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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Newell Richard, K in gsey, Tham e
Paddick A lb ert, K idm ore E nd,R eadng
Phillips Gr. Stadham pton, Wallingford
Phillips J. Stratton A udley, B icester
Phillips Jsph. R. B loxham , B anbury
Pigden Richard & Son, Rotherfield
Peppard, H enley-on-Tham es
Plowm an A. & Son, 8 South parade,
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Plumbe W illiam , Souldern, Banbury
Plumbe W m . Fredk. Fringford,Bicestr
P ratley V icto r, Shilton, Burford
Print John & Sons, Langford, Lechlade (G loâstersh)
Print A lbert, B rize Norton, Bam pton
Puffett F rederick, M ilton-under-W vchwood, Oxford
P u tt N athaniel, C assington, Oxford
Read Richard, 27 Pem broke street,
St. C lem ent's, O xford
Richardson T. G . B ucknell, B icester
Roberts Gordon, Shenington, Banbry
Salmon James, A m brosden & Merton,
B icester
Sansbury John, C hurch
Enstone & N eat Enstone, Enstone
Saxton H owell, W olvercote, Oxford
Sheldon Mrs. F red erick , W heatley
Sheldon Henry, Littlem ore, Oxford
Sheldon H orace, M arsh B aldon,O xfrd
Sheldon W . T idd ington, W heatley
Shepherd J.G t.R ollright,C hip p in gN rtn
S irett & W aine, 25 M arket sq.B icestr
Sm ith A rth u r, Stonesfield, W oodstock
S m ith G . A . 52 The C rofts, W itn ey
Sm ith W illiam , Islip, Oxford
Soden W . Idbury, Chipping Norton
Soten Jam es W m . T ack ley, Oxford
Stevens Brothers, Shirb urn & Britwell, W allingford
Stow A rthur, Headington, Oxford
Sutters Thom as, 37 Richm ond road.
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
Taylor A lfred, Charlton, Oxford
T aylor John, W roxton, B anbury
H orace,
M arket
D eddington, Oxford
Tibbetts W illiam , Barford St. Michael,
Oxford & at M ilcom be, B anbury
Tidm arsh H. B righ tw ell B aldw in,
W allingford
Townsend & W heeler, Cheapside,
Bam pton
Trindall & Son, H igh st. W atlington,
W allingford
Trinder Frederick, Filkins, Lechlade
(G loâstersh)
Turner E dw ard, Chinnor, W allingford
Turner F rederick, Denton, W heatley
Turner Fredk. G arsington, W h eatley
Turner Thom as, Chinnor, W allingford
V ig gars C. & Co. S outham road,
B anbury
W alker & Son, L o n g H andborough,
W oodstock
W alker R ichd.Sibford F erris,B an bury
W ard B enjam in, T etsw orth
Webb & Bennett, K idlington, Oxford
Webb F rederick, Y arn to n , O xford
West W m .N ettlebed,H enley-on-Thm s
Weston W illiam & Son, Hook Norton,
W h itm ill R .A .N th.N ew ington,B an b ry
W iggins G eorge & Son, 159 & 161
C owley road, Oxford. S e e a d Â
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e
4 9
W ilks A . S outh N ew ington, B anbury
W ilks Mrs. D. C hadlington,C h arlb ury
Wootton W illiam , Bodicote, Banbury
Y eatm an M rs. E . A lvescot, C lanfield'
Y ou n g H erbt. Stonor,H enley-on-Thm s
Sm ith, P a rfrey & Co. L im ited , Rannoch road, F u lh am P alace road,
H am m ersm ith, London W .
â W heelworks, H am m er, London ; â
T N H am m ersm ith 147 (2 lines)
P riceâs Patent Candle Co. L im ited ,
Belm ont wits.Battersea,London SW
A n cien t O rder of F oresters(C ourt No.
2880) (W illiam H. A shby, sec.),
Post Office b uildings, 1 R eadin g rd.
