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D IR E C T O R T — 1 9 1 4 .

D e l i v e r y . — L in e s o f R o a d & C h ie f P l a c e r f r o m w h ic h M a il s a r e
R e c e iv e d .

London, all parts o f the United K ingdom & Foreign, b y Postmen & to
callers 7 a.m
Irish M ail, London & North M ail, b y Postmen & to callers 8.40 a.m
Southampton, Portsm outh, Basingstoke, London, Beenham, Theale,
G oring, Pangbourne, W okingham , Staines, M arlborough, Newbury,
W a llin gford, W antage, H enley-on-Tham es, Maidenhead, Slough, W in d­
sor &c. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Cardiff, A ldershot, R ich ­
m ond, K ingston, Twickenham , Ascot, O xford & Bristol, by Postmen &
to callers 12.45 p.m
Andover, Bournem outh, Basingstoke, Cheltenham, Gloucester, G uildford,
Leamington Spa, Devizes, M arlborough, R edhill, Salisbury, U xbridge,
W ok in g, W okingham , Richm ond, Twickenham, Stroud & Tunbridge
W ells, b y Postmen & to callers 3.45 p.m
Bracknell, O xford, Abingdon, W antage, Faringdon, London &c. Bath,
W allin gford <fc Bristol, by Postmen & to callers 3.45 p.m
Portsmouth, Southampton & Birm ingham, W indsor, Henley, Slough,
Maidenhead, Swindon & Chippenham, by Postmen & to callers 3.45 p.m
London, Camberley, Bracknell, Richm ond, Twickenham, W eybridge, AVoking, R edhill, W ellington College, Staines,W okingham & Cardiff, by P ost­
men & to callers 7 p.m
Cornwall, Plym outh, E xeter, Bath, Bristol, Maidenhead, H enley, Chel­
tenham, Gloucester, W indsor, Basingstoke & S .W . o f England, Slough,
New bury, Hungerford, Pangbourne, W allingford, Redhill & S.E . of
E ngland, Birmingham, Oxford, Abingdon, Liverpool, Leam ington Spa,
Leicester, Nottingham, Y o rk & Edinburgh, by Postm en & to callers 7
p .m
On Sunday, Christmas D ay & Good Friday there is only one delivery by
Postmen, com mencing at 7.30 a.m, & letters are delivered to callers
from 8.30 to 10 a.m. only
T e l e g r a p h O f f i c e .—

Open on week days from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m . S u n d a y s
from 8.30 till 10 a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m .— The Postal Telegraph Office at
the Great W estern R ailw ay down station is always open

M o n e y O r d e r s a r e is s u e d f r o m 8 a .m . t i l l 8 p .m
L etters

C o lle c te d

fro m

T ow n

R e c e iv in g

O ffic e s


P illa r

B ox es, as

f o l l o w s :—

R e c e iv in g & M o n e y O r d e r O f f ic e s : —

Basingstoke road (A lfred H enry Cottle, grocer), 7.15, 9.15 & 11.15 a.m. •
1.30, 2.45, 4, 5.15, 7.30, 8.30 & 10.45 p .m .; Sunday, 5.45 & 7.45 p.m ’
■(■Brunswick h ill (M rs. Annie Eliza Skinner), 7.15, 8.30, 9.15 & 11 a.ra •
1.15, 2 .4 5 ,4 ,5 .1 5 , 6.45, 7.45, 8.15 & 10.45 p .m .; Sunday, 5 .4 5 * 7 .4 5 p.m
Castle street, 86 (W . Marehant, confectioner), 7.45, 8.30, 9.45 & 11.30
a.m. ; 1.45, 3.30, 4 .4 5 ,5 ,5 .4 5 , 7.15, 8.15, 9 & 11.15 p .m .; Sunday, 6.15&
8.15 p.m
tCaversham (E rnest H ugo Tatehell), 7.15, 8.30, 9.30 & 11.30 a .m ,;
1.30, 3, 4.15, 5.30, 6.45, 8 , 8.30 & 10.45 p .m .; Sunday, 6.15 & 8.15 p.m
Caversham Bridge (M rs. H olden), 7.15, 9.30 & 11.30 a .m .; 1.30, 3 ,4 .1 5 ,
5.30, 6.45, 8 , 8.30 & 10.45 p.m. ; Sunday, 6.15 & 8.15 p.m
Caversham road ,66 (H. W. Fellows, confectioner). 7 .3 0,8 .3 0 , 9.45 & 11.45
a.m. ; 1.45, 3-15, 4 -3 ^ 3, 5,45, 7, 8 , 8.45 & 11.15 p.m. • Sunday, 6 .1 5
& 8.15 p.m
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