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This Court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction & for bankruptcy purposes
includes H enley County Court district ; Cecil Mercer, senior official
receiver ; Frank T. Carton, assistant official receiver, 14 Bedford row,
London w c
Customs & Excise Offices, K in g Edward buildings, Station road, W illiam
Bryan, collector & stamp distributor
Customs & Excise, Old A ge Pension & National Health Insurance Office,
45 M inster street, J. du Pré M atchett, surveyor
D istrict R egistry o f the H igh Court, 172 Friar street; Henry Collins &
H enry Jordan m. a ., b .c . i.. join t district registrars
General P ost Office Surveyor's Office, South M idland D istrict, 37 London
road ; W . Dickinson, surveyor
H. M. Prison, Forbury rond, Capt,. F. G. C. M. M organ, governor ;
chaplain; W illiam Thomas Freeman M.D.nurh., r.R.c.s.Eng. medical
officer ; M atthew W . Loam, storekeeper & W . Shearman, ch ief warder
Inland Revenue Land Valuation Dept. ; offices, 57 & 65 London road ;
Christopher Dalgleish, district valuer
Masonic Hall, 12 Greyfriars road ; Ernest Sopp, caretaker
Post Office Telephone Service, Telephone buildings, M inster street.
Pu blic call offices : 63 Basingstoke road ; 6 Bridge street, Caversham ;
P ost Office, B road street ; 80 Christchurch road ; 1 Church road,
E arley ; 105 Cumberland road ; Cattle market, Great K nollys street ;
161 K in g ’s road ; 199 London road ; Corn exchange, M arket place ; 182
O xford road ; 31 Prince o f W alesaveuue ; 7 Station road & 105 W ok in g­
ham road ; A. Maclean, dist. manager
Police Court & Station- (Boro ), The Forbury, Capt. J. S. Henderson
(late 1st Batt. Gordon H ighlanders), chief constable ; James Lickley,
chief inspector; Frank S. Staite, inspector & chief clerk ; 4 inspectors,
12 sergeants & 92 constables
Police Stations (B orough), 24 Eastern avenue, W illiam George, sergeant
in ch a rge; W est Police station, 613 Oxford road, W illiam Marsh,
sergeant in ch arge; 21 Church street, Caversham, John M attingley,
sergt. in ch arge; 7 A shley terrace, Basingstoke road, John Barber,
constable in ch arge; 13 Iüdm ore End road, Caversham, Ernest
Palmer, constable in charge ; School road Tilehnrst., George Blanch,
constable in charge ; The Elms, Bath road, Calcot, Charles Sureh,
constable in charge
Police Station (Berkshire C ounty) & Head Quarters o f County Police,
A bbey street, M ajor Arthur Faulconer Poulton, chief constable ; Oliver
Robotham , deputy chief constable & superintendent of Reading
Division ; A lfred James Hedges, superintendent & chief clerk ; Thomas
Grant, inspector ; 2 sergeants & 10 constables
P olice Station (O xfordshire County), 13, 15 & 17 Church road, Caver­
sham ; W illiam Henry Page, inspector in charge
P u blic Library, News & Reading Room s, Blagrave street ; W est branch,
O xford road ; W illiam H enry Greenhough, ch ief librarian ; Caversham
branch, Church street, Caversham ; E. B. Hobbs, librarian
Reading A rt G allery & Museum, Blagrave street; T . W. M. Colyer
Reading Cemetery, London roa d ; George Edward Bouldersnn R ogers,
sec. 9 Cross street
Reading Chamber o f Commerce (M em bers o f Associated Chambers), 156
Friar street ; James Haslam, sec