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W ith Reference to the Places under which they will he fou nd in this Volume.

Addington manor, Mrs. Lawson-Johnston, see Adding­
ton .............................................................................................
Adstock manor, Charles M atthew Prior esq. b . a ., j . p .
see Adstock ............................................................................
Akeley Wood, Capt. Robert Kenrick Price, see A keley...
Ankerwycke, A rth ur H. Benson esq. see W yrardisbury .
Ascott park, Leopold de Rothschild esq. C.v.O., d . l .,
j . p . see Ascott, W i n g ........................................................... :
Aston Clinton house (unoccupied), see Aston Clinton ...
Bacres, Mrs. H enry Riversdale Grenfell, see Hambleden :
Bangors park, Tonm an Mosley esq. c .b ., d . l . , j.p . He
Lady H ilda, see Iver .........................................................
Barton Hartshorn m anor, Lieut.-Col. Charles W illiam
Trotter, see Barton H artshorn ..........................................
Beechwood, Frederick W illiam Bravington, see Marlow :
Biddlesden park, Brig.-Gen. C. B. & Mrs. H ey worth,
see B iddlesden .......................................................................
Bletchley park, Sir H erbert Sam uel Leon bart. j . p . see
Bletchley, 47 & Fenny Stratford ..................................... :
Boswells, Sir Thomas Barlow bart. -k .-C.v . o ., m . d .,
f .jb. c . i’ . see W endover ....................................................... i
Bottrells, Ralph Heal esq. see Chalfont St. G ile s ...........
Boycott Manor house, Thom as Close Sm ith esq. see
S tow e......................................................................................... :
Bradenham house, Mrs. Tem pest, see Bradenham .......
Bray field house, Denis H erbert F arrer esq. see Cold
Brayfield ................................................................................
Braziers End, Henry J. Turner esq. j . p . see Cholesbury
Brickhill Manor house, Sir Everard Philip Digby
Pauncefort-Duncombe bart. j . p . see G reat B rickhill...
Bulstrode park, Sir John Frecheville Ramsden bart.
see G errard’s C ro ss............................................................... i
Burnham priory, Capt. Wm. Farweli j . p . see Burnham
Bury (The),W m . F. L . F. Lowndes esq. j. p . seeChesham
Butler’s court, Francis R eckitt esq. j . p . see Beaconsfield
Chalfont grove, Alex. Duncan esq. see Chalfont S t. Giles
Chalfont park, E dw ard M ackay Edgar esq. see Chal­
font St. Peter .......................................................................
Chartridge lodge, A rth ur Ellis Franklin esq. j . p . see
Chartridge ............................................................................
Chequers court, Col. A rthur Hamilton Lee m .p . see
Chesham Bois manor, John W illiam G arrett-Pegge esq.
j .p . see Chesham B o is .........................................................
Chetwode Manor house, Louis Fleischmann esq. see
Chetwode ................................................................................
Chicheley hall, Sir G eorge Herbert Farrar bart. d . s . o .
see Chicheley ........................................................................
Chilton house, Hon. L a d y Egerton, see C h ill" 11 ............
Claydon house, Sir H arry Calvert W illiams Verney
bart. m . p ., j . p . see Middle C la yd o n .................................
Cliveden, W aldorf A stor esq. m . p . see Taplow ................ 2
Court garden, Robert Griffin esq. j .p . see Marlow ....... 1
Crawley Grange, John Irvine Boswell esq. m .d ., j .p . see
North C ra w le y .......................................................................
Danesfield, A rthur Hornby Lewis esq. d . l ., j . p . see
Medmenham............................................................................ 1
Daws Hill lodge, Marquis of Lincolnshire K.G., p.c.,
g . c . m . g ., d . l ., j .p . see High W ycombe ......................... 2
Denham court, Harold W illiam Swithinbank esq. j . p .
see Denham ............................................................................
Denham Place, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin Irb y W ay j . p . see
Ditton park, Lord Frederick G lyn W olverton, see Stoke
Poges ........................................................................................ ]
Doddershall house, Vice-Admiral W illiam H arvey
P ig o ttj.p . see Q uainton....................................................... i
Dorney court, Lieut.-Col. Charles H enry Dayrell Palmer,
see Dorney ............................................................................
Dorton house, Major Reginald H arry Cholmondeley, see
Dorton .....................................................................................
Drayton lodge, Rev. W alter Neame m . a . see Drayton
Beauchamp ................................................................... ........
Dropmore, John Bevill Fortescue esq. m . a ., d . l ., j . p .
see Dropmore ........................................................................

