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D IR E C T O R Y â 1 9 1 4 .
P arish Clerks &c.
A ll Saintsâ , J oh n M u ndy (verger), 198 T ilehu rst road.
G rey F riars, A lfre d Jam es D a rlin g (clerk), 199 Caversham road.
H o ly T r in ity , R ich a rd H in ton (verger), 44 W illia m street.
St. G ilesâ , J oh n Jam es Law rence (clerk and verg er), 90 P e ll street.
St. J oh n the E va n gelistâ s, A lfred G. N orth (clerk), 1 P rin ces street.
St. L au rence, G eorge F o x e ll, 6 A b b o tâ s w alk, F orbu ry.
St. M a ry the V irg in , Mr1/. Joseph Crapp (depu ty clerk), 20 B a k er
s tr e e t ; W illia m Th om pson (verger), 40 Zinzan street.
C hrist C hurch, W h itley , Jam es E d w in Eeles (verger),110 H ig h g rov e st.
St. M a rk âs, J. W illiam s (verger), 174 K en sin gton road.
St. M a ry âs, Castle street, W a lter L o n g (clerk), 12 Castle street.
St. P e te râ s. E arley, T hom as E dw ards (verger), 251 W y k eh a m road.
St. Saviourâ s, G. Courtnell (verger).
C A V E R S H A M is a separate parish, situated am idst picturesque
scenery, on th e n orth bank o f the Tham es, and con nected w ith th e
rem ainder o f th e borou gh b y an iron bridge. T h e parish ch urch of
St. P eter, o rigin a lly N orm an , is an edifice of flint, w ith ston e dressin gs,
con sisting o f chancel w ith aisle, nave, aisles and a w estern tow er w ith
plain parapet con ta in in g 6 b e lls : it was partially restored and reseated
w ith open benches in 1857, w hen a vestry was b u ilt, and was further
restored in 1879 and th e tow er rebu ilt at a co st o f £ 3 ,5 7 0 : th e nave
arcade, a p o rtion o f the original N orm an church, con sisting o f circular
arches, on plain round pillars, w ith other ancient features, was then
destroyed , b ut th ere is a N orm an south d o o r w a y : the chancel arcade,
o f tw o arches, is P erpendicu lar and relieved b y panelled w o r k : th e
stained east w in dow is a m em orial to J oh n Stephens esq. o f Caversham
R ise, and there are several others : the church affords 600 sittings, o f
w hich 220 are free. T he churchyard was closed to interm ents and a
new burial ground at H em dean opened in June, 1885.
T h e register
dates from th e year 1597. T h e livin g is a vicarage, gross yea rly value
£ 3 6 8 , n et £ 2 8 5, w ith residence, in the g ift of C hrist C hurch, O xford,
and held since 1898 b y the R ev. Charles W illiam E useby Cleaver M .A .
o f th a t college, w h o is also surrogate. T h e church of St. A n d rew , in
A lb e rt road, erected in 1911, consists o f clerestoried nave w ith north
aisles, chancel and v e s tr ie s : th ere are 300 sittings. T h ere is a Free
ch urch (B aptist) in the village, built in 1872 ; a C ath olic ch apel, erected
in 1902 and dedicated to Our L a d y and St. A nne ; a C on gregational chapel,,
built in 1827 ; a W esleya n church, in W o o d co te road, b u ilt at a cost
o f £ 2 ,00 0 , was opened in June, 1909. A cem etery of 4 acres was opened
in M ay, 1885, to w h ich a further 1^ acres was added in 1903. T h e P olice
Station h ere was erected in 1884. John (F itzgera ld ), 18 E arl o f K ilda re,
w h o died 9 N ov. 1707, left b y his w ill, dated 19 M arch , 1704-5 to
5 A p r il, 1707, 18 acres o f land, the rents now' am ounting to £ 1 7 , to
be a pp lied to the use of the pooT ; and his w id ow , E lizabeth, Countess
of K ild a re, b y w ill, dated 3 O ct. 1748, gave £ 1 0 0, laid ou t in the
purchase o f £ 1 0 5 7s. 6 d. Old South Sea A n n u ities, n ow represented by
£ 1 1 6 15s. 2d. £2-| per Cent. Consols, the dividen ds of w hich are applied
to the a pp renticin g o f poor c h ild r e n ; M r. J . Stephens le ft £ 5 0 0 in lik e
Consols, th e interest to be spent in provid in g cloth in g t o be given
to the p oor in th e m onth o f January in each year ; M rs. B u rch ettâs
ch a rity o f £ 4 9 y e a rly is for the m aintenance o f dissenting places of
w o r s h ip : M rs. C lissold left £ 1 0 0 , the interest o f w h ich is expended
in bread, distributed to the p o o r on the a nn iversary o f h er death.
There are m a n y good houses in th is neighbourhood. W illia m Thompson