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d i r e c t o r y .]
Twining Sidney, tobacconist, 13 & 14 C orn m arket st
Tvler H enry Peters L im ited , boot & shoe m akers, 1
'Castle street & 46 E bb eâs street
Tvrrell & Co. tailors, 8 G eorge street
Tyrrell A lfred, news agent, 75a, S t. A ld ateâs street
Tvrrell G eorge (M rs.),bookseller,5 K in gston r d .S t.G ile s â
Tyrrell Geo. dir. in antiques, 7 Park End st. S t.T h o m asâ
Tvrrell H enry, florist, M arston street, C ow ley S t. John
Tyrrell Hv. w holesale fru iterer, 88 & 127 T h e M arket
Tyrrell Sam uel H ughes, boot m aker, 6 Sunningw ell road,
'New Hinksey
T y rw h itt & M a rsh a ll, s o lic ito rs & co m m issio n e rs fo r o ath s,
1 G e o rg e s tr e e t
T y rw h itt B e a u c h a m p E d w a r d , s o licito r, se e T y r w h it t &
M arshall
Tysoe Mary E lizabeth (M iss), university lo dgin g house,
'28 W ellington square, S t. G ile sâ
Underhill Charles & Co. grocers, 37 Corn m arket street
Underhill M ichael & Son, grocers, 7 H igh street
Underhill E rnest A ugu stu s, grcr.15 & n o S t.C le m en tâs st
Underhillâ s Hide & Skin M arket L im ited , hide & skin
merchants, 22 F ria râs entry. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
page 4 7
Union of London & Sm iths Bank L im ited (The) (Bryce
McMaster, m anager), 91 H igh s t r e e t; draw on head
office, 2 Princes street E C
United K ingdom M utu al L ife Insu ran ce Co. (M athews
& Son, d istrict agents), 6 St. A ld ateâ s street
United Y ea st Co. L td . (The), 39 Speedwell st.S t.A ld a teâs
University College (R eginald W alter M acan M .A ., D .L itt.
master), H igh street & D u rham bldgs.88 & 89 H igh st
University C ollege C rick et G round (G eorge K in g,
groundsm an), Abingdon road, G randpont
University & C ounty P ostin g Stables L im ited , Beaum ont
street; H olywell s tre e t; xi M erton s tre e t; C athedral
stables, St. A ld ateâs street & New stables, Brew er
street. T N 1
University C ricket G round (S am u el K in g , g rou n dsÂ
man), S outh P ark road
University Exam ination Schools(Edw ard Holland Bellam y,
clerk), H igh street
University G ym n asium (S erg t.-M ajo r G eorge M orley,
manager), A lfred street, H igh street
University M useum (Professor H erbert L is te r Bowman
M.A., D .Sc. sec.)^ Parks road
University O bservatory (H erbert H all Turn er D .S c.,
F .R .S .,
F .R .A .S .
S avilian
Professor of
Astronomy, d ir e c to r ; F ran k A rth u r B ellam y hon.
M.A., F .R .A .S . & Robert S tan ley Capon B .A . & Miss
E. F. B. B ellam y, assista n ts; John M ullis, caretaker),
The Parks
University P ark (Hy. M ount, sup t.), L o dge,So uth P ark rd
University Press Ink F acto ry, Juxon street, S t. G ile sâ
University P rin tin g Press (F rederick H all, prin ter to
the university, con tro ller; Charles C an n an M .A . sec. to
the delegates), W alton street
U n iv e r s it y
T y p e w ritin g
O f f ic e
(E . Sunderland,
sec.), Lloyds Bank cham bers, H igh street.
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e
O X FO R D .
W akefield John H y. m edical electrician , 139 W alton st
W akefield John Thom as, shopkpr. 100 F ria rs st.S t.E b b e 's
W akelin Edwd. C h as.p a in ter,61 H ertford st.M agdalen st
W akelin E dw in, A m pney C ottage P .H . 172 C ow ley road
W ale W alter, carpenter & joiner, 50 St. A ldateâs street
W a i f o r d & S p o k e s , jew ellers & dealers in an tiques &
valuers, 86 & 87 H ig h street & 14 M agdalen street &
cabin et m akers, M erton street.
S ee a d v e rtis e Â
m ent page
W alker G eorge & Son, ironm ongers, plum bers, gas &
w ater fitters & sheet m etal w orkers, 10 L ittle gate st.
S t. E b b eâs & 49 S t. A ldateâs street.
See a d v e rÂ
tis e m e n t p a g e
W alker A lb ert, ch im n ey sweeper,24 Lake st.N ew H in ksey
W alker A lfred Thom as, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 8
B an bury road
W alker C harles, shopkeeper, 89 C ardigan st. Jericho
W alker C harles, tobacconist, 170 C ow ley road
W alker D avid, apartm ents, 22 S outhm oor rd. S t. G ile s â
W a lk er F rederick, ap artm en ts, 17 & 18 Pem broke st.
