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d ir e c t o r y .]
North side.
23 Wiblin John
17, 18 & 19 S tu rm an H enry & Son,
r5 H ughes T im othy, w atch m aker
13 & f Pigott Francis Richard, grocer
14 { Town Sub-Post, M .O. & T.O
Here is G eorge street ......
rt Lindsay John
9 Taylor E g b e rt Jam es, draper
3 Plowman A . & Son, blacksm iths
7 W ilson Frank
6 Horn E dw in & Son, cab proprtrs
4 Oxford Co-operative & Industrial
Society Lim ited
2 & 1 Paine G eorge W illiam , baker
Osborne G eorge
: 42 Cox M iss Fan n y E lizabeth , aparts
H am es John H enry
44 H all Joseph, univ. lo d g in g house
C orp Geo. Robt. com cl. traveller 46 Bone Mrs. E llen, univ. lo d g in g ho
Sansom Charles Ernest
52 Shipton H enry, univ. lodgin g ho
54 B edding H arry
W est side.
56 F lo ry John
35 Clifford Henry, c ity m issionary
H ere is Southm oor place .......
41 Stroud W ill
49 Ives H erbert, tailor
66 F ebrey C h arles E dw ard, grocer
53 C larke G eorge, assist, in sur. supt 68 W instone E rnest J
H ere is W arneford road........... 74 M eredith Mrs. E d ith A lice, aparts
H ere is M inster road ........... 76 Taylor Francis Pryor, apartm ents
67 Sam brook Sam p son , sur.sup t 78 T u ck A rth u r G eorge, apartm ents
80 L u cas M rs. O live, dress m aker
69 B alm an C yril Thom as
82 A bram s Edw ard A rth u r
71 H unt Jam es Frederick
84 Browning C harles J. apartm ents
73 Sear F rederick E rnest
86 Pinkney W m . univ. lo d g in g house
75 Hedges W illiam C harles
Rodgers W m . W. univ. lodg. ho
83 Lowe P hilip Jam es
Keene G eorge
85 G ould G eorge H arry
uck er Thom as, univ. lo dgin g ho
(Osney), W est street to East street. 87 D rayton W illiam Thom as
96 W ood A rth u r W illiam Henry
93 A ustin Miss
St. F ridesw ideâs Sunday School
eatm an F rederick John M .A
101 Lisem ore E rnest
21 Hall H arry, insurance agent
100 W illiam s A lfred, un iv. lodgin g ho
103 W a lter C harles V ictor
field M rs.Anna, un iv.lodg.ho
105 P ursell A nthony
104 A m brose M iss, un iv. lo d g in g ho
(The Parks), University m useum to 119 S tevens Thom as M ichael
W m . Jas. Hy. job m aster
121 H ill Francis Henry
St. Cross road, Holywell.
108 Bowen H enry Jam es
South side.
n o W arren M iss H arriet,univ.lodg.h o
112 G rove Miss
Wall L e tter Box
(St. G ilesâ) 63 K in gston road to W a l 114 Rogers E dw ard Jam es, ap artm n ts
c Musgrave G eorge M .A
ton W ell road.
116 Sheppard W illiam , apartm ents
2 Robinson Mrs
3 Weldon Mrs
W est side,
H ere is L o n gw orth r o a d ...........
4 Skrine Rev. John H untley D.D
ia , H utchins Sam uel & Sons, b u ild rs :
H ere is W alton W ell road .......
of S t.
P eterâs-in-the1 H ull Thom as J. sanitary inspector
E ast w ith S t. John the B ap 3 G ee W illiam Henry
7 G reen in g G eorge
I(St. A ldateâs ), 79 St. A ldateâs street
9 C h aun d y H enry
Here is Mansfield road ...........
to Com m ercial road.
5 Johnson Rev. A rth u r H enry M .A. 11 Reeve Robert
(fellow & chaplain, A ll Soulâs 13 Gardiner C hristopher G eorge
N orth side.
15 G reen M isses
Raworth Charles & Son, m otor
5 Richards S ir H enT v E rie K .C ., 17 Owen A lfred G eorge
body & coach &c.
buildin g
K .C .S .I ., B .C .L .,M .A . (C hichele 19 Lisem ore A rth ur
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t
professor of international law & 21 C risall Jam es Stephen
page 4 6
23 B in g Mrs
diplom acy)
1 Allen Mrs. Ellen, butcher
33 Pullen Mrs
7 Hyde Miss
2 W alton Henry Jam es, shopkeeper
35 Money Mrs
8 Thomas Miss
3 Stuchfield Thom as, hair dresser
; Wylie Francis Jam es (Oxford sec. 37 W ooldridge W illiam , apartm ents
Here is B ridew ell square .......
