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Post, M. 0 ., T . & T elephonic E xpress D elivery Office,
A cre End street (letters should have Oxon added).â
A lfred W . Howe, sub-postm aster. Letters arrive at
5.25 A 11.55 a.m . & 5 p .m .; Sundays, 5.25 a .m .;
dispatched at 12 noon & 7.10 & 10.30 p .m . ; Sundays,
10.30 p . m .
W all L e tte r Boxes at Barnard G ate, cleared
at 7.10 a.m . & 10.10 p . m . ; Sundays, 10.10 p . m . ;
Newland street, 11.45 a -m - & 6.55 & 8.55 p . m . ; S u n Â
d a y s , 9 a . m . ; E ynsham station, 11.45 a . m . & 7 &
7.30 p .m
Police Statio n, H ig h street, W illiam P anting, constable
[ k e l l y âs
Elem entary (boys & g irls), W itney road, built, with
m asterâs residence, in 1877, at a cost of £3,950, inclusive
of site, purchased for £ 2 5 0 ; it will hold 282 childrenJohn Thom as T reth ew ey, m a s te r; M rs. Fan n y Troths'
wey, m istress
E lem en tary (infants), S tation road, for 192 childrenMrs. C harlotte B uckin gh am , m istress
Railw ay Station, C h arles F au lk s, station master
C arrie rs.â E rn est H arris, to O xford, mon. wed. fri. £
sat. ; to W itney, every thurs. ; & Bourton, from Witney, passes th rou g h m on. wed. fri. & sat. to Oxford
Harris Rowland, blacksmith, High st
(N am es m arked thus * postal address, Blake H arry, farm er, Merton
Blake Ralph, farm er, The E lm s, â¢H arrison Alfred T. head gardener to
W itney.)
J. F. Mason esq.M .P.Eynsham hall
H igh street
A ldridge M rs. 2 W yth am ter .High st Bourne Edw ard K em p M.D. , C.M . H athaw ay John, chim ney sweeper,
Newland street
E d in ., L .R .C .P . & S.E din . physiB lake A rth u r, M erton, A cre E nd st
Hedges John, butcher, Lombard st
cian & surgeon, Blankstone
Blake Mrs. T h e E lm s, H ig h street
B ourne Edwd. Kem p M .D. Blankstone â¢Bow erm an E dw ard G . agent for J. H iggin s John, farm er, Bowles farm
F. Mason esq. M .P. E yn sh am hall Hinds Henry, farm er, City farm
â¢B ow erm an E dw ard G . Eynsham hall
Buckingham George, calf dealer, Acre Hiorns Fredk. butcher, Newland st
B raithw aite Robert, L a u rel cottage
â¢H opkins R ich ard W illiam , farmer,
End street
Bricknell Rev. W illiam N ash M .A.
Salutation farm
Sam uel,
(vicar), M ill street
Howe A lfred W illiam , drug stores,
A cre E nd street
B u ck n ill Hon. John A lex. Strachey
& Post office, Acre End street
K .C . St. Michael's
C alcu tt Charles Edw ard, boot re  Juggins John, Talbot P.H. Oxford rd
C antell M rs. N ewland street
A rth ur, farm er, Witney road
C ruickshank R obert W atson M .B .,
Capel A rth u r Edw ard, Newland inn. Meeson W alter, Railway inn, Acre
C.M . T h e Shrubbery, H igh street
Newland street
Cunliffe Jam es G rave, Barnard lodge,
Cox Charles H y. baker, Queen street Pim m F ran k ,p arish clerk,The Square
Barnard G ate
Pim m John G eorge, grocer, High st
Dudeney Edward Penfold (Catholic Cruickshank Robert W atson M .B . &
C.M .A berd. surgeon, m edical officer Pim m Joseph, hair dresser, High st
Apostolic), 3. W yth am ter. H igh st
& p ublic vaccinator Eynslfam dis Pim m Robert, tailor, High street
G alten Ew an C am eron J .P . Newland
trict, W itney union & certifying Preston W illiam , farm er, Old farm
Rhodes Thom as, Swan hotel, Acre
factory surgeon, H igh street
G alton M rs. Cam eron, N ewland ho
End street
A lbt. Edwd. shopkpr. M ill st
G ibbard E dw ard, T h e G range
â¢R oberts Edward, gamekeeper to J.F.
G ibbons M iss, Lynwood, H ig h street Davey James, saddler & harness ma.
Mason esq. M .P. Middle lodge
H igh street
G reen F rederick , The Square
Dean Thos. Jas. farm er, Tw elve Acres Rowland A lbert, farm er, Mill street
Irv in e Mrs. The Lodge
M ary (M rs.), farmer, Abbey
â¢M ason Jam es Francis M .P ., J.P . & â¢E yn sh am H all E sta te Office (Jam es
F. Mason M .P. ; E dw ard G. BowerL a d y E velyn M. E ynsham h a l l ; & 1
Sons, grocers, Newland st
m an, agent)
C hesterfield gardens, London W
Saw yer F ran k, draper,Newland street
O akeley C apt. E dw ard F ran cis, The Eynsham W ool M an u facturin g Co.