S t. A ld a teâs
W alker Fredk. builder, 123 M agdalen rd.C ow ley S t.Jo h n
W alker G ertrude (M iss), u n iversity lodgin g house, 20 &
2 x H olyw ell street
W alker H enry, boot m aker, 13 B lue B oar street
W alker H enry, hair dresser, 51 St. A ld a teâs street
W alker M aud M ary (M rs.), g reen grocer, 117 W alton st
W alker W illiam H y. tailor & robe m a. 24 & 25 Broad st
W a lk lett G eo. Jas. ch em ist, 26 Park E n d st. S t.T h o m a sâ
W alklett John G eorge, apartm ents, 5 Bath pi. H olywell st
W alkiett T h os. W m . aprtm nbs. 2oW oodstock rd. S t G ile sâ
W allis & Son, cycle m akers, 15a, C h urch sb. S t. Ebbe's
W allis F lorence M ary (M iss), nurse, 38 S tratfield road,
Sum m ertow n
W alsh, A ndrew , G ray & R ose,solicitors,116 St. A ld a teâs st
W alsh & W alton, solicitors, 22 S t. M ichaelâs street
W alter Jonas, join er, 59 L a k e street, New H inksey
W alter N. (M iss), servantsâ re g is try office, 12 C o rn Â
m arket street
W alter P ercy Jas. stationer, 207 B an bury T d .S u m m rt^ n
W alters & Co. (O xford) L im ited , tailors & ou tfitters,
8, 9 & 10 T u rl street & ladiesâ tailors & ou tfitters, 19,
20 & 21 Ship street
W alters Jam es, chapel keeper, New Inn H all street
W alton E dw ard, confectioner, 53 G eorge street
W alton E rn est F ran k, shopkeeper, 36 H ertford street,
M agdalen road
W alton Henry' Jam es, shopkeeper, 2 Speedw ell street,
S t. A ld a teâs
W alton W alter E dw ard B askerville M .A ., B .C .L . (firm ,
W alsh & W a lton ), solicitor & com m issioner for oaths'
& clerk to the trustees of S t. M ichaelâs & St. E bbeâ s
parochial charities, 22 St. M ichaelâs street
W alton W illiam , u n iversity lodging house, 14 M erton st
W arburton Thom as, m arine store dealer, 17 B ridge st.
& 29 & 30 A lb e rt street, St. E bbeâs
W ard Brothers, builders, 4a, Tham es street & 15 Isis
street, St. A ldateâs
W ard T . & Son, b uilders, plum bers & decorators, 45
Leckford road, St. G ile sâ . S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Upstone & Son, printers, 15a, Queen street
page 5 4
Vallis Jas. Hy. beer retlr. 258 Banbury rd. Sum m ertw n
Valters & Co. news agents, 89 S t. C lem en tâs street
W ard A lb ert E dw ard, grocer, 6x S t. C lem en tâs street
Valters Marion (M rs.), news agent, 120 W alton street
W ard A lice T . (M rs.), din in g room s, 2 R ew ley road,
Varsity (The) (H olyw ell Press L im ited , p u b lis h e rs ;
S t. Thom asâ
published tuesdays d u rin g term ), 29 Broad street & W ard H enry, butch er, 75 S t. A ld a teâs street
45 & 45a, H olywell street
W ard John Sam uel, A nchor P .H . 2 H ayfield rd. St. G ilesâ
Veal Z. E. (M rs.), wardrobe d ir.102 C ardigan st.Jericho W ard Joseph, apartm ents, 42 Richm ond rd. S t.T h o m asâ
Venables John & Son, gun m akers, 99 St. A ldateâs street W ard Joseph, practical ta ilo r & cu tter (w est end
Venables W illiam & Son, fu rn itu re dealers, 58 St.
system ), dress & frock su its, shower proof coats,
Clementâs street
business suits &c. 39 L ittle Clarendon st. S t. G ile sâ
Venner W illiam G eorge, m anager G reat W estern R a il W ard L ily (M iss), dress m a. 25 Jeune st. S t. C lem en tâs
way goods depot, B otley road
W ard Richard, ap artm ents, 115 C ow ley road
V enussKathleen(M iss),aparts.i5Richm ond T d . S t.T h o m asâ W ard Robert, shopkeeper, 30 London pi. S t. C lem en tâs
Verney Richard John M .R .C .V .S . veterin ary surgeon, & W ard Thom as, ap artm en ts, 11 Park End st. S t.T h o m a sâ
veterinary inspector under the â Diseases of Anim als W ard W alter W allace, chartered accoun tant, see C ritch Acts,â 23 Beaum ont street
ley, Lew is & W ard
Vernon Wm. Panter, engraver, W heatsheaf yd. H igh st W ard W illiam Robert, w harfinger, C an al w harf, N e w rd
Victoria Coffee House (W alter Jam es H azell, m anager), W areham W alter Jas.tailor, 22 London pi. S t.C le m e n tâs
5 7 St. Clem entâ s street
W ark Frank Thom as, apartm ents, 39 S outhm oor road,
Vigars E lizabeth (M rs.), u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 11
St. G ile sâ
Grove street
W arland John C ecil, cycle agent, 61 G eorge street
Vincent Joseph, stationer & p rinter, 109 & 126a, H igh W arneford H ospital for M ental Disorders (A lexander
street; 69 S t. G ile sâ street & 100 C ow ley road
W illiam W eill M .D. residen t m edical supt. & s e c .;
Vincentâs C lu b (H enry Browne, m anager), 7 H igh st
C harles W illiam s L .R .C .P ., L .R .C .S ., L .S .A . assistan t
Vivian A rth ur 0 . stationer, 1 C ornm arket street
m edical officer ; Rev. Percival H oliday B adcock M .A.
jVadham C ollege (Joseph W ells M .A . w arden), Parks rd
chaplain ; M iss E m ily B arnw ell, m atro n ), H eadington
Wadham Alfd. Searle,house decoratr.13 S t.C le m en tâs st
h ill, St. C lem en tâs S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e â 5 7
adham Louise (M adam e), teacher of french, 162 W arner C h arles, tailor, 63 S t. A ld ateâs street
Divinity road. C ow ley road
W arren H arriet (M iss), u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 110
Waite Thom as & Son, dyers & cleaners, 9 E ast avenue,
S outhm oor road, S t. G ilesâ
iât- Clementâs
aifce Joseph, boot m aker, 3 C ircus st. Cowley S t. John