill,on the borders of B ucks, 2^ m iles southÂ
east from B lackthorn and
m iles north-w est from
Brill and Lu dgersh all stations on th e Ashendon and
p- 0 Park section of the G re a t W estern Railway
Companyâs new m ain line from London to B irm in gh am ,
about; 5J m iles south-east from B icester station, on the
Kletcliley and Oxford branch of the London and S o r th
tk »»â ? TaiIwaT' a n i 12 north-east from O xford, in
me Mid division of the county, hundred of B ullingdon,
)' â
' sessional division of Ploughley, union and county
â Strict of B icester, ru ra l deanerv of B icester,
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The church of
â Nicholas is an edifice of stone, chiefly of the TranS L . pe,n od between the E a rly E n g lisk 'an d Decorated
low IâJ ! ..,c0,n sists of chancel. nave, south aisle and a
ch-mSi 1? ,
w estern tow er containing 5 b e lls: the
remain «
yeiT ri°b sedilia, a piscina, and some
, : , l Ji
a onnopy of sim ila r character over the door,
m m n ie â T "wrought crockets and finials, all bein g fine
is an eleM°nt ? nDeâ r i ted period : on tha north side
separated r
m ci e Wlth fi? raes »f â g e ls : the nave is
dicnle. » > m
6 aisI<s bT an â cade of four Perpenthe snm r
on ° ° t a g ° nai colum n s; the font is of
and no?. 1 / ° ⢠' , ? nd eup -shap ed ; the tower is Late
wife of p-ii,rp. ni cu
there is a brass to C atherine,
plate include
H 'ls say, of Oundle, 16 15: the church
includes a paton given in 1640 by W illiam W ard.
5 ITATE n s s im m s
r " m
of Piddington, and a ch alice and paten given b y Jane
W h ite in 1683: in 1897 thte chancel and nave were
restored and new roofed and a new porch erecte d :
a m em orial window has been placed in the south aisle
by the fa m ily of the late Rev. C h arles H ill, a form er
vicar : there are 150 sittin g s. The reg ister dates from
th e yea r 1653. Th e liv in g is a vicarage, net yearly
value £202, w ith residence, in th e g ift of the
parishioners, and held since 1913, by th e Rev. G eorge
R egin ald T id m a rsh M .A. of O xford U n iversity. H ere is
a C on gregational M ission hall, erected in 1825, w hich
affords 100 sittin g s. S ir Lan celo t A u b rey-F letch er bart.
is lord of th e m a n o r; F. A. P a g e-T u rn er esq. is the
prin cip al landowner. Th e soil is p rin cip ally c la y ; subÂ
soil, clay. T h e land is p asture and arable. The" area is
2,354 acre s; rateab le value, £ 2 ,74 4 ; population in 1911,
191Post Office.â John Jordan Sulston, sub-postm aster
(office closed 12 noon to 2 p .m .). L e tters through
Th am e arrive at 7.30 a.m . & 2.10 p.m . ; sundays,
9.15 a.m . Box cleared for dispatch a t 9 a.m . & 5
p .m .; sundays, 10.10 a.m . L u d g ersh all,
m iles
distan t, is th e nearest m oney order
office &B rill, 3
m iles distan t, is the n earest telegrap h office
E lem en tary Schools, b u ilt in 1854. for ?o children ;
M iss A lice Backhouse, m istress
C a rrie r.â J. M arlow, to B icester, tues. & fri. ; to O xÂ
ford, s a t â
C O M M E R C IA L .
B urn ell John, farm er, M uswell Hill
I C hester W illiam , baker
R ^ " a ld M A - , E ast Thom as, farm er, Manor farm
I E lliott Charles, farm er, W idnell farm
fidmarsh u'â 11â StanIeï'- E lm sdale
E llio tt H arry, beer retailer
¡Fenem ore A u b rey, farm er
Freeman Sarah (M rs.), farm er
G odfrev W
m . Joseph,Seven Stars P.H
1 Green Reginald G eorge, blacksm ith
OX O N .