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A S TO N C L I N T O N .



is a township, parish and village
on the road from A yleshurv to T rin g, from w hich it is
4i m iles north-w est, 4 south-east, from A ylesbury, and 3J
m iles from S toke M andeville station on the A ylesb ury
section of the M etropolitan and G reat C entral Joint
railw ay, in th e M id division of the county, hundred,
p etty sessional division , union and county court district
of A ylesb ury, ru ral deanery of W endover, archdeaconry
of B uckingham and diocese of Oxford. T he C hiltern
hills ru n throu gh th is parish and th e village is supplied
w ith w ater from them b y the com pany w hich supplies
A ylesbury. Th e church of S t. M ichael’ is a buildin g of
stone, in th e E a rly E n glish and Decorated styles, w ith
Perpendicular additions, consisting of chancel, nave,
aisles, south porch and an em battled western tower con­
taining 6 b e lls; it was restored in 1867 at a cost of
£1,000, of which £500 was given by John H all esq. late
a resident in th is parish, bein g a portion of a large sum
of m oney le ft to him as trustee by a lady for the p u r­
pose of restoring and b u ild in g churches, and a sum of
£250 was presented by the late S ir A nthony de R oth s­
child bart. ; an organ was b uilt in 1894 at a cost of
£280 ; a handsome stone pulpit has been e re c te d ; in the
chancel is buried G erard, 1st Viscount Lake, of Delhi
an d Lasw aree, conqueror in 1804 of the great M o g u l; be
d ied 20 Feb. 1808 ; the churchyard is spacious and p ar­
tia lly surrounded by a belt of lim e trees: there are 418
sittin g s. The register of baptism s dates from th e vear
1566, and burials and m arriages, frpm 1560. Th e livin g
Jis a rectory, net yea rly value £590, derived from 510
acres of glebe, w ith residence, in th e g ift of Jesus C ol­
lege, Oxford, and held since 1903 by the Rev. John
R ougier Cohu M .A . late fellow o’f that’ college. H ere is
a B aptist chapel, b u ilt in 1830 and reb uilt in 1846, and
again reb uilt in 1897, at a cost of £2,200, and has
sittin gs for 350 persons. Services are also held by the
E van gelists in Aston H all, a b u ild in g erected i n ’ 1878
and holdin g 120 persons. T u rp in 's ch arity of about £14
yearly is for bread. A bout 1660 S ir G ilb ert G errard
b art. of Flam bards, Harrow , bequeathed land pro­
d u cin g £20 yearly, for th e repairs of th e church. A
drin kin g fountain and water trou gh was erected in 1911
by the parishioners to the m em ory of L o uisa, L a d y de
R othschild. T h e preparation of straw for p la itin g ’ was
form erly an im portant em ploym ent of the inhabitants

[ k e l l y ’s

of th is parish, but is now decreasing. Anthony Hall,
erected in 1884, by the Dowager L ad y de R othschild for
entertainm ents, w ill hold 300 persons. Aston Clinton
H ouse is the property of the trustees of the late Louisa,
Dowager Lady de Rothschild, the mansion was rebuilt
on an enlarged scale by the late S ir A nthony de Roths­
child bart. T h e m anorial rig h ts were extin guish ed in
1814 by the “ Inclosure A w ard ,’ ’ in exchange for 5 or
6 acres of land. Lord R othschild G .C .V .O ., P.O. A lfred
C harles de Rothschild esq. C .V .O . th e R ector, and the
M ercers’ Com pany are the chief landowners. The soil
is stiff loam and c h a lk ; subsoil, shale. T h e chief
crops are w heat, oats, barley, beans and clover. Stone
fru it is la rg ely and successfully grown here, th e soil
being specially adapted for that purpose. The entire
area of Aston Clinton w ith S t. Leonard’s c iv il parish is
3,779 acres of land and 10 of w a te r ; assessable value,
buildings £4,072 and land £ 2 ,9 8 7; the population of
th e c iv il parish in 1911 was 1,178, and 1,048 in the
ecclesiastical parish. S t. Leonard’s, p a rt of the civil
parish of Aston Clinton, is now a separate ecclesiastical
Sexton, F rederick B rill.
Post, M. O ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.—
Sidn ey
sub-postm aster. L etters
T r in g ; delivery at 7 & 9.35 a.m . & 5.5 p .m .; d is­
patched at 1.20, 5.35 & 7.30 p.m . ; sundays, 5.50 p.m
Wall L e tter Box, T rin g road, cleared at 1.20 a.m . &
7.25 & 9.15 p.m . week days & 5.55 & 7 p .m on Sundays
B uckland W all L e tter Box cleared at 11 a.m . & 7 p.m
Elem entary (for boys), b uilt in 1887, for 150 ch ildren ;
A. W . Lowe, m aster
E lem entary, b uilt in i860, for 120 g ir ls ; average attend­
ance, 96 ; Sc for 120 in fa n ts ; M iss Jessie Peek, g irls’
m is tr e s s ; M iss M argaret L ew is, infan ts’ m istress
C arrie r t o :
W addesdon— L e v i Crook, w eds, passes th rou gh

