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172 K IN
K i n g â s r o a d , R e a d i n g â con.
33 K irby Geo. Jsph. hair drssr
35 Norris
R obert
d ru g stores
37 Burrows H arry Jas. btchr
39 Salman A rth ur Hy. draper
41 G eorge & D ragon P.H .
Mrs. Malvina W arren
43 B urnham Fredk. saddler
H ollow ay Charles
A bsolom John, sweep
H olland A lbert Edward
H olm es Henry
C hurch Thom as
Sweetzer S idn ey
Neale Thom as
Fisher James
S um pter H enry
A ckerm an & Co. wii
here is A bbey s t ........
workers, c y cle & m otor
45 & 47 Belcher Chas. butchr
agents & dealers
49 Bullock W'illiam
161 A ckerm an W alter Henry
R idley W illiam & Sons,
161 Telephone Call Office
tim ber
m erchants
here is Orts rd .............
(A b b e y w h arf)
69 Stapley Jn. Wm. tobccn st 163 Cox Franklin M .R .C .S .
71 C hurch Ernest, coffee ho
L .R .C .P .L o n d .
73 L ovegrove F rd k .W m .b ak r
cian & surgeon
75 T rip lex A rc L am p Co. Lim 165 M ackie Mrs. apartments
77 W arw ick
A rm s
P.H . 167 T urner Charles
Frederick W m . Clark
169 & 171 R oyal Berkshire
79 Page Frank, paw nbroker
Hospital Private Nurses
81 Farr.ham UnitedBreweries
H om e
Lim ited (H u bert George 173 Bowen John C.E
Thornton, m anager)
175 Oades G eoffry
Sm yth
83 Sparks Thos. Chas. grocer
L .D .S .R .C .S .E n g . denÂ
85 K in g âs R oad G ram ophone
tal surgeon
D epot
177 Priestley Rev.
E dgar
87 W alker C. H. & Sons,
B.A. (head m aster of
p ianoforte makers
K endrick school)
89 H u nt Mrs. A gnes, dining 179 Parfitt John B., L D .S.,
room s
M .R .C .S .,
L .R .C .P .
91 C ooper G eorge, fu rn . dir
dental surgeon
93 L each W illiam O. cycle dir 181 Beach Mrs
93 Leach Mrs. dress maker
183 M addison John
93 IJpton Miss, dress m aker 185 S laughter Charles Henry
95 C lifford Bros, newsagents 187 Johnston John
97 H ill Philip, grocer
189 H artnett W illiam M .B .,
99 Ball Miss, tobacconist
B ,C h .,
B .A .O .R .U .I.
101 & 103 Palm er & L um b,
physician & surgeon
.. here is V ictoria sq .......
107 Hartland H . B. corn mer
here is K ingsgate st.........
m a , Salvation A rm y Hall
h i H ubner A . M. & Co. su r 199 S m art Miss
iller Miss
gica l appliances & stay
201 Hayward Thom as
& corset m akers
113 Loxton& L ucas,hair drsrs 203 G oodw in Mrs
& 117 C ox Frederick
A lfred, butcher
....h e re is F orbury rd. east...
H untley & Palm ers Lim ited,
wholesale biscuit m anufrs
.... here is Gas W orks rd ....
123 W ilb y H enry Edward
125 W ilm ott John
127 P rior James
129 Lam bert M rs
131 W arnerA rthu r,h air drssr
1 3 3 D yer M rs
1 3 5 A m or Mrs
219 H am m ond-S m ith A rth ur
L .D .S .R .C .S .
221 P igott H. G lanville
223 Squire Ethelbert W illia u
M .B., B .S .L ond. p h y Â
sician & surgeon
A rth ur Hills M em orial
Baths (D a vid George
Cooper, supt)
229 & 231 Reading G uardiansâ
Childrenâ s Homes
W ycliffe Baptist C hurch
from 40 Orts rd .to K in g âs rd.
East side.
3 M atthews Mrs
5 Appleton H enry
7 Franklin Mrs
9 Fooks Eli
13 Holm es W illiam
15 W yles Joe
17 Pike John PI
19 H inton W alter Thom as
21 Busher Charles
23 M ay John, chair caner
25 B urling James
W est side.
2 W illiam s A lfred Jam es
4 Dawson Sam uel W esley
6 Atkins Jonathan H arry
8 Haynes Alfred
10 Naish Ernest
12 H ulse James
14 B rewster A lbert James
16 Bradbury James
18 Quarterm aine E dwin
20 Eighteen W illiam
Laud, ch a m b e rs.
See Friar street.
from 51 Hosier street.
here is R upert st ......... 1 C ox Edward
3 C ox Mrs
205 G ilford Hastings F .R .C .S .
5 Trussell R euben G eorge
Eng. surgeon
7 Pike Edward
209 W est E dw ard
9 W yatt James
213 Moss
A rth ur W illiam
11 Sm ith Jam es, secondhand
F .R .C .O .,
L .R .A .M .
m usic
(R ow ley)
215 Fairbairn R ev. R obert
from 64 H osier st. to Soho st.
G ordon B .A . (B aptist)
W est side.
(C otsw old )
217 M cNeil A lex. (V ern on )
3 P lum ridge A lbert H enry
5 Rouse M