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[ k e l l y âs
82 M urray G eorge G ilb ert Aimé M '
135 Barlow Miss
L L .D , D .L itt., F .B .A .
i i C holdcroft
C hristo p h er
Jam es, 137 & 139 W h itm arsh Mrs
professor of G reek)
hair dresser
141 Swann Miss
.. H ere is S t. M argaretâs road ....
13 Sm art H enry, greengrocer
15 & 17 A xtell A lfred. plumbeT
Here is S t. M arg aretâs r o a d ....... 84 H ughes Miss
17a. Bruce Hon. Pam ela Georgina 1 4 5 Allen G eorge Boyce
86 Cooper Mrs
(R adcliffe house)
88 M argoliouth David Samuel M i.
T 4 7 H icks M rs
19 de V ine Law rence John, tailor
D .L itt. (professor of Arabic i
ai & 23 H ill Robert & Sons, stationrs
le ctu rer k librarian of New col];
149 Norton G eorge W
St. A loysius Catholic Church
90 H arris Capt. C laudius ShirlevMi
151 C h attaw av Frederick Daniel M .A .. 92 C ald ecott Andrew M .A
St Aloysius School (hoysâ )
F .R .S
St. Aloysius Presbytery:
Here is Radlinson road
153 M ilford Robert Theodore M .A
O'Hare Rev. F rederick S.J
P illa r L e tte r Box
155 Cooper Frank
Bam ber R ev Joseph S.J
94 Lew is John Thom as
157 H utchins Samuel
E dge Rev. John S.J
139 K en tw ell Law rence K , B .A ..L L B 96 C lark Owen
Donlevy Rev. Jame« C .. S.J
27 W agon £ Horses P H. Jas. G ibbs 161 E m m et Rev. W illiam Edwd. M.A 98 W y a tt W illiam W est
163 Thom son A rth u r M .A . (professor 100 H u rst Mrs
31 Minn H enry, w atch m aker
100a. Rose Douglas Murfin
of H um an A natom y)
33 Akers Misses L izzie Olivia &: CaroÂ
102 Kingerlee Henry Stephen
line F rances, baby linen wareho 167 Hodgkins M iss
104 Bridson E . B idgw ay M.A
Som erville College for Women 169 Cooper Sidney W alter
Here is Staverton road .......
Prep aring for U n iversity E xam s 177 L illin g sto n W illiam
175 Sides M iss
M i«5 E Penrose, principal)
Radcliffe In firm ary & C ou n ty Hos 1-7 M ontague Francis Charles M.A
(Sum m ertow n), continuation of ffo.c(lecturer Oriel college)
pital (Capt. G. C. B yn d. sec.stock road, S t. Giles'.
supt. : Miss A. J. W a tt, m atron) 179 M orris Mrs
Radcliffe O bservatory (A rth ur Al- i 3 i H art Mrs
W est side.
R am baut
M .A ..
D Sc
H ere is Frenebay road ...
& librarian of C h rist C hurch
F .R .S . F R A S .. M R I A . diÂ
F ire A larm
185 M acKenzie N icol Finlayson (in 193 H eurtley Rev. Charles Abel M.A.
W all L e tter Box
(vicar of Binsey
structor in surveyin g schools of
45 W ylde Janes
195 Dore Mrs
geography & forestry)
47 E arle John P... M.A . M B. anTgeon
adney Mrs
187 Sellm an E . N . N ., M .A. boysâ schl
49 M r l e v G eorge
203 U nderhill Sydney Francis
51 Toll W ilfred W m . Geo. m assenr
E ast side.
205 Barton Mrs
53 P arker Miss
207 Fowle Mrs
St. G ilesâ Chnrch
55 H uggins B eniam in S
209 R ichards Frederick
H ere is Observatory street ....... 2 Storev E. electrical engineer
St. Johnâs College Cricket fc Lav:
6 M ortim ore Frederick, tobacconist
57 k 39 H uggins Benjam in S. k Sons, 8 Brooks Miss Florence, costum ier
Tennis Ground
3 M ortim ore F rederick, cycle dealer 213 Tudsberv Rev. Francis Wib. T.
61 k 63 Anniss R ichard, cvcle makeT 10 C linkard Thom as, poor rate collecÂ
M .A
6? Holland Svdnev. boot m aker
213 Turner Mrs
tor for St. G ilesâ
67 W eeks G eorge E k Co. confectnrs t o St. G iles' Coffee House
215 Grayson Mrs
H ere is S t. Johnâs road .............; to St. Gilesâ Mission Room
217 Richardson M rs
69 Horse k Jockev P.H . Bernard John !
B ig G am e M useum .
