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D ictionary. The celebrated Richard V alpy d . d . was head master from
1781 to 1831. U nder Archbishop Laudâs deed the visitors o f the school
are the Vice-Chancellor o f the University o f O xford, the President o f
St. John s College & the Warden o f A ll Souls College.
The visitation
takes place usually on the 18th Oct. There are tw o â W h ite Scholarships, tenable at St. Joh n âs College, Oxford, each o f .£100 p er year for
fo u r years, on the foundation o f Sir Thomas W h ite ; six â A ppleton
¡scholarships â o f ¿ b per annum, and a â Spokes Scholarship â o f ¿ 1 0
per annum ; the â Laud Scholarship,â o f the value o f ¿ 2 0 .a n d â C ouncil
The school has been closely connected with the CorÂ
poration, the M ayor being ex-officio chairman o f the governing body
Under a new scheme, dated A pril 1st, 1908, the Aldermen & Burgesses
o f the County Borough o f Reading become I,he governors o f the schools
responsible fo r its finance. Large additions, at a cost o f ¿ 2 4 ,0 0 0 , have
now been made ; these consist chiefly o f seven new class-rooms & adÂ
ministration rooms, new laboratories & lavatories, library, workshops & c.
H ead M asteh .
The Rev. W illiam Charles Eppstein m . a . Corpus Christi College, Cam Â
bridge & d . d . St. John âs College, Oxford, f . ii .a . s
S econd M a st e r .
R obert Newport
late scholar o f Jesus College, O xford
A s s is t a n t s .
? ', P i ? , ! ner MA- Christ College, Cambridge (master o f the Junior school)
J . O . lh o r p e m . a . , p . i.e. Corpus Christi College, O xford
H. S. Crook b . a . Selwyn College, Cambridge
J. L . Sylo-Jones m . a . late scholar o f St. Catharineâs C ollege, Cambridge &
b . s c . London
D. G. W illia m s b . a . late scholar o f Corpus Christi College, O xford
K. T . Rees m . a . late scholar o f D ow ning College, Cambridge
P . Edw ards b . a . late exhibitioner of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
iiVB A * Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Miss A. S. OâR eilly b . a . Queenâs College, Dublin
E . O. D aughtry m . a . , B . s i u s .c a m b . , f . b . c . o . m u s i c master
H . D. Barkas a . r . c . a . art master
C lerk to the G overn ors.
â¢M e d ic a l O f f ic e r s . â W .
â I I . T, Pugh
m. d.
& L. G uilding
S e r g e a n t I n stru c to r to C a d e t C orps. â
I n s t r u c t o r i n G y m n a s t i c s .â
Col.-Sergt. Green
k . r .r
Sergeant Byrne
P a t r o n . â The
K endrick road.
Lord Bishop of Oxford
C h a i r m a n o f G o v e r n o r s . â The
H on. Secretary. â
Ven. the Archdeacon o f Berkshire
Col. E dgar Kensington, 16 E rleig h road, Reading
T he school gives definite church teaching, the righ t o f w ithdraw ing a
day scholar from religious instruction being reserved to the parent
o r guardian. The scheme provides for a th orou ghly sound education
in_ all branches o f learning, & pupils are prepared for the CamÂ
bridge H igh er Local, O xford &f Cam bridge H igher Certificate
other Exam inations.
Miss H . E . Musson (mathematical t r ^ g ,