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[ k e l l y ’s

Boots Cash C hem ists L td . ch em ists, 30 M arket square
Chapm an W illiam A rth u r, cou n ty accountant & officer
Bound Percy, m an ager of C apital & Counties Bonk L td .
of the C oun ty C oun cil for local taxation licences,
20 H igh street
C oun ty h all
Bow ker A . G m otor engineer, motor cycle
& cycle Chennels A dam Joseph, grocer, 53 C am bridge street
agent & m otor car agent, 23 H igh street
C h iltern H ills S p rin g W a ter Co. (C . E . A . Redhead,
B ra d fo r d J. H. (late Sarsons M atthew
H enry),
s e c .); office, C h urch row
wholesale A retail ir o n m o n g e r
& b u ild e r s ’ C hiltern H ills Tem perance Federation (W . Howard
H azell esq. p r e s .; John W ood, hon. sec.), 35 H igh st
m e r c h a n t , hot w ater engineer, ag ric u ltu ra l im p le­
m ent agent & m an u facturer of dairy appliances, elec­ C hilton F ran k L .D .S . den tist, 67 H igh st. (Telephone
tric b ell & gas litter, gun sm ith & m etal w orker,
93 A ylesb u ry) & (on tuesday & frid a y) 1 Upper High
street, Tham e
M arket square. Telephone 39 A yle sb u ry ; Telegram s,
“ B radford, A ylesb ury ”
C h u rch John, G reat W estern hotel, G reat W estern st
B radford Jam es H aynes, surveyor, 57 H igh street
C lark & Co. fan cy repository, 29 K in g sb u ry
Brandon H y. gardener to M rs. G urn ey, 8 B ickford's hill C la rk E sth er (M rs.), apartm ents, 3 Stoke road
Claydon Thom as, b utcher, 55 C am bridge street
B ray A bel, dairym an, 10 S t. M ary's square
B razell E llen (M iss), tobacconist, 18 S ilv er street
C layton E lizabeth (M rs.), dress m a. 187 C am bridge st
B razell Joseph, baker, 52 K ingsbury
C leaver Jam es, greengrocer, 122 C am bridge street
C lew ley W illiam E dw ard, tailor, 70 C am bridge street
B ridges W illiam , tailor, 12 Park street
Coales Jam es H enry (firm , J. & T . P arrott), solicitor &
B rig g s W. E . & Co. boot & shoe dealers, 18 M arket sq
com m issioner for oaths, deputy superintendent reg is­
B rig g s A rth u r, oil m erchant, 2 M ilton road
trar & assistant clerk to th e commissioners of taxes,
B rin dley E sth er (M rs.), news agent, 59 Stoke road
Bourbon street
B ritch field & Co. (late In g ram , W hitfield & C o.),
Cocks M. T . & Co. grocers, tea dealers & wine & spirit
nurserym en, W alton nurseries, W endover road
m erchants (E. & A. Solloway, p roprietors), 3 Bourbon
B ritish & A rgen tin e M eat Co. L im ited , butchers, 15
street. Telephone 133 A ylesbury
C am b rid g e street
B ritish & Foreign Bible S ociety (Rev. Charles W . Pear­ Colbrook G eorge, shopkeeper, 37 A rdenham street
E dw ard P hilip , m iller (gas & w ater), A yles­
son M .A. & W illiam W . Foulston B .A . jo in t secs.);
bury m ill
depot, 24 M arket square
m m a (M rs.), grocer, 6 Tem ple street
Brooks John, beer retaileT, 28 W hitehall street
Colston J. R. & Co. electrical engineers, 3 Bourbon st
B rooks R egin ald F. painter, 12 Ardenham street
C ook Andrew G eorge, stationer, 64 H ig h street
Brooks T . New inn, 8 W endover road
B row n W. & Co. auctioneers, appraisers, surveyors, Cordon H arold G . surveyor of highw ays to A ylesbury
R ural D istrict C ouncil, W alton street
house, land & estate agents, & agents for the Sun
F ire & L ife Insurance Co. (Telephone 36), M arket C o ttrell Joseph, tailor, 33 C am bridge street
Coulson Charles E dw ard, tobacconist, 181 C am bridge st
square ; & a t T rin g
C oun ty C ourt (His Honor Jam es S c u lly B .A . ju d g e ;
B row n E liza (M iss), fishm onger, 7 C am bridge street
S tan ley E dw ard W ilkins, reg istrar & high bailiff),
Brown R ichard, recru itin g officer, 71 H igh street
25 W alton street
B ru n sk ill S. d istrict nurse, 79a, B uckingham street
B ryan t John, boot & shoe m aker, 1 B uckingham street ! County E ducation C om m ittee (C harles G eorge W atkins,
B uckingham Insurance C om m ittee (H. B roughton, | sec.), C oun ty hall
clerk), 65 B uckingham st. Telephone 119 A ylesb ury | C oun ty Hall (Rowland A . Tow ersey, h allk p r.). M arket sq
Buckingham shire A rch itectu ra l & Archaeological Societv C ounty Police (head quarters) (M ajor O tway Mayne, chief
con stab le; Charles Pollard, supt. & chief clerk), M ar­
fW . Bradbrook M .R .C .S . B letch ley, hon. sec. ; Edw in
ket square
H ollis F .Z .S . c u ra to r ); m useum . C h urch street
D avid & Sons, carriage builders, S tation street
B uckingham shire C ham ber of A g ric u ltu re (C . E . F ree­
Cox A lb ert, E ag le inn, 21 K in g sb u ry square
m an, W endover, sec)
Tom Henry, Borough Arm s P.H . P ark street
B ucks A dvertiser & A ylesb ury News (Bucks A d ver­
tiser Co. L im ited, proprietors, p rinters & p u b lish ers; C rouch C harles W illiam , w atch m aker, 37 K in gsb ury
published frid a y for Saturday), Bourbon street. S e e Crouch Lionel W illiam , solicitor, & sec. to the L ig h t
H orse-breeding C om m ittee for Bucks, C oun ty hall
a d v e r tise m e n t p a g e 2 3
Crouch W illiam , solicitor & com m issioner for oaths,
B ucks C ou n ty C ricket Club (J. C. W . E llis, asst, sec)
clerk of th e peace, clerk to county council & clerk to
B ucks C oun ty E ducation C om m ittee (Charles G eorge
th e visitin g com m ittee of the B ucks County A sylum &
W atkins, organising sec.), C oun ty hall
to the L o cal Pension C om m ittee for B uck s,C oun ty hall
Bucks H erald (G . T . De Frain e & Co. L im ited , pro­
p rietors & p u b lish ers; pub. sa t.), W alton street & C row n first-class fam ily & com m ercial H o t e l; garage,
stablin g, coachhouses, loose boxes for h unters &c.