219 G ille tt Mrs
C harles V . A . Peel, owner 221 D avis Thom as W illiam
B usby
223 Budden Hanson Odell
T2 Peel C h arles V . A
71 C rap p er Miss
225 Taphouse Mrs
73 Anniss k Jennings (M isses), dress t 8 P ratlev A. k Son, tailor;
20 W alklett Thom as W m . apartm ents 227 Jolliffe A rth u r Ernest M.A. v m akers
president k tutor of Coir-1
22 D avies M iss Annie H. apartm ents
75 CrappeT W illiam Henry, carm an
C h risti k assistant tutor of Jer28 N u ttin g Mrs. E m ilv , apartm ents
77 D uck M rs
32 M arch F rederick W m . apartm ents
. .
70 C astle M iss
napp Rev. Charles D.D.
37 H artm ann Miss
8r Lanoberd Th omas
chaplain Merton college'
42 Roval Oak P.H . G eorge Arthur
8-5 Robertson Misses
231 U nderhi.l Henry M. J
83 H unt M iss
43 Sollas W illiam John M A.. L L D . 233 Potter- H enry A
87 JoTden Mrs
D .S c.. F .R .S . rprofessnr of ge 2 3 5 Shepherd Miss
89 G roce A rthur
237 C ow ley Henry
H ere is Plantation road ..........
ology k m ineralogy''
91 Sankev .Inline O ttaw ay M .B .C .S .j 30 Macdonald Alexander M .A. (Rus- 239 Rowland Mrs
241 W ells M rs. James
E ng . L .R .C P.E din . surgeon
Z 4 3 L a ttey Robert Tabor M X .
m aster of School of A rt)
03 Thalen M adam e M. m asseuse
245 Barker Mrs. E
95 Sopote M ark B .Sc. p rivate tu to r !y6 Green Mrs. T . H
58 B rash Rev. W illiam B ardsley B D 247 Deacon W ilfred Clement
07 W h itin g Thom as S. m asseur
..H ere is Bainton road
Lond fWesleyanA
99 Shuffrev Jam es Allen, artist
6 0 Ffoulkes Mrs
251 Seym our Lionel Wm. M-K£~
toi S eg ar Mrs
L .B .C .P . physician k surgeon
103 H ill Mrs. Blanche, nurse
H ere is Bevington road ...........
261 B arker W alter
105 Franks Baron Joseph, surgeonConvent of the Society of the
263 Hanks Frederick J
Holy k Undivided T rin ity (The)
ebb Mrs
. â
107 L u cy Mrs
'E lla M ary Boddington. m other 263 W
W ebb E . & Son, b r i c k makers
T09 H arris F rank John Robertshaw
Keble College Cricket Grom3
i n Ooventon CLas A rth u r M .B C -S ..
154 :
St E d w a rd â s School Cricket
L .R .C .P . pbvsician k surgeon
Corpus C h risti college)
W all L etter B o i
itt S t. John Am bulance B rigade 'O x Â
A rth u r ^ D uigan W illiam M .A .. M .B . p h yÂ
H ere is Saint E d w ard's areoae
ford C rps
sician k surgeon
M .R C -S-. L R .C .P 5 3 B iggs Rev. Charles Richard Davev
E ast side.
corp. supt)
(vicar of S S
Philip k
Staverion road
Here is
Here is L e ck fo T d road ........
110 B erth é Mrs
113 W atson A rthur Hyde
Here is Church w alk .......... 112 T u ck er Misses Mabel t no«"«
PillaT L e tte r Box
N . girl:
St. Philip & St. Jam esâ Church
115 Elford P ercr M .A
114 Richardson M ts
70 Gron N iels B .A
117-R aby John Platford
116 Coen Rev. John CreagP ȉ
t 2 t D r vr,? B ob t W alt M. A . P .B .C 7
Here is C anterbury road ...... 118 L u cas Thomas
T23 Morton
M D ..
B .A .
C h .C h O xon.. D .P H. physician. 72 O gilvie F. M entieth M .A ., M .B . ........... H ere is Lathbnry
y.A- 'EM
F R .C .S .
m edical officer of health for
!o H unt Colin Berj ralI
â¢74 Holland
jiittii-a Thos.
L1*'s'- E rskin e K C ..D C
- L
Inspector of scho 1 N^rth Oxford
(professor of International Law
WESf m acott Mrs
125 Lew is Henry
â¢_ D iplom acy k
fr fellow of A llj
â ere is
- Moretea roac
127 Creed Mi* =
T2o W eib E. G resham M .A
4 T o d d -N a v lo r M iss
t Jones Mrs
t - i P .llard M is
¡186 Daniels Mrs
Here is Fam don road .......... 18° J elf M rs
W o o d s t o c k f o a p â continued.