An omnibus for passengers & parcels in connection with
M etropolitan & G reat C en tral railways, leaves Aston
C linton every week day for A ylesb ury a t ' 8.55 a.m . &
1.20 & 5.50 p .m .; return in g 10.50 a.m . & 3.55 &
7.50 p .m
Burnham C harles, fru it grower
Pickles G eorge, T he Oak P.H
Burnham Frederick, straw dealer
Piper H enry C. draper
Adam s Henry A ., M .A. Th e Puzzle
Plater W illiam E . m otor engineer,
Cohu Rev. John R ou gier M .A .(rector), Burnham M rs. shopkeeper
Burnham Norm an C. coal m erchant
cycle agent & dealer, garage, iro n ­
R ectory
Burnham Percy, coal m erchant
m onger & shoeing & general sm ith
G u y W illiam John, The Lawn
Hervey-BathuTst Felton, Th e Rookery Clark Sidney H erbert, Rose & Crown Price A rth ur E. butcher
P.H . & butcher
Pullen W alter H arris, brewer
Keen Mrs
Pullen W alter H arris, B rew ery house C ollier E rnest Jam es, m otor engineer Reading Room & Men’s Club
Roberts Frederick, carpenter to the
T ay lor Mrs
Clinton Park estate
Aston C linton P ark estate
Duncan E. (M rs.), apartm ents
R olfe Charles Henry, farm er
Abraham s A lfred, The Bell hotel
Gates Sidney, beer ret. Aston wharf Rolfe W alter H enry, shopkeeper
Anthony P ub lic Hall
G ates W m . shopkeeper, W estern rd Ryall Edward J. house decorator
Aston C linton C ricket & Bowling Gates W illiam M ontague, shopkeeper Sharp G eorge H. boot m aker, a ssist­
C lub (W illiam Tom pkins, sec)
G om m C harles, forester
ant overseer & clerk to the Parish
-Aston C linton In stitute for the T ra in ­ G rant A lb ert W illiam , harness m aker
in g of Servants (M iss M olique, Hayward E lizabeth (M rs.), W aggon & S m ith Frank Cook, farm b ailiff to
m anageress)
Horses P.H
M r. H. Logan T urn er, Vaches farm
Aston Clinton Tennis C lub (J. B a l­ Hearn W illiam , Black Horse" P.H
Swan Coffee Tavern (R ichard Neal,
lad, sec)
m anager)
H ervey-B ath u rst Felton, agent to the
A xtell C harles, hurdle m aker
Aston Clinton Park estate
Todd E m ily (M rs.), baker & grocer
farm er, Hodges A rth u r E dw ard, estate clerk Tom pkins B rothers, w heelw rights
Rookery Park farm
H oliday Home (M iss A lice Dyer, Turn ey A rth u r Edward, boot m aker
Ballad W alter, farm er
m atron)
W arren W m . H edley, head gardener,
Barker C harles, baker
Horwood Richard, farm er
A ston Clinton house
Beck Jam es, Partridge A rm s P.H
Howe Robert, omnibus proprietor
W atkins G eorge, dairym an
Bennion C harlie, beer retailer
K ing G eorge, builder
Watson W illiam , grocer
B iggs H enry, beer retailer
Matthews Annie (M rs.), shopkeeper
Weston Robert, W hite Lion P.H
Bishop Thom as, farm er, College farm Mayne W illiam H enry, assistant over­ W ettin Sarah (M iss), d istrict nurse
Burnham Jam es & Son, hay & straw
seer for W eston T u rville & Halton W ray David M. Rothschild A rm s P.H
M unger H arry, butcher
m erchants & forage contractors
ASTON SANDFORD is a sm all secluded parish on 80 sittin g s. There is a list of rectors from 1220. Th e
the S tandbridge brook, a trib u tary of the Tham e. i.J reg ister dates from about the year 1600. Th e livin g is
m iles from H addenham station on the G reat W estern a rectory, net yearly value £120, in clu d in g 46 acres of
and G reat Central Joint railw ay, which is th e nearest, glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of M rs. A . A . P argiter,
3§ from T ham e and 7 south-west from A ylesb ury, in the and held since 1914 by th e Rev. Charles Sydn ey C arter
Mid division of the county, hundred of Ashendon, p etty M.A. of Brasenose College, O xford. M r. P ercy Fisher,
sessional division, union and county co u rt d istrict of of W atford, is lord of th e manor and principal landA ylesb ury, rural deanery of A ylesb ury, archdeaconry of owner. The soil is g ait and sandstone, and under
Buckingham and diocese of Oxford. Th e church of St. parts, coprolifces are fou n d ; subsoil, clay and lim estone.
Michael is a sm all b uilding of stone chiefly in the E arly Th e ch ief crops are wheat, oats and beans. T h e area is
E nglish style of the 13th century, w ith some Decorated 679 ac re s; rateable value, £ 1,0 3 6 ; the population in
windows, and consists of chancel and nave and a bell- 1911 was 41.
turret ; the chancel retains an ancient a u m b ry ; there
Sexton, John C ulley.
are three stained windows, and in the chancel a tablet
to the Rev. Thom as Scott, rector 1801-21 ; the church T h e children of this parish attend Haddenham &
was restored in 1877-8, at a cost of £792. and affords
K in gsey schools