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[ k e l l y âs
form ing three sides of a quadrangle k retain the
Clerk to the G uardians & Assessm ent Com m ittee, Edwd.
fine old Norm an doorway of the previous structure ;
Brooks Ormond, M arket place. W antage
the school buildings have since been very m uch enÂ
Treasurer, E van Jones,Capital k Counties B ank,New bury
larged by the addition of a separate block for science
R elieving Officers k Collectors to the G uardians, No. i
purposes, containing chem ical k physical laboratories
district, W illiam Clem ent Stevenson, N ew bury street.
k balance, lecture k m anual instruction rooms, all
W a n ta g e ; No. 2 d istrict, Joseph Booker. E ast Ilsley
well equipped. The school w ill hold about 100 boys,
V accination Officers, No. 1 district, W illiam Clem ent
in clu d in g 50 boarders, k there are now (1914) about
Stevenson, N ew bury street. W antage ; No. 2 district,
80. It was re-organised under a schem e of the
Joseph Bcoker, E ast Ilsley
C h arity C om m issioners in Nov. 1893 & again in 1910,
M edical Officers & Public Vaccinators, B lew bury district,
& has house sch olarships of from £ 10 to £25 ; W illiam
Richard Rice M .R .C .S.E n g. H arw ell; Brightw alton
A rth u r Barron M .A.O xon. head m a s te r; Rev. A . S.
d is trict, W illiam Hy. B ush L .M .S .S .A .L o n d . B rig h tÂ
Mayne B .A . assistant m aster, w ith other assistants
walton ; Hendred d istrict, A lb ert E dw ard Cawston
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . Brecon house, N ew bury
E lem en tary Schools.
street. W a n ta g e ; Ilsle y district, Ernest Russell-Risien
L .S .A . E ast Ilsley, N ew b u ry; Vale d istrict, W alter A lfred street (boys), b uilt in 1885, for 176 boys; H edley
D ouglas K ennedy M .A ., M B ., B .C h .O xon . P riory rd.
Lon g, m a s te r ; A . G arraw ay, assistant
W a n tage;
W antage d istrict, A m elius C y ril B irt C h urch street (girls & infants), founded in 1849 & enÂ
M .R .C .S .E n g ..
L rR .C .P .L on d .,
D .P .H .R .C .P .S .E n g .
larged in 1898, for 338 ch ild ren ; M iss A da H ailow ,
N ew bury street, W antage
g irlsâ m is tr e s s ; Miss L u ck ett, infantsâ m istress
Poor Law In stitu tion , situated in an elevated position, The two above-nam ed schools are controlled by six
a m ile & a half from the town, w ill hold 170 in m a te s ;
m an a g ers; Rev. W . S. Riddelsdell, Orm ond road,
H . A ustin , m a s te r; R ev. the Hon. Canon M aurice correspondent
John G eorge Ponsonbv M .A . ch ap lain ; A m elius C vril Church street, founded in 1839; it will hold 155 childÂ
B irt M .R .C .S .E n g ., 'L .R .C .P .L o n d ., D .P .H .R .C .P .S .
ren ; Ph ilip H enry Hancock, m aster
This school is controlled by six foundation m a n a g e rs ;
E ng. m edical officer; M rs. A. S. A u stin , m atron
Alfred Thom as E vans, Charlton m anor, correspondent
S cattered H om es, Manor Toad, w ill hold 20 c h ild r e n ;
A . H. B eckley, sup erin ten den t; A m elius C yril B irt Charlton (infants), b uilt 1858 & enlarged 1893, for 46
ch ild ren ; M iss G reen, m istress
M .R .C .S .E n g.,'
L .R .C .P .L o n d ., D .P .H .R .C .P .S .E n g .
This school is under the control of six m an agers; Rev.
m edical officer; Mrs. E . A . B eckley, m atron
Charles E. M. F ry M .A. Redlands, correspondent
St. M ichaelâs T rain in g, P rio ry road (for in du strial girls)
W a is t a g e R e g i s t r a t i o n D i s t r i c t .
& train in g college for secondary teachers & m ission Â
aries (under the ch arge of the Sisters of S t. M aryâ s)
Superintendent R egistrar, E dw ard B. Ormond, M arket
place. W antage ; deputy, H. C. Morse, M arket place,
W antage
N E W SP A P E R .
R egistrars of B irth s & Deaths, Ilsley sub-district, Joseph
Booker, E ast I ls le y ; deputy, F . Pearce, E a st Ils le y ; N orth Berks H erald ; published S atu rd ay; A rth u r Gibbs,
W antage sub-district, W illiam C lem en t Stevenson,
publisher, M arket place
New bury street. W a n ta g e ; deputy, H enry Saunders,
M ount Pleasant, W antage
R egistra r of M arriages. W antage d istrict, W illiam
C lem en t Stevenson, N ew bury street, W a n ta g e ; deputy, G reat W estern Railw ay Station , W antage road, 2^ m âles
H enry Saunders, M ount Pleasant, W a n ta g e; Ilsley
distant, H. N ichols, station m aster
d istric t, J. Booker, E ast Ilsley, N ew bu ry; deputy, F. W antage Steam T ram w ay to W antage Road s ta tio n ; terÂ
Pearce, E ast Ilsle y, N ew bury
m inus, M ill s tr e e t; to m eet every train, Sundays ex Â
cepted ; m anager, W. A. Noble
C ertifyin g F actory Surgeon, A m elius C y ril B irt M .R .C .S.