H enley-on-Tham es
Ashm olean N atural H istory Society of
Oxfordshire (M iss A . L . Stone &
Rev. C. F. Thornew ill M .A. hon.
secs.), U n iversity m useum , Parks
road, Oxford
Association for the Education of W oÂ
men (M iss A . M . A. H. Rogers &
W m . David Ross M .A. hon. secs.),
Clarendon b uildin g, Broad st.O xfrd
Association for th e Prosecution of
Felons (F ortescue & Sons, trea Â
surers & secs.), B anbury
Bam pton & D istrict H o rticu ltu ra l A
C ottag e G arden Society (G . W.
Gordon, sec.), Bam pton
A gricultural
(F. N. S hrim pton, sec. ; A rth u r
Stockton, hon. trea s.), B anbury
B anbury F rien d ly Societiesâ Medical
Association (Henrv R . W ebb, s e c .;
H enry B eattie M .R .C .S . & L .R .C .P .
Lond. resident m edical officer),
Broad street, B anbury
Banbury Y oun g Womenâs Christian
A ssociation (Mrs. J. A . G ille tt,
hon. sec.),T em p eran ce ho tel,B rid ge
street, B an bury
B arn ett H ouse In stitu te for Social &
Econom ic S tudies (M iss T h ackeray,
sec.), 26 Broad street, O xford
B icester Y oun g Menâs C hristian AssoÂ
ciation (S. L. B la xley, sec.), 21
C ausew ay, B icester
B ritish & F oreign B ible (Rev. E . W.
G . H udgell M .A. d is tric t s e c .; Rev.
J. Vernon B a rtlet D.D. hon. s e c .;
R. J ow itt W h itw ell B .L itt. treas.),
35 M useum road, Oxford
B ritish Red Cross S o ciety (Col. S.
W aller C .V .O . cou n ty d ire c to r);
office, 20 M agdalen street, Oxford
Burford R ecreation Society (A rth u r
G eorge Packer, hon. sec.), F a lk Â
land hall, Burford
C arterton Recreation G round T ru s Â
tees (A rth u r G iles G ee, hon. sec.),
C arterton , Clanfield
C h a rity O rganization (Mrs. S. A llen,
agen t), 48 New Inn H all st.O xford
C h arlbu ry Y ou n g M enâs C hristian
Association (J. A . Bowl, hon. sec.),
C harlbury
Ch ristian Social Union (O xford C ity
b ranch) (J. Theodore Dodd M .A.
hon. s e c .; R ev. Jam es A lexander
C arlyle D .L itt. ch airm an ; M .P ratt,
hon. trea su rer), 33 S t. G ilesâ st.
O xford
E n glan d
Tem perance
S ociety (H. F erris-P ik e, sec.), 43a,
Queen street, Oxford
C hurch M issionary (Rev. H. E. G rey
& Rev. T . W . K etch lee M .A . hon.
s e c s.; Col. F . A . L e M esurier O .R
hon. trea su rer), S t. A ldateâs Tectory, Pem broke st. S t. A ld ateâs,
C oun ty of Oxford T erritoria l Force
A ssociation (M ajor W . L . M elville
Lee M .A. s e c .); office, 20 M agdalen
street, Oxford
D ruids A n cien t O rder of (Isis lodge,
No. 580) (W . M illin , sec.), 36
Cornm arket street, Oxford
Foresters, A n cien t O rder of, Court
A sh h u rst 6961 (W . G . Pocock,see.),
B u ll P.H . G reat M ilton, W a llin g Â
fo rd ; 5947 (Frank Gordon, sec.),
Red Lion hotel, B ic e s te r ; Court
Duke of Y ork (m eets second th urs.
in m onth) (W illiam T . C ooke,sec.),
F orestersâ hall, K idlin gto n , Oxford
& C ourt Robin Hood 5490 (B. W.
H icks, sec.), Deddington, Oxford
Freem asons (Apollo U n iversity Lodge)
(P .C olville Sm ith,h on. sec.), Frewin
court, O xfo rd ; Jersey L o dge of An-
cient Free & A ccepted, No. 2334
t(L. N ew by, sec.). M asonic room s,
B ic e s te r; Th e B ow yer, 1036 (W m .