39 W ark Frank Thom as, apartm ents
to the Rhodes Trustees)
41 B ailey Mrs. Mary, apartm ents
2a, Flexney Thom as, boot m aker
to Stainer Lady
3 F ish er W illiam J. grocer
Here is St. Cross road ........... 43 W ilkin s Jam es, univ. lo dgin g ho
45 M oney Edwd. John, univ. lodg. ho 3a, F ath ers Mrs. Annie, dress m aker
North side.
47 P h illips M iss C h arlotte, aparts
5a, K in g R. & Sons, m echanical en Â
Poole Reginald Lane M .A ., L L .D ., 53 Com fort Benjam in
L itt.D ., F .B .A . (keeper of the 55 Lam boum e W illiam Howell
6 Penn E dw ard, apartm ents
university archives, fellow of 57 W hite W illiam John
7 Bull Robert Jam es, boot repairer
Magdalen college & le ctu rer in 59 P rick ett Alexander, apartm ents
H ere is C am bridge street .......
diplom atic) (M useum house)
61 W heal Charles W. apartm ents
II H athaw ay
Thom as,
chim ney
School of C h em istry (now ( iq ic ) 63 Phillips W illiam R
cleaner &c.
S ee a d v e rtis e Â
65 Cook G eorge W illiam , apartm ents
m ent page 5 3
University C ricket Ground,
69 Sim pson G eorge Richard
15 Brown A lfred Richard, beer retlr
Sam uel K in g , groundsm an 71 Brim field Mrs. Frank, apartm ents
H ere is A lb ert street ............
Mount H enry, supt. of U niversity 73, A kers H arry W illiam , apartm ents
18 Dowse A lb ert, insurance agen t
parks (South lodge)
75 B rvan F rederick Ernest
19 Gibbons W m . relief stam per &c
77 Cooke Hugo R. A
19 Gibbons Mrs. E lizh . pomeranian
79 Bates Mrs
81 C ollett W alter
253 Cowley road to H ill Top road.
83 S m art H erbert Thom as
South side.
E a st side.
85 W elford E. & Son, coal mers
H ere is Friars wharf ............
> Buckett Frederick J
5 Kayne Thomas
2 5 H edges Frank, beer retailer
89 G reen Mrs
30 Parsons Jam es, net m aker
W illiam , inspector Royal 91 G oldsw orthy Thom as Howard
32 Baycock W illiam , upholsterer
Society for the Prevention " of
93 K enney Thom as M ., M .A
33 Dillon Mrs. Sarah, m idw ife
Cruelty to Anim als
9 5 Rogers M iss
34 Godwin A rth u r V icto r, greengrocer
Penemore Thomas
97 Brown W alt. Thos. univ. lodg. ho
H ere is A lb ert street ...........
E liâ undertaker
M artyr W illiam A lfred W atts
54 tucker John H enry, builder
101 Townsend M isses R u th & Mary 35 H arris W a lter H enry, shopkeeper
C h arles Jas. clothes cleaner
Here is M inster road .......
Ann, dress makers
101 Townsend M iss E lizh. apartm ents 38 G ardner W m. Hy. clothes cleaner
is C am bridge street .......
103 A rn ett M ark George
SB r Ui ânST.F redeT icl1 G e o r g e
105 Sheppard Frank A u gu stu s
39 United Y ea st Co. L im ited (Th e)
107 Soanes Mrs. Naom i, univ. lodg. ho
H ere is Crom well street .......
81 r ? .
H enry James
84 Carter W illiam
109 M ansell John Henry, tailor
44 Davis G eorge W . sign w riter
â Herbert A lbert James
h i Prick ett H ector W m . Jas. aparts
H ere is Speedw ell place ...........
E a s t side.
W igm ore F rank John, dairym an
6 Brooker Th em istocles, apartm ents
Ibbert AIfred B. A
90 Harwood Thomas
12 Hobbs M rs. E lizabeth , aparts
14 H ull M iss Ellen, apartm ents
104 w t A T THenry Hichmpnd
£08 Cali
T^0sePh Henrv
18 G arrard Charles F rederick, aparts (Cowley St. John), 235 JfHey road to
John S
20 Lloyd Mrs. G eorgina, apartm ents
Magdalen road.
18 ? '° n(5a5' Charles
22 W alker D avid, apartm ents
N o rth side.
24 Buy A lfred, clothes cleaner
I2o L eWeâ ? ° n CharlM
Thom as
Hewendon Richard
32 Davidson Andrew M .A
3 Davies W illiam H arold