Fawley court, W illiam Dalziel Mackenzie esq. m . a .,
d .l ., j . p . see Faw ley ...........................................................
Foxcott Manor house, M ajor M usgrave R. Hall j . p . see
Foscott .............. a .................................................................... 104
Fulm er hall (unoccupied), see Fulm er ............................. 104
Fulm er Place, A dm iral of the Fleet Lord John Hay
G.c . b . see Fulm er ................................................................. 104
G ayhurst, W illiam W alter Carlile esq. d . l ., j . p . see
G ayh u rst ................................................................................. 105
Greenlands, Viscount Hambleden, see H am bleden ....... i n
Grendon hall, Alfred Ernest Skinner esq. j . p . see
Grendon Underwood ........................................................... 109
G yldernscroft, Gen. S ir George W entworth Alexander
Higtrinson g . c . b ., j . p . see Marlow ................................... 143
Hall Barn, Lord Burnham k . c . v . o ., d . l ., j . p . see
Beaconsfield ............................................................................ 40
Halton mansion, Alfred Charles de Rothschild esq.
c.v.o. see H alton .................................................................... i n
Hambleden Manor house, Francis Joseph Scott M urray
esq. see H am bleden.............................................................. i n
Hampden house, E arl of Buckingham shire d . l ., j . p .
see G reat Hampden ........................................................... 113
Hanslope park, Mrs. W atts, see H anslope......................... 114
H arleyford house, Lady Clayton, see Marlow ................ 143
H artwell house, Mrs. E. D. Lee, see H artwell ................ 116
Hatton court, Claude Borrett esq. see Hanslope ............ 114
H edgerley park, Mrs. Henry Stevenson, see Hedgerley . 117
Hitcham house, Lionel H .H an bury esq. j . p . see H itcham 119
Horwood house, Frederick Anthony Denny esq. see
L ittle Horwood
.......................................................... 122
Hughenden manor, Coningsby Ralph Disraeli esq. d . l .,
j . p . see Hughenden ............................................................ 123
H yde house, Miss Fuller, see Chartridge............................. 67
Ibstone house, Lord Sum ner p .c. see Ibstone ................ 124
Langley park, Sir Robert G renville H arvey bart. d . l .,
j. p . see Langley M arish ....................................................... 130
L atim er house, Lord Chesham , see L a t im e r .................... 132
Lilies, Vernon Brittain esq. see Weedon, H ardwicke ... 115
Lillingstone Lovell Manor house, M ajor Jam es Bogle
Delap j . p . see Lillingstone L o vell...................................... 135
Linford hall, John M atthew Knapp esq. m . a. j . p ., c.c.
see L ittle Lin ford.................................................................... 136
Liscom be park, E rnest W . Robinson esq. see Soulbury. 186
Little Brickhill manor, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Finlay
j . p . see L ittle Brickhill ...................
Little M arlow Manor house, Mrs. Bradish-EUames,
see L ittle M arlow..................................................................... 148
Little Missenden abbey, Mrs. Priestley, see L ittle Missenden ...................................................................................... 154
M allard’s court, M arcus Slade esq. k .c .see Stokenchurch 192
Manor (The), Miss Andrewes, see Maids Moreton ....... 141
Manor house (The), S ir Arthur Lasenby L iberty d . l .,
j . p . see Lee ............................................................................. 134
Marlow Place, W illiam Niven esq. f . s . a ., j . p . see
M arlow ..............................................................................
Medmenham abbey, Col. Sir Douglas Frederick Rawdon Dawson g . c .v .o ., c . m . g . , j . p . see M edm enham ... 151
M entmore, The Right Hon. the E arl of Rosebery K.G.,
k . t ., p . c ., f . r . s., f . s . a . , j p .see M entmore ................. 151
Missenden abbey, G eorge C arrin gton esq. j . p . see
G reat Missenden................................. .................................. 152
Missenden house, Mrs. Pembroke Stephens, see L ittle
Newland park, H enry Devenish H arben esq. j .p . see
Chalfont St. Peter ................................................................ 65
Oving house, Henry Y ates Thompson esq. j . p . see O ving 166
Parmoor house, Rt. Hon. Lord Parmoor k . c . v . o . see
Hambleden ............................................................................ 111
Penn house, Isabella Dowager Countess Howe, see
Penn S t r e e t ............................................................................ 168
Pollards park, T . N. Archibald G rove esq. j . p . see
Chalfont St. G ile s ................................................................. 64
Poundon,John Pemberton Hey wood H ey wood-Lonsdale
esq. see T w yford.................................................................... 204