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d i r e c t o r y .]
Haverfield Francis John M .A ., L L .D ., Hicks M rs. 147 W oodstock rd .S t.G ile s â | Holland
Thom as
E rskin e
K .C .,
D .C .L .
(E m eritu s
D .L itt., F .S .A ., F .B .A . (Camden Hidden W illiam C apern, 26 Beech
international law & diplom acy &
proiessor of ancient history, fellow
C ro ft road, Sum m ertow n
of Brasenose college), W inshields, Higgins A lbert, Rose bank, Lake st.
fellow of A ll Souls' college), 74
H e ad in g to n h ill
W oodstock road, S t. G ile sâ
New Hinksey
Hawes John H enry, 126 Southfield rd. H iggins G eorge, 1 Lon gw orth road, 1 Holley Joseph C h arles, 74 A rg yle st.
! C hester street
Cowley St. John
St. G ile sâ
Hawkins Kev. Canon S ir John Caesar H iggin s J n .im A b in g d o n rd.G randpnt H olliday M iss, 2 N orham road
bart. M.A. 72 B anbury road
H iggins John W illiam , 253 C ow ley rd H olliday M iss, 17 S t. John street
Hawkins M iss, 12 Bainton road, St. H iggins Mrs. 260 A bingdon
road. H ollingdale W illiam , 59 Lonsdale rd.
Sum m ertow n
New H inksey
Hawkins Thom as F rederick, 14 W arn- H iggins W alter W illiam , 250 Iffley rd Holman Mrs. 34 H am ilton road,
Sum m ertow n
borough road, S t. G ilesâ
Higginson W illiam H enry, 302 BanÂ
Hay Rev. Robert Milton M .A. (vicar
Holm es Rev. Sam u el M .A . (chaplain
bury road, Sum m ertow n
& le ctu rer in T h eo logy at Jesus
of St. M ichael & A ll A ngels), 265 H iggs A rth u r G erald. 22 Bardw ell rd
Banbury road, Sum m ertow n
college), 24 S t. M arg aretâs road,
H iggs E rn est W . M ., L .R .C .P .L o n d ..
S t. G ile sâ
Hay John McDonald, 52 Beech C roft
M .R .C .S .E n g . 88 Jam es st. Cowley
road, Sum m ertown
H igham Thom as F arran t B .A . (fellow. Holmes H u b ert, 14 Leopold street,
Hayes Edward H arold M .A. (fellow &
C ow ley S t. John
lectu rer & dean), T rin ity college
tutor, New college), 5 Rawlinson Hill Alfred John, 2 Frenchay road. Honey Ohas. Jn. 7 Parks rd. S t.G ile s â
road, St. G ile sâ
H oneysett W alter, 62 K in gston road,
S t. G ilesâ
Haylor E rn est Jam es, 1 Hernes road, Hill Francis H enry, 121 Southfield
S t. G ilesâ
M .R .C .S .E n g .
road, C owley S t. John
Haynes Richard. 57 C h alfo n t road, H ill Frank H ayward O akley, 12 Hill
Staverton road, S t. G iles'
St. Gilesâ
Hooper M rs. 137 Iffley road
Top road, S t. C lem en tâs
Hazel Alfred E rnest W illiam M .A ., Hill Frederick W . 62 H igh street
H opcraft M rs. 35 W ellington square,
B .C.L., L L .D .D u b lin
(dean, a s Hill Jam es Sam uel B .Sc. 15 H ill Top
St. G ile sâ
sistant tutor & law
lectu rer),
H opkins F rederick W m . 11 D ivin ity
road, S t. C lem en tâs
Jesus college
road, C ow ley road
H ill John, 53 O akthorpe road, S u m Â
Heading Jam es W illiam , 197 Ban
m ertown
Hopton A lfred W illiam , 117 D ivin ity
bury' road, Sum m ertow n
road, C ow ley road
H ill W m, H ugh M .D. 29 Leckford rd
Heath A rthur G eorge M .A . (fellow & H illiard E dw ard M .A. (lectu rer & Horne G eorge H enry. 38 W alton
lecturer), New college
crescent, St. Thomas?
senior b ursar of B alliol college), 120
Heath Reginald, 6 Moreton road
B anbury road
Horne Mrs. 1 W estern rd. G randpont
Summer town
Hilton Rev. H enry G eorge M .A. 3 H ornseyM rs-3iW am boroâ rd .S t.G ile s â
Heberden Charles B u ller M .A ., hon.