(M rs.), deputy regisÂ
Lim ited , wool flock m an ufacturers
tra r of birth s & deaths for EynsÂ
â¢P a rk e r Hon. H enry, E ynsham hall Fire Engine Station (John Geo. Pimm,
W itney union,
captain), H igh street
Rolfe M rs. The S qu are
Newland street
⢠S ch m idt Mrs. Chesneys, Newland st IF loyd Jn. beer reta iler,B a rn ard Gate Stanfield John H enry, relieving &
G ardner W illiam Jam es, Q ueenâs
Sh illin gford Mrs. A cre E nd street
vaccination officer & registrar of
Head P.H . Queen street
Sm allhorn M rs. W illow bank, H igh st
b irths & deaths for Eynsham subStevens M rs. H y. W h ite ho. M ill st G ibbard Edwd. butcher, The G range
district of W itney union & school
Swann M rs. Redthorn house, M ill st Gibbons E dw d.Jas.grocer, Lom bard st
attendance officer, Newland street
Tin dal Jas. T h e H aven, N ewland st
Hannah (M rs.), beer retailer,
(friday, 1 to 4 p .m .) ; draw on
V incent F red erick F erris, The Holt,
M ill street
M ill street
W illiam J. grocer, High st
G ran t Hy. W m . shopkpr. N ewland st
Wastie Mrs. M ill street
G reen H enry & Son, builders, H igh st Treadwell JohnJames, butcher.High st
ert, shopkeeper, Acre End st
C O M M E R C IA L .
Green Fred, basket m aker, Chapel
W all Lionel, Tope m aker, 1 Wytham
E arly closing day, Wed. 1 p.m.
yard, Newland street
H igh street
A rn att E llen (M rs.), sh op kpr.H igh st H all & Co. drapers, A cre End street W astie F rederick W illiam , carpenter,
H all Thom as, baker, A cre End street
Ayres H enry, farm er, A cre End st
Queen street
B am pton & E ynsham G as W orks Hanks G eorge, Jolly Sportsm an P.H. W atts W illiam , farm er, Barnard ht
Lom bard street
(Ryland Beeby, sec.), G as lane
Webb W alter Jeremiah, farmer, BarÂ
B an tin g W illiam (exors. of), farm ers, Harding Alice (M rs.), dress maker,
nard G ate
Station Toad
A cre H all farm
H arper P ercival, Red Lion hotel. W h itlock Hy. baker, Mill street
B anting W illiam , farm er, M ill st
ilk in s
A lb ert,
farmer, WhiteH igh street
Beaucham p & Sons, grocers, A cre
house farm
, ,
Harris Ernest, carrier, Queen street
E nd street
dlr.Acre End1 ȉ
B ennett E dw ard,shopkpr.A cre E nd st H arris Frank, W h ite H art P.H . & W ilson W illiam Frank, insurance
B iggers John K . baker, H igh street
agent, A cre End street
B lake & Co. m ineral w ater m anufac H arris Lew is, tailor, 2 Jubilee te rÂ
Hy. s ta r inn, Witney rd
race, H igh street
turers, M ill street
L I T T L E F A R I N G D O N is a sm all v illag e and ecÂ
clesiastical parish form ed in 1864 from the c iv il parish
of Langford, it stands on the riv er Leach, which is the
boundary of the counties of Oxon and G loucester, and
is about a m ile north from Lechlade station, on the
O xford and F airford branch of th e G re a t W estern TailÂ
way, 8 north-w est from Faringdon, and 2 south-w est
from Langford, of w hich parish i t was form erly a h am Â
l e t ; in the M id division of the county, p etty sessional
division of Bam pton W est, union and county cou rt disÂ
tric t of Faringdon , ru ra l deanery of W itn ey and arch Â
deaconry and diocese of O xford. T he parish was forÂ
m erly in Berkshire, b ut by th e A cts 2 and 3 W illiam
IV. cap. 64, and 7 and 8 V iet. cap. 61, it was annexed
to O xfordshire. Th e church (dedication uncertain) is
a building of stone in the T ransition N orm an and later
styles, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of three
bays, north aisle, south porch and a restored bell-cote
at the west end containing 2 b ells: there w
south chapel, the blocked doorway of wS»eh re
on the north side of the chancel is an Easter r
chre, a L a te D ecorated aum bry and a piscina, com m union table is a niche containing
crucifix erected in 1890: th e font is_plam. a
m an date, and there are some_ stained w in d o v ,
com m union plate includes a chalice of the 15
the ch urch was restored in 1883 at a cost of A 3
affords 100 sittings. The reg ister dates fro
entries anterior to this date being inciu
j^ g
register of Langford, which dates from I53°- residence.
is a vicarage, n et yearly value £ 140,
in the g ift of the Bishop of Oxford, and held
rsitjby the Rev. John H enry K irk b y U J i manor
College, Oxford. Lord De M auley is lord 01:
and sole landowner. Th e soil is m ix e d :
Th e chief crops are w heat, barley, oats an