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Toep Mrs. O rchard house
W hitfield M aurice, W est villa
W hitfield Miss
C arter W illiam , saddler
C hare Chas.coal m er. & fly proprietor
Colem an Peter, blacksm ith
Coles E dw ard, farm er, Cox hall
Cox H arry A lb ion ,ou tfitter & assistant
overseer for Stanford, H atford &
Cox H erbert G eorge, insurance agt
C u lley A rth u r, carpenter
E ggleton Geo. saddler, C hurch Green
E m blin g Charles, b utch er
G odfrey Jam es, w heelw right
Hawkins Richard, farm er, M anor frm
Hodgkins A lfred, beer retailer
Howse Sidney, carrier
Hunt H erbert, farm er, Park farm
H unter John, farm er
James W illiam , beer retailer
Keene E rn est S. grocer & baker
Lea Charles Edwin, beer retailer
Miles A rth ur, shopkeeper
Puzey John W. brick, tile & drain pipe
m an u facturer, lim e burner, th rash Â
in g m achine owner & fa rm e r; &
at Childrey
S T E V E N T O N is a parish on the road from Abingdon
to N ewbury, w ith a station on the G reat W estern railÂ
way, 56$ m iles from London and 4 m iles south-southwest from A bingdon by road, n £ by rail, in the
Northern division of the county, hundred of O ck, petty
sessional division, union and cou n ty cou rt d istrict of
Abingdon, ru ra l deanery of Abingdon, archdeaconry of
Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St.
Mu hael and A ll A ngels is a b uilding of stone in the
E arly E nglish and later styles, consisting of chancel,
nave, south aisle and an em battled tower on the south
side containing 6 b ells: on the south side of the nave
are two arches of unequal span, one E a rly E n glish , the
other D ecorated ; the tower arches are good Decorated,
with richly m oulded im posts and curious and rich
c a rv in g ; the windows are chiefly Decorated and P erÂ
p endicular ; there is an unusually ornam ented piscina
in the chancel of the la tter period, and stone sedilia
in the south w a ll: the font is also P erp en d icu lar: the window is stained, and there are two m em orial
windows on the north side of the chancel to the Rev.
W illiam Harley M .A. ten years vicar of this parish,
who died May n t h , 1870, and to two form er m em bers
of the choir. There are two brasses, one in m em ory of
the W isem an fam ily, of elaborate E lizabethan design,
and one at the foot of the chancel steps in m em ory o?
the Do fam ily, 1480, of Transition period, showing the
rosary and hun tin g knife : there are about 300 sittings.
In the churchyard is a stone cross, restored in 1836.
T he earliest register in possession of the parish dates
from the year 1558 only, b ut there is an earlier register,
datin g from 1553 to 1559, now in the B ritish M useum .
and f ° rm *ng No. 2,395 in the Harleian collection of
M SS. The liv in g is a vicarage, net income ¿30 4, w ith
3^ acres of glebe and residence, in th e g ift of th e Dean
and C hap ter of W estm inster, and held since 1914 by the
Rev. H enry G eorge Jephson M eara M .A . of T rin ity
C ollege, C am bridge, and hon. canon of C h rist Church,
Oxford. The W esleyan M ethodist chapel is a sm all
structure of brick, w ith stone dressings, in the G othic
style, and was b u ilt in 1861. A V olun teer F ire B rigade
was established in 1831 and is supported b y volun tary
contributions. In th is parish was once a B enedictine
priory, founded b y H enry I. and dependent on the abbey
Booker Lew is
Booker Reginald E
Brewer Miss
C ox Mrs. Blenheim cottage
E lliott Daniel, S outh view
Evezard Julian D. Stone cottage
Hadaway Charles
Herd Mrs
M argetts Mrs
Meara Rev. Canon Henry G eorge
Jephson M .A. (vicar), V ica rag e
Pusey Miss
Sm ith Misses, The P riory
Townsend F rederick 0 . T im sbu ry vil
T yler Mrs. W oodbine cottage
T vrell Mrs. T h e Gables
T yrrell Edward
T yrrell Henry, F olly house
T yrrell Richard, Stocks Lane house
Reading Room & L ib ra ry (R . Spinage
& T. Spinage, secs)
Rooinson Charles, Anchor inn
Roberts A rth ur J. beer reta ile r
Sharpe Dennis, farm er, Stanford ho
S m art Joseph, h au lier
Treadw ell F rederick, coal m erchant
W aite A. (M rs.), H orse & Jockey P.H
W hitfield
A lbert,
m iller (w ater),
Sheepcroft hill
W hitfield H ungerford, thatcher
W illiam s G eorge, grocer, Post office
W illiam s Sidney G . confectioner
W illis Geo. & Sons, grocers & bakers
W iltsh ire G eorge, stone mason
of Bee, in Norm andy, to w hich house the k in g had
given the m anor. There is an an cien t causeway ru n Â
nin g th rou ghout th e en tire len gth of th e village,
p lan ted w ith trees on both sides, and k ep t in
repair by a tr u s t fund bequeathed for th at purpose.