H orrobin John. 150 W alton street
C h arlb u ry road
D.C.L. (principal of Brasenose col H ilton-Sim pson Rev. W illiam M .A. H orser C otterell, 25 Aston st. Cowley
lege), Brasenose college
S t. John
304 W oodstock road, Sum m ertow n
Hector Mrs. Park view, B anbury rd Hine W illiam Pavier, 35 D ivinity rd. H orser P ercy G eorge, 37 Beech C roft
road, Sum m ertnwn
C owley road
Hedderlv H erbert R. 25 Beech Croft H itch W illiam E rn est, 242 A bing Horsman Mrs. 56 W arw ick street
road, Sum m ertown
don road
Horton P ercy, 15 Thorncliffe road,
Hedgeland A rth u r H y. 6 C rip ley rd H itchcock E dm und L . 125 B an bury rd
Sum m ertow n
Hedge« A rth u r, 62 Southfield Toad. Hoare Miss. 92 K in gston id .S t. G iles' Hounslow Benjam in E d w ard , T h eatre
Cowley St. John
Hobbs Fredk. G eorge, 92 W arw ick st
house, Red L ion square
Hedges Frank, 31 W arw ick street
Hobbs M iss, 190 Iffley road
How A rch ib ald Barw ell M .A . (lecÂ
Hedges George Jonathan C astle, 29 Hobbs M isses. Th e H aven, H ill Top
tu rer & bursar E xe ter college), 20
Hill Top road, St. Clem entâs
road, St. C lem en tâ s
N orham gardens
Hedges Miss, 7 Walton crescent, St. H ocking Miss, 159 Iffley road
H ow W a lter W yb erg h M .A . (fellow
Hodge Rev. G eorge H erbert, St.Joh n âs
& senior tu to r, M erton college), 21
Hedges W illiam C harles, 75 S o u th Â
Mission house, M arston 6t. Cowley
M erton street
field road, C owley S t. John
St. John
Howard C harles Jsph. 66 W arw ick st
Hemming Miss, 281 Iffley road
Hodge C h arles, 97 H olyw ell street
Howard E dw ard Thom as, 52 T h orn Â
Hemmings Mrs. 48 Plantation road. Hodges Thom as W. 23 Leckford rd
cliffe road, Sum m ertow n
St. Gilesâ
St. G ile s â
Howard H arry, 3.0 O akthorpe road,
Hempel H erbert Francis, 4 Beech Hodges W illiam , 32 Stan ley road,
Sum m ertow n
Croft road, Sum m ertown
C owley St. John
Howard Mrs. 24 Polstead rd. S t.G ile s â
Henderson B ernard W illiam M.A. H odgkin R obert Howard M .A. (fel Howe W illiam , 67 H igh street
(senior tutor), E xe ter college
low & lecturer in m odern h istori Howell Benj. Thos. x76 A bin gdon rd
Henderson Henry L u d w ig M.A. (felQ ueenâs college), M endip house. Howes E rn est, 10 W orcester place,
low, tutor & librarian), New college
H eadington hill
St. T h om asâ
Henry Charles C. Brockleaze,H eadinc- H odgkins M iss, 167 W oodstock road. Howes Geo. 7 T he Terrace. Park town
ton hill
S t. G ilesâ
Howes H ugh , 13 Beech C roft road,
Henwood Miss, 4 Aston st. C owley Hodgkins W m . Chas. 231 C owley rd
Sum m ertown
St. John
Hodgkinson Jonathan M .A. (fellow ), Howes W a lter H ugh, 64 Abingdon rd
Herbert A lbert Jam es, 88 Southfield
Merton college
Howson J. 22 Aston st. C ow leySt. John
road, Cowley S t. John
Hodgson Rev. Leonard B .A . (vice- H uckle F ran k A ttw ood, 10 A bbey rd
Herbert Ernest D avid. 17 D ivinitv
principal of S t. E dm und hall). H uckw ell
Raym ond
road, Cowley road
Q ueenâs lane
D ivin ity road, C ow ley road
Herbert Mrs. 89 Iffley road
Hodgson M rs. 6 K eble rd. St. G ile sâ H ude H enry H arrison, 17 H ill Top
Hersche]] Miss, 6 St. Johnâs road, Hoernle Mrs. 8 N orthm oor road
road, S t. C lem en tâs
St. Gilesâ
H oey W illiam M.A.., D .L it. (U ni H udgell Rev. E rn est W illiam G eorge
Hert&berg Mandel, 168 B anbury road,
v ersity lectu rer in H industani &c.),
M .A . (d istric t secretary for the
137 B an bury road, Sum m ertow n
B ritish & Foreign B ib le Society),
erzka Rudolph, 17 M inster road, H ogarth David G eorge M .A ., F .B .A .,
51 C ow ley road
bt. Clementâs
F .S .A . (fellow of M agdalen college, Hudson Rev. Charles Henry Bickerton
Hess Rev. C uthb ert (R. C .), 21 St
keeper of the Ashmolean Museum
M .A. Holyrood. St. G ilesâ street
John street
& of th e A n tiq u ariu m ), 20 St H udson M iss, 29 St. M arg aretâs road,
ester Mrs. 180 A bingdon road
G ilesâ street
St. G ilesâ
Hethenngton G eorge M usgrave, < H oldsw orth W illiam Searle D .C .L . H uggin s Benjam in S. 55 W oodstock
Ho, ^rncliffe road, Sum m ertown
(fellow of St. Johnâs college &
road, S t. G ilesâ
rS y Rev- Charles A bel M .A
lectu rer
jurisp rud ence),
41 H uggins W illiam , 12 Aston street,
M useum road
B inse>')> T9 3 W oodstock
C owley St. John
°«d. bnmmertown
Holiday Mrs. 276 Banbury' road, H ughes Rev. W illiam H aw ker M .A.
Qdjes^' ^ ssâ ® Polstead road, St.
Sum m ertown
(b ursar & tu to r), Jesus college
Holland Rev.
H enry
S cott D.D. H ughes Geo. Bank ho. Cornm arket st
(R egius professor of D ivin ity & H ughes H enry John. 79 Iffley road
Bewitt TV,']*' 48â Botle>â roaâ1
C h rist
C h u rch , ' St. H ughes Leonard G eorge, 26 Farndon
S f G ile ,m a S
F r e n c f ia y r d
A ld ateâs street
road, St. G ile sâ
H olland M rs. 10 Bradm ore road
H ic k s M ,SSâ 24 1 C o w l e y r 0 f l d
H ughes M iss, 84 W oodstock road,
St. G ile sâ
mertownâ ° akthorPe roadâ
road, St. G ilesâ
H ughes M rs. 39 B an b u ry road