Norm an R ow ell J .P . sec.), M asonic
tem ple, O ver Norton road, C hippin g
N o rto n ; T h am es No. 1895 (F red k.
G. Lee, sec.), R eading road, H en Â
ley-on-Tham es ; W in drush lodge,
1703 E .C .
C h u rch
C h u rch green, W itn ey & A lfred
lodge, 340 ; C h u rch ill lodge, 478 ;
B ertie lodge, 1515; A lfred Royal
A rch C h ap ter, 240 ; A lfred Mark
lo dge,
247 : P rovin cial G rand
lodge, 50a, H ig h street, Oxford ;
B ap tist Rose C roix C hap ter, 142,
50a, H ig h st. O xford & W ychw ood
lo dge, No. 2414 (H enry F . P ig g o tt
M .A . sec.), M asonic h all, Sheep st.
B urford
G irlsâ F rien d ly (O xford L o dge) (M iss
L. E n g stro m , hon. su p t.), 63 S t.
G ile sâ street, O xford
H enley-on-Tham es
M enâs
C h ristian
A ssociation
Consterdine, sec.), 9 S tatio n road,
H enley-on-Tham es
H enley-on-Tham es Y ou n g W om en's
C h ristian
F raser, hon. sec.), 4 N orm an aven.
H enley-on-Tham es
N ation al
C hristian Social Service (W illiam
H enry H un t, su p t.),T u rn erâs court,
W allin gford
Incorporated Soldiers & SailoTs Help
(F. M. G reen , local sec.), 15
C h urch green, W itn ey
L ib era l
(M id-Oxon)
(A dolphus B allard M .A. hon. sec. ;
F. A . H uckle, 10 A bbey rd. O xford,
registration agent), W oodstock
London & Provin cial A n ti-V ivisectio n
S ociety (O xford branch) (M iss E.
G. F letch er, hon. sec. ; M isses R.
& S. G ane, assistan t hon. secs.), 10S tan lev rd. C ow ley St. John, O xfrd
Mid Oxfordshire Conservative A ssoÂ
ciation (D. H. E . Oakes, registration
agen t), 19 H igh street, Oxford
M id Oxon L ib era l Association (F ran k
A ttw ood H uckle, registration agent
& sec.), 10 A bbey road, Oxford
N ational D eposit F rien d ly (W alter
W illiam Bond, local sec.), W arboroâ ,
W allin gford
N ational Society for th e Prevention
of C ru e ltv to C h ild ren (C harles
W esley Tydem an , in spector), 14
A bbey road, Oxford
Neithrop Association for the ProsecuÂ
tion of Felons (Stockton & Sons,
so licito rs; T . A . P a g e, hon. s e c .:
F . J. D albv, hon. trea s.), B anbury
N o rth O xfordshire C onservative A sÂ
sociation (A rth u r Raym ond, a g e n t),
C on servative clu b. H igh st.B an b u ry
N orth O xfordshire L iberal & R adical
A ssociation (F. C. Ã ritta in , orÂ
gan izin g sec.), 22 H orsefair,B anbury
O ddfellow s (No. 9,007), M anchester
U n ity, B an b ury d istrict (A rth u r
Baughan, sec.), F ritw ell, B an bury ;
(No. 7,474) (Thom as S m ith , sec.)
D eddington, Oxford ; (No. 8,666)
(Jam es H unce, sec.) Som erton,
B an b ury & (No. 3,864) (G eorge
H enry A llen, sec.) London Toad,
C hip p in g Norton
Osney, St. Thom asâ & N ew B otley
A llotm ent Association (E. G . C.
C haundy, sec.), B otley rd. O xford
O xfordA n glin g & P reservation Society
(H arry V . Sw innard, sec.), 13 New
road, Oxford
Oxford A rch itectural & H istorical SoÂ
c iety (M iss Lees & R. G . C ollin gwood,
A shm olean
m useum , Beaum ont street, O xford
O xford Blind S ociety (D epot) (Col.
A rth u r W illia m Forbes, hon. sec.),
4 L it t le Clarendon street, Oxford