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South side.
1 JInllitt John
3 Soole Mrs. (S u nnyh om e)
S W ise B enjam in
7 Clarke Joseph
9 Philp T hom as John
11 Hart Mrs. R. F. (C yprus
villa east)
13 Jones Henry Daniel
W all Letter Box
13, 15 & 17 Bath Miss M. K.
& M issK . H. Jones,girls
school (Port way college)
19 M aggs Frank Edwir.
here is Coley Park rd .
21 G ibbons G eorge W illiam
23 H unt Jam es
23 Johnson Rev. Alexander
M eyrick B.A. (curate of
St. M ary the V irgin )
27 W atts E dw in
31 Dailey M rs. E . C
ST R E E T, 33 Cook Miss
Charles street to 33 Oakley Miss
W illiam street.
C A S T L E H I L L , con tin u Â
1 G irdler Mrs. beer retailer
ation of Castle street to
& shopkeeper
Bath road.
3 Cox Nelson
N orth side.
S S eym ou r R ichard
126 Hawkins Hugh Douglas
7 Rose John
128 G ay Miss
g Seward W illiam
130 H unt W illiam
11 M urdoch M rs
132 Pratley W illiam
13 Green G eorge
134 M orrell Mrs. M. W
15 Brown Stephen
136 Jennings Miss
17 H ew lett G eorge Henry
19 T hatcher G eorge Edward 140 A cres Mrs
142 H yde W illiam
21 Phipps Miss
144 P orter Capt. Manuel L
23 Eeles Josiali
here is Jesse ter............
25 W ya tt Bert
148, 150 & 152 W ellsteed Son
27 F ry Thom as
& Co. (dorm itories)
29 O stridge Stephen
W all L e ,te r Box
54 Price John A lfred Parry
M .D . physician & surgn
from Coley hill to Coley a v.
56 M o iiigu e-W alk er Miss
N orth side.
160 Dickson H. N
2 Bird Mrs. M. A . (O rleton ) 162 C om yn s M isses,costum rs
162a, Sm ale Misses
4 K idgell Miss
164 Bird Miss
6 B ockett-P ugh Mrs
Stransom H arry
8 Dewe James
68 H olden G eorge Herbert
10 Biddulph Richard F. S
Rose M.D. pbys. & surg
12 H enderson Capt. John S
172 Tull David
14 Upham Miss
174 H aw ker Misses
16 M arriott Mrs
here is Russell st ......
18 Stanford Miss
20 F hilpotts R ev. W illiam
South side.
Edw in M .A
107 M arch Edward Gerald
22 T a lbotG eo.W m . (K ilm o ry )
F. R . C .S .E d n ., M .R. C .S .,
24 Fidler Charles
L. R. C. F .L o n d . physician
28 G uille G eorge Crouch
& surgeon
C a r n a r v o n 'r o a d â c o n .
44 Sheppard Owen
46 Rose W illiam
48 Saunders T om
50 Crabb Frank
32 Hearn Mrs
54 R outh Henr.v W illiam
56 Lnnn Frank
58 Fitch Frederick, shopkpr
60 Brazier H arry
62 H en dy Mrs
64 W eller Alfred
66 R izon W illiam James
68 Y ates G eorge
70 Scotcher Henry Charles
72 House Ernest
74 Baker Edward John
76 Skelton H arry
78 H athaway Mrs
80 Martin H enry
82 L loyd James
109 Aveline Sydney L .D .S .
dental surgeon (W in g ham house)
h i N orrie Miss, g irlsâ school
here is Field r d ............
113 Pontin Frederick Lewis
115 Belcher Mrs
117 W hale Miss
119 W ebb G eorge W illiam
J .P ., F .R .I.B .A
I2i H am let &D ulake,auctnrs
121 H am let M alcolm R obert
123 Sudul W illiam
125 Cook Mrs
127 Cook Miss
127 Ilalpin
Neville M .A . (chaplain
to R eading union)
.. here is Coley hill ........
129 Colem an & Joyce, p h y Â
sicians & surgeons
129 Colem an M aurice W ere
M D .L on d ., M .R .C .S .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d .,
sician & surgeon
Berks Y eom an ry, L ie u t.Col. Sir E. A. Barry
com m an din g ;
M ajor J. B. Karslake,
com m an d ;
Capt. F. B. H urndall
(20th Hussars),adjutant ;
Hon. L t. A. W . Henson,
qu arterm aster; S u rg .Lieut. D. G . Kennard,
m edical officer ; R egiÂ
m ental - Sergt. - M ajor
H. T reble, in stru ctor;
B Squadron, SquadronS ergt.-M ajor E. J Seal,
instructor. Head qu arÂ
ters & stores (Y eom a n ry
Berks Territorial A ssociaÂ
tion (C apt. M. L. Porter,
sec. ; J. J. Byrne, chief
clerk) (Y eom a n ry ho)
B attery
R. H .A .
(M a j.C .G . M ayall, c o m Â
m a n d in g ; Capt,. Leslie
0 . W ilson
D .S .O . ;
L ieu t.G . M ayall ; Lient.
B. W. D. Brooke ; 2nd
Hartrioll ;
L ieu t.G . E. M. T horneyc roft R .H . A. ad ju tant ;
Sergt.-M ajors J. Bradley
& F. M .Y a tes); A m m u Â
nition C olu m n (C apt. S.
J. D ubourg, com m an d Â
in g ; L ieu t C. 0 . G ood -