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t6 o
READING s t r e e t d i r e c t o r y â 3 9 1 4
r o a d â continued
Burrage T hom as
K n ox B row n low D. (A rd m illan)
E lliott Sam uel (Silverdale)
T u rn er T hom as H. (L y n w ood )
H enley
S o u t h e r n v ie w :
1 W arw ick Jam es G eorg e
2 W arw ick W illiam Jam es
Parfitt John B rodrihb (P en trid g e ;
W arw ick Brothers, nurserym n
G ray B arkley(S outhern view )
fro m W illow street.
H E N R Y S T R E E T , from
Pell street.
East side.
F oster W illiam
Cavill John
S m ith W illiam Sidney
L u sty H a rry
Schofield W illiam
Pithouse Jam es
G erm ain J. it G. fu rn itu re
rem overs
49 G ood all Miss
47 Batten B enjam in, bu ilder
45 Bosher John H en ry
43 E y n ott A lbert
41 Duke R ichard
39 File w ood E rnest David
37 B utcher F rederick H en ry
35 B u g u id Leslie W m . James
â 33 Dee W ilfred G eorge
31 Oakley M rs
27 Jordan George
25 Sullivan John
23_Josey Frederick G eorge
21 C ram e Miss
19 P oulter T hom as
17 A ppleton A rth ur George
15 W all Mrs
13 L ittle G eorge
11 Rose John
9 W ilkinson H enry
W est side.
68 Ballard John
66 T ann er John
64 C rutchfield H enry
here is D oroth y st .......
62 Jones Fredk. G eo. grocer
60 Purbrook Ellis
58 E dw ards John A rth ur
56 W illis Frank
5 4 T u ck er W illiam
52 Chapm an W alter E dwin
50 Saph W illiam James
48 Frew in G eorge A lfred
46 Pike Berkeley
44 Paice W illiam
42 L ov ed ay Charles
40 Sansone John
38 H anham R obert James
36 Hall Frederick Bert
34 Keep Alfred
32 G ale W illiam T hom as
30 Piper T om
28 M un dy H arry
26 Hoskins W illiam H enry
24 Plowm an W illiam
22 Dengel G eorge
20 Collick R obert G eorge
18 W alk er M atthew
10 T tiggey Charles
14 Yates T om Carl
12 H arrison N ehem iah
from M ount Pleasant to
C hristchurch road.
N orth side.
1 Cox
A brah am Charles,
1 Cox Mrs. A lice C. shopkpr
3 G oddard W illiam
5 H ortop Albert
7 Nash Mrs. Jane Elizabeth
dress m aker
9 H allm aney G eorge Henry
11 Pye Edwin
13 R ogers David
15 W eeks W illiam
17 Parsons James H erbert
19 Halfacre A rthur
2 i Few Fred
23 Ellis Frank
25 T aylor G eorge
27 Maskell Jam es
A lfred, cabinet
B R I D G E 27 Pounds
m aker (w orksh op)
W H A R F , from 18 K in g âs
E ast side.
1 Clark W illiam
29 Collinson W illiam John
K ingham W illiam k Sons, 31 H ollow ay Frederick W m
wholesale g rocers
33 W arren A rth ur
A rk Co. (T h e ), custard, 35 M orris Jam es
baking k egg powder 37 G ood ger Frederick
m anufacturers
39 T aylor Joseph
B radley & Bliss Lim ited, 41 Soden Jam es W
chem ical stores
43 Butcher Frank W illiam
45 H orloek Miss
47 H ew lett Cecil
H I G H S T R E E T , from
49 B urn Frederick W illiam
K in g âs road.
51 G eater Charles Richard
East side.
53 G ibbons G eorge
6 Jackson E. & Sons, ou t 55 Mills James
57 Snare.v Frederick A lbert
7 Hawkes G eorge k Sons, 59 D yer Richard
ironm ongers
61 R yley Frederick Charles
8 Jackson E. & Sons, boot 63 Nash Arthur
m akers
65 P lum ridge Alfred
9 B road Face H otel, A rth ur 67 Stevens Thom as
John Deaves
69 Griffin A lbert
W est side.
71 W eller Allan
10 H I L L âS
C O . 73 G alt A rchibald
75 N orth H arry (V ern on )
10 R endall & B erry, solicitors 77 M onney Jam es
10 R eading & D istrict M utual 79 Painter H onry
T rade P rotection .So 81 L aw rence James
ciety (R en d a ll & B erry, 83 W atkins A lfred G eorge
85 Mason M urrell
t i Cook David John, basket 87 G arrett Joseph
w arehouse
89 Debank F rederick
12 T hom son W alt, hair drssr 91 K in g A rth ur
13 A yres Charles & Giles, 93 Kaill Sam uel Jam es
G reat W estern Railway 95 G regory A rth ur
97 D odge M rs C
99 M etcher W illiam