E n g., L .R .C .P .L o n d ., D .P.H . N ew bury street
Clerk to the Com missioners of Taxes, W'illiam Clarke
Jotcham M .A. ; assistant. J. Ross Ormiston
Coroner for the W antage D istrict of the County. W illiam
C larke Jotcham M .A. N ew bury s t r e e t ; deputy, J.
Ross O rm iston, W antage
C ustom s k E xcise Officer, Thom as Osborne G len , 2
Richm ond villas, Portw av
Town C rier & Toll Collector, Jam es W elch, G rove street
C A R R IE R S, w ith the places they go to & th e inns they
start from, w ith days of departure.
Abingdonâ Chandler, G rove street, mon
A rdingtonâ Chasney, â Shoulder of M utton ,â wed. k sat
B rightw altonâ Thom as, â Bear,â wed
Challow (E a st)â House, â A lfredâs H ead,â wed. k s a t .;
B alts, M arket place, wed
Challow Stationâ Sam e as Challow E ast
Chaddlew orthâ Thom as, â B ear.' wed
Charneyâ W oolford, â A lfredâs H ead,â wed.. & sat
C h ild T ey â Davis, â A lfred âs H ead,â wed. k sat
Denchworthâ Moon k Woolford, â A lfred âs H ead,â wed.
P L A C E S O F W O R SH IP, w ith tim es of Services.
k sat
Faringdonâ Brown, â A lfredâs H ead,â sat
SS. Peter & Paul's Church. Rev. the Hon. Canon
Fawleyâ H eighten, â Blue Boar,â wed. & sat
M aurice John G eorge Ponsonby M .A. v ic a r ; R ev.
G ingeâ Chasney, â A lfredâs Head,â wed. & sat
Thom as W alker M .A. R °v. W illiam Sefton Riddelsdell
Gooseyâ Moon, â A lfredâs H ead,â wed. k sat
k Rev. Thom as H ubert T hurland B .A. c u ra te s; 7, 8
G roveâ B arrett, â B lue B oar,â wed. & sat
k 10.45 a.m . & 3 p.m . (children âs service) & 6.30 Hanney (E ast)â B arrett. â Blue B oar,â wed. & sat
p.m . ; d a ily, 7 & 10 a.m . k 7 p.m . ; wed. 8 a .111
Hanney (W est)â B arrett, â Blue Boar,â wed. k s a t .;
Mission Church. G rove street (in connection w ith the
Th atch er, â A lfredâs H ead,â wred. & sat
parish church), Sunday, 3 p.m
Hendred (E ast)â Hiskins, â Blue Boar,' w ed. & sat
B aptist, M ill street, Rev. W illiam Thom as Reynolds ;
Hendred (W est)â Chasney, M arket place, wed. & sat
a.m . k 6 p.m . ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Ilsley (E a st & W est)â Barlow. â Blue Boar, sat
B aptist (P articular), M ill street, 10.30 a.m . k 6 p.m . ; K ingston Lisleâ K in g , â A lfredâs H ead.â wed. & sat
thurs. 7 p.m
Letcom be Bassettâ Bunce, â A lfred's H ead,â daily
W esleyan, N ew bury street (Oxford C irc u it, W antage Letcom be Regisâ Bunce, â A lfreds H ead,â daily
Section), Rev. W illiam Looker F . G . S . ; 10.45 a m - & Lockin ge
(E ast & W est)â C hasney, â Shoulder of
6 p .m .; m on. 7.30 p.m
M utton ,â wed. k sat
Longw orthâ B atts, M arket place, wed
Lyfordâ Woolford, â A lfredâs Head,â wed. & sat
Newburyâ Thom as, â B ear,â wed
K in g A lfredâ s G ram m ar School form erly stood in the O xfordâ Chandler. Grove street, wed. & sat
churchyard, h avin g been erected there in the tim e of Puseyâ Batts, M arket place, wed. ; Brown, â Alfred's
Queen E lizabeth ; but on th e occasion of the m illenary
H ead.â wed. k sat
festival in com m em oration of the birth of K in g A lfred, Southm oorâ Th atcher. â A lfredâs Head,â wed. & sat
in October, 1849, funds were raised for the erection of Sparsholtâ K in g , â A lfred âs H ead,â wed. & s a t .; Davis,
a more convenient building as a perm anent m em orial
from the â Blue B oa r,â wed. & sat
of the labours of th at enlightened m onarch for the Stanfordâ House, â A lfredâs H ead,â wed. & sat. ; Batts,
advancem ent of learn in g, k in the following year
M arket place, wed
the present school buildings were erected on the south Uffingtonâ Bridgm an, â A lfred âs H ead,â wed. k sat
side of the town ; these are in the E a rly E n g lish style, W estcottâ Sam e as Sparsholt