G reat W estern st. S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 2
(W . F . W hite, proprietor), M arket square. Telephone
B ucks Land & B u ild in g Co. L im ited (J. G . Scholes,
122 A ylesb ury
s e c .) ; offices, 7 T em ple square
Bull’s H e a d H o te l; first cla ss; ch arm in g country' C rum p H erbert John, w a tch m aker, 27 C am bridge st
for week ends ; la rg e banquet room , F ren ch cuisine, C ullum Chas. W m .h ard w are dir.see E llingham & Collnm
C ustom s & E xcise Office (W illiam H annaford Allen,
garages (G . G argin i), M arket square. Telephone 120
sup erviso r; E dw ard Charles B astin, officer; T . H.
B unyan H enry, carter, W h iteh all row
Jarvis, surveyor of tax es), 10 Tem ple square
B urch A lb ert John, baker, 99 Stoke Toad
Daniels C harles, gardener to D. S tew art esq. M.D.
B urch H erbert, coal m erchant, see G ow er & Burch
Prebendal house, 7 Parsons fee
B urgess G eorge, shoe m aker, 48 C am b rid ge street
B urr A ndrew Thom as, photographer, 7 G t. W estern st D arvill Thom as, h air dresser, 7 B uckingham street
R eginald , newspaper reporter, 26 Bourbon street
B uss W alter, draper, 18 C am b ridge street
Davies Jane (M iss), draper, 21 W endover road
B ygrave W . & Co. tobacconists. 2 W alton street
Davies Jane (M rs.), dress m aker, 37 Stoke road
B yng R obert G. Queen’s H ead P.H . Tem ple square
Davis F rederick John, fried fish shop, 118 Cam bridge
C ain Frederick, baker, 20 C am bridge street
street & 11 B uckin gh am street
Callon H orace, engineer & m anager to C biltern H ills
Davis H arry, beer reta iler. 25 W alton green
Sp ring W ater Co. K in g sb u ry
C anning A lexander G uerra, solicitor & com m issioner D ay B enjam in, Plough P.H . 64 Buckingham street
De Fraine G. T . & Co. L im ited , general p rinters & pro­
for oaths, 2 B ickford’s h ill
prietors & publishers of th e “ B ncks H erald,” Walton
Cannon Geo. brick, coal &c. m er. see W ard & Cannon
st. & G reat W estern street. S e e a d v e r tis e m e n t
C antell G eorge Jam es, grocer, 10 & 12 C am bridge street
page 2 2
C ap ital & Counties Bank L im ited (Percv Bound, m an­
tlin g er C. (M rs.), apartm ents, 1T7 T rin g road
age r), 20 H igh s tre e t; draw on head office, 39 ThreadDickens G eorge, butcher, 83 T rin g road
needle street, London E C
Dines Jsph. Old M illw righ ts’ Arm s P.H . 83 W alton rd
C arey W . & Co. fishm ongers, 13 Tem ple street
Dominion D airy C o. Lim ited, B icester road
C artw rig h t W alter, dairym an, 61 B uckingham street
Douglas E dith (M rs.), beer reta iler, 1 C hurch row
C aterer Jam es F rederick, cabin et m aker, 64 W alton s t
D rakelev F red, com m ercial trav eller, 56 Bierton road
Caton G eorge W illiam , b utcher, 22 H igh street
C em etery (Percv A . W rig h t, clerk to th e U. D. C. D redge Tom , photographic dealer. 46 W alton street
cem etery; John S tan ley B ayes, keeper & sexton), Dukes & Co. china dealers, 4 M arket street
Dukes Jam es, w atch m aker, 14 H igh street
T rin g road
C entral G arage Co. (T h e), autom obile experts & elec­ D unning F lorrie M ary (M iss), dress m aker, 170 H igh si
trica l engineers, m otor car agents, & garages, W alton E arl W illiam , gardener. 171 B uckingham road
E a st T im o th y L im ited , h ide, skin, offal, fat, bone
street. Telephone 44
& wool m erchants. Rose & Crown ya rd , Buckingham
C ham berlin G eorge & Sons, w heelw righ ts, 13a, B u ck ­
s tr e e t; office, 19 B icester road
ingham street
