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Reading E lectric Supply Co. Lim ited ; offices & show rooms, 3, 4 & 3
M a rk e tp la ce ; works, 55 Vastern road ; W alter Barnes i.e . i. s. s e c .; E.
R ow ley H ill, engineer & manager
R eading Gas Co. A. B. Stedman, sec. ; Douglas H. Helps a . m . i . c . e .
engineer & manager ; works, Gas W orks road ; central offices & show
rooms, 159 Friar street
Reading Home o f Detention for Juvenile Offenders, 72 & 74 Southampton
s tr e e t; Samuel John Burbridge, superintendent
Reading Urban Sanitary A uthority Public M ortuary, B ridge street
Sewerage Pum ping Station, Gas Works roa d; Robert George Platt, resiÂ
dent engineer
Shire H all, Forbury
Thames Conservancy Office (Navigation department), Caversham lock ;
John Laurie, chief inspector; T. Hawes, deputy inspector, O xford
d istrict; C. ')'. C. Barker, deputy inspector, Reading district; L.
Lowman, deputy inspector, Maidenhead district; W . J. Pimm, chief
deputy inspector, Kingston district
Thames Conservancy Office (Engineerâs department), Caversham lock
Stamp & Probate
Station road
K in g
Tilehurst, Pangbourne & D istrict Water Co. Lim ited, 31 N orcot road,
T ile h u rs t; Thomas Aitken, foiem a n ; pumping station, Gipsy lane,
Town H all & M unicipal Buildings,
Brooker, hall keeper
street ;
W eights, Measures, Gas Meter, & Petroleum Testing Office, 24 East
street; H enry W righ t, chief inspector
W hitchurch & Pangbource
office, 32 Cross street
Electric Supply Co.
Lim ited ; registered
Assessor & C ollector o f Assessed Taxes for Parish of St. Giles, James
K night Herbert, Epw orth house, 9 Sidmouth street
Assistant Overseer fo r Cavershunâ , Kidm ore End. Eye, Shiplake, Dunsden & Mapledurham & Clerk to Dunsden & K idm ore Parish Councils,
Ernest Charles Cooke, Oak villa, 5 Gosbrook street, Caversham
Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates for the Parishes o f Earley & Sonuing & K in g âs Tax Collector for Earley, Sonuing, Sandford, W oodley,
T w yford, Hurst & Arborfleld & Clerk to Earley & Sonning Parish
Councils, W illiam Henry North, 90 Radstock road
Assistant Overseer for Theale & 'Jilehurst & Clerk to Tilelnirst Parish
Council, Thomas II. W oodeson, Cedar villa, 7 A rm our road, Tilehurst
Chief Clerk to County Police, Alfred James H edges, A bbey street
Chief Constable of County P olice,M ajor Arthur Fauleoner Pou llon ,A bbey
C hief inspector o f W eights & Measures & Inspector under the Petroleum
(& the Sales of Gas Acts, Henry W r ig h t ; office, 24 East street