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are spacious school and other r o o m s ; th e W esleyan ch apel, form erly
a m ission hall, w ill seat about 300.
The V illa ge H all, in V icto ria
road, used fo r p u b lic m eetings, bu ilt in 1893, is a structure of brick and
w ill seat 350 persons. T h e â R o e b u c k ,â an excellent h otel, was erected
in 1882 on the banks o f the T h am es for the accom m odation of boating
parties and fam ilies visitin g this delightfu l neighbourhood. B ox-G rove
C ottage Sanatorium , for w om en and children, b ea u tifu lly situated on the
b row of a h ill, in a very h ealth y loca lity, was established in 1864 by
the late Mrs^ W ild e r, o f P u rley H all, and is n ow being carried on by
M rs. John W ild e r, o f Sulham H ouse, and the R ev . H enry Charles
W ild er M .A . rector and lord o f the m anor of Sulham .
There are
alm shouses, endow ed in 1851 b v the late M rs. M a rv L y n e, o f Burghfield, for six p oor w idow s or single w om en, b orn in the parishes of
Burghfield and T ile h u rst, and w ho shall have attained the age of sixty,
and are com m unicants o f the Church o f England, three being elected
from each parish.
T he p o o râ s land of 30 acres produces £ 2 9 yearly.
T he V icto ria R ecrea tion G round is 6 acres in extent and the B lagrave
grou nd covers 3 acres.
N ear the B ath road is C a lcot P a rk , the
p roperty o f H enry B arry B lagrave esq. w ho is lord of the m anor and
the principal la n d o w n e r; the park is w ell stocked w ith deer and is at
p resen t occupied by Frank C ory Y e o esq. J .P . T he soil is ligh t loam and
g r a v e l; subsoil, gravel. T he crops are various. T h e area of the parish
is 1,480 acres o f land ; rateable value, £ 2 ,9 5 6 ; the p op ulation in 1911
w as ecclesiastically 3,182. and civ illy 480. B y the R ea d in g (E xtension)
O rder, 1911. w hich came into operation 9 N ov. 1911. 1,734 acres, w ith a
population o f 2.695. was transferred to the R eadin g C ounty B orou gh.
St. M ich ael's P a rish C hurch, R ev. H enry R ich ard C ooper Sm ith D .D .
rector, & surrogate ; R ev . F ran cis W a ller Lane B .A . assistant curate.
F o r services see page 49
C ou ncil Schools.
S ch ool road (m ixed & infants), built in 1889 & enlarged in 1896, for 382
ch ildren ; average attendance, 247 ; F ran k W illia m W h ite , m aster
N orcot road (m ixed & infants), bu ilt in 1905-6, for 408 children ; average
attendance, 281 â S helton C. S axby, m aster
R ailw ay Station, H en ry G rim m ett, station master
C arrier to R e a d in g .â Ilsley, daily
âBus tw ice daily to & from R e a d in g ; from T ilehu rst, W h ite H ouse
corn er, 9 a.m. & 2 p .m . ; return ing from the â P e a co ck ,â B roa d street,
R ea d in g, 12 noon & 4.30 p .m
C A L C O T is a ham let, p a rtly in this parish, a portion being in Theale,
and divided from the rem ainder b y th e B ath road.
A ssista n t O verseer & Clerk to Parish C ou ncil (5 m em bers), Thom as
H . W ood e so n , C edar villa, 7 A rm ou r road, Tilehurst
P arish C lerk and S exton , H en ry M iddleton.
K in g âs T a x C ollector, E dw a rd T ow n er, 150 F ria r street, R eadin g.
R elievin g & V a ccin a tion Officer, N o. 1 d istrict, R egistra r of B irths &
D eath s fo r T ileh u rst S u b -D istrict & R egistra r o f M arriages, Bradfield
U nion, E dw ard Bunce, H igh clere, W e stw o o d roa d , Tilehurst.