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S cribbin s W illia m , assistant over 1
seer & rate co lle ctor, Burghflekl j
com m on (letters th rou gh M or j
tim er)
Sm ith Charles D ou g la s, ca rrier
tS m lth H a rry , farm er
Steel Jam es, farm er. K n ig h t’s farm J

Sum m ers T h os. Tanner, W oolw ich
(postal address, T h eale,
Thom as H enry, carrier
T u rvey C la yton , H atch gate inn
W ick s W illia m , farm er
W ork in g M en’ s Club (Tom Frank
R ea d , lion, sec)

D T J N S D E N a n d E Y E form a liberty in O xfordsh ire, belon gin g to
the parish o f Sonning. in Berkshire, and including Sonning E ye,
Sonning C om m on and part o f Binfield H eath. D unsden was formed
into a separate ecclesiastical parish M ay 26th. 1876, and is 3^ miles
north-east from R eadin g station, and about the same distance n orth ­
w est from T w y fo rd ju n ction , both on the G reat W estern railw ay, and
5 m iles south from H en ley, in the Southern division o f the cou nty,
hundred o f B infield, union o f H en ley, petty sessional division of H enley,
cou nty cou rt d istrict o f R eadin g, rural deanery o f S on nin g, a rch ­
dea con ry of B erkshire and diocese o f O xford. A portion o f Caversham
was transferred to Dunsden N ov. 9th , 1911. Caversham P a rk, in this
district, is occu pied b y W illia m T h om pson Craw shay esq. D .L ., J .P . ; it
is a large and handsom e residence, standing in a park of 300 acres. The
church o f A ll Saints, bu ilt and endow ed b y the late R ob ert P alm er esq.
of H olm e P ark, Son nin g. in 1842, is a structure o f grey b rick in the
E arly E nglish style, con sisting o f chancel, nave, north porch and a
western turret con tain ing 2 bells : the church has some good stained
w in dow s, and affords 220 sittings. T h e register dates from the yeaT
1876. The liv in g is a vicarage, gross yea rly value £3 9 0, net £3 1 5, with
residence, in the g ift o f th e vicar c f Sonning, and held since 1904 by
the R ev. H erbert W ig a n M .A . o f O riel C ollege, O xford. M rs. G oldin g
Palm er, of 36 Queen’ s G ate, L on d on , is la d y o f the m anor and principal
landow ner. T he P arish hall was built in 1909 at a cost o f £400. The
soil is ch alk , w ith gravel here and th e r e ; subsoil, clay and gravel. The
ch ief crops are w heat, barley, oats and peas. T h e area is 4,022 acres ;
rateable value, £ 7 ,3 2 3 ; the population in 1911 w as 1,173 ; the popula­
tion in the ecclesiastical parish in 1911 w as 531.
Parish C lerk, F rederick L ott.
O verseers, W a lte r F ord and Thom as Cane.
A ssistant O verseer & C ollector o f R a tes, Ernest C. Cooke, Oak villa, 5
G osb rook street, Caversham .
C ollector of K in g ’s Taxes, J. W . T. B aylis, 121 W estfield rd. Caversham
T he P arish Council consists of 9 m em bers, v i z : — A . E. M asked.
A lb e rt H en ry W e lls, Thom as C ane, W . L. Saunders, Charles Cox,
W a lte r F itch , John T . R eadin g, John Pou nd & Frederick H enry
Stannard ; E rn est 0 . Cooke, Oak villa, 5 G osbrook street, Caversham .
P ost O ffice.—E rn est A lfred W errell,
from R ea d in g b y cycle post at 6.55
a.m . ; dispatched a t 7.5 a.m . & 6.25
H eath is the nearest m oney order &

sub-postm aster.. \. .-Letters arrive
a.m . & 1.20 p.m . ; Sundays a t 7
p.m . ; Sundays at noon. Binfield
telegraph office

W all L etter B o x, P la y H atch, cleared at 8.5 a.m . &■ 6.40 p .m .;
days, 12.15 p.m


W all L etter B o x , Sonning E ye, cleared at 10.10 a.m . & 2.15 & 6.50
p.m . ; S un days, 12.25 & 7.20 p .m