Th e charities belonging to th e parish am oun t to about
£100 yearly, of which the C ausew ay ch arity, producing
about ¿ 4 0 yearly, is expended on m ain tain in g and
lig h tin g the cau sew ay; under a schem e of th e C h arity
C om m issioners in 1892, nine trustees are a p p oin ted ;
¿ 1 0 is applied for educational purposes by gran tin g
prizes or p ayin g sums not exceedin g £ 6 4s. 4d. for
encouraging attendance at sch ool; th e rem ain in g incom e
is to be expended in tem p orary relief in food, fuel or
money, at the discretion of the trustees. T he Sm allbones, an ancient fam ily, resided here for som e tim e
and recorded their pedigree in th e visitation of 1664-6.
The principal landowners are the E cclesiastical C om Â
missioners, who are lords of the m anor, and M essrs.
T y rrell and Richard Hopkins B etteridge esq. Th e soil
is rich lo a m ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are w heat,
barley, beans and turnips. The area is 2,395 acres of
land and 6 of w a te r; rateable value, ¿ 10 ,8 5 5 ;
p op uÂ
lation in 1901 was 797 and 811 in 1911.
Parish C lerk , vacant.
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office (letters should have Berks
added.)â M rs. M argaret H. H ughes, sub-postm istress.
L etters delivered a t 6.30 a.m . & 1.30 p^m .; sunday,
a . m . ; dispatched 12.20, 1.20, 2.35 & 8 p.m . ;
S u n d a y s , 4.10 p .m
W all L e tter Box cleared at 2.30 & 8 p.m . week days
E lem en tary School (m ixed & in fants), established in
1864, enlarged 1871, & again in 1901, for 200 children ;
the buildin g was designed b y the la te G . E . S treet
esq. R . A . ; W alter Roberts, m a s te r; M rs. L . R oberts,
m is tre ss ; M iss Dunnett, M iss Bedw ell & M iss R oberts,
assistant m istresses
Railw ay Station, G eorge A brey Beck, station m aster
Carriers to : â
A bingdonâ F rederick T yrrell, daily
O xfordâ F. C alcu tt, wed & sat. also A bingdon
T yrrell W illiam , Manor house
W ells Miss, The Firs
Rant & Co. L im ited , grocers
E dw ard
S elb y,
farm er,
Rookery farm
S m ith Frank, engineer, steam roller
Betteridge Jonathan Henry, farm er,
proprietor & ag ric u ltu ra l im p leÂ
H ill farm
m ent agen t & boiler m aker
B elteridge Richd. H. frm r. & landownr S tevens H arry, Th e F ox inn
Booker Lew is, corn m erchant
T yrrell E dw ard, farm er & landowner,
Brewer Joseph, farm er, F ir T ree frm
Home farm
C alcu tt F rederick, carrier & coal m er T yrrell F red erick , carrier
|Cox Edwin (M rs.), beer retailer
T yrrell H enry, farm er & landowner,
G errin g Jesse, w heelw right
F olly H ouse farm
Goodey G eorge, saddler
T y rre ll Richard, farm er & landowner,
Jacques R ichard, baker
Stocks Lane farm
Langford R. S. & Sons Ltd. corn T yrrell W illiam , farm er & landowner,
seed, hay & straw &; coal m erM anor farm
ch an ts; & a t Abingdon & Challow
V olun teer
F ire
B rigade
Leggp W illiam , b utch er
j G errin g, captain)
Lvford Belcher (M rs.), baker
W h ite Hy. Joseph, K in g â s A rm s P.H
M ills W illiam P. boot repairer
|W hite W a lter B. arocer & draper
Moore W illiam , R ailw ay House P.H 'W inders F an n y (M rs.), grocer
S T O C K C R r O S S is an ecclesiastical parish , formed
Septem ber 14, 1844, out of the c iv il parish of Speen;
it has a station, called Stockcross and Bagnor, on the
Lam bonrn V a lley railw ay, and is one m ile north-w est
from Speen and 3 north-w est from. N ew bury, in the
Southern division of the county, p etty sessional division,
union and county cou rt d istrict of N ew bury, rural
deanery of N ew bury, archdeaconry of B erks andâ diocese
of Oxford. T h e church of S t. John, standing on an, and erected about th e end of the vear 1839,
is a stru ctu re of brick, consisting of chancel, nave,
south porch, and an em battled western tower, w ith
pinnacles, contain in g 2 bells and a c lo c k : th e stained
glass east window, th e reredos of alabaster carved and
gilded, and th e oak seats were placed in th e church
in m em ory of th e la te S ir Richard S u tton , 5th b art.
(d. 1891) by L a d y S u tto n : th e font w as given by the
parishioners in 1906 in m em ory of the Rev. Theodore
F ran cis, vicar 1877-1904: there are 200 sittin g s. The
register dates from the year 1839. The liv in g is a vicar-