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m i l i 83
M a t l o c k r o a d , caver- 46 W arw ick John
sham , from H ig h m oor road. 48 Osm an A rthur Rowland
South side.
N orth side.
1 Brow n Ernest
1 11 M ead Charles (H ig h b u ry )
13 W akelin Benjam in Edward 3 M asser Bertrand G eorge
S Davies Miss E. D
(H om ecraft)
15 Skynner M rs. (F airlight) 25 Sly W illiam Beater
27 B evington Harold John
17 H oysted Mrs
19 L ew ington T om (C hareoll) 29 Caines Miss
21 A ldridge Geo. (D u rlston ) 31 Brown David A rth ur
Caversham H eights Tennis 37 B roadley A rth ur
39 R oberts A rthur Charles
C lub (g rou n d)
South side.
Catley Martin
H ill A lbt. G eo. (C ranbury)
Burton H arry (D evon ia)
V incent Thos. (K ew stoke)
Sm ith Ernest (W a v er ley )
A dam sA rthu r C hristopher
(Sw iss cottage)
18 M ackay Allen (Bellozanne)
20 W illcocks Mrs. (W illstead)
22 Sherwood W in . (H ay tor)
24 Sadler A rthur (R o ze l)
26 Painter
David W illiam
(E n glew o o d )
28 A rm itage A rthurR aym ond
(W estboro)
30 G oodenough Jn. (T hirsk )
32SharpeSidney Jas. ( Ti 11te r n )
34 D arling Charles W illiam
(A m bleside)
36 G odden R obert (Curtis'!
from W okingham road
W hite K nights road.
N orth side.
2 Prouten H erbert John
4 Y ax ley Stanley
6 M erralls John
8 H opkins A lbert H enry
10 C lacy A rth ur H enry
12 S m ith Jam es Bertini
14 K ing Charles
16 Squire John G ordon
18 N ew bold Joseph
20 Deeley James
22 H arkness Mark
24 C artw right H arry
26 Heal Ernest G ordon
28 Tindall Charles James
30 W indsor Albert
32 D orm er Ernest W
34 Hedges W illiam
36 M arsh Sidney Ernest
38 W ard Mrs
40 Calder Jam es
42 Ashm an Frederick
44 H a rt R obert
M orley Charles
Page Mrs
Bradbury Charles
M I L L L A N E , from L on d on
street to S outham pton St.
South side.
here is Bath cou rt ...... .
M E R C H A N T S P L A C E , 11
from 29 Friar street.
W est side.
4 T oom er R . & Co. L im ited,
coal m erchants (G arrard
See advertiseÂ
m ent
4 Y o u n g M enâs Christian
section ) (H arry Burton,
hon. sec)
8 Lee Jam es, farrier
East side.
1 W in nin g Thos. P. carpnlr
5 Carter G eorge C. T. w orkÂ
ing jew eller
7 Len ham R ichd. Hatherley
11 W ebster H erbert
13 Barnard Leonard
15 Drew Henry
17 L'tley R obert
M un dy M rs
Dent W illiam
Hopkins Mrs
Cross James
corn, flour & forag e con Â
tra ctors
T he Solite M anufacturing
Burden Chas. coffee room s
Barnes Charles
Haines H enry G eorge
Dawson Alfred
Elsbury Charles, prin ter
B urberry & Son, m a n u Â
facturing cloth iers
L ock W illiam A rth ur
R eadings F rederick W m
C ooper E d ward G eorge
H awkins Jam es
Francis H enry
here is L etcom be st .......
39 M illard
& Co,
41 Cranstone W illia m E w art
M ill cottages.
43 Black H enry Frank
See Mill road.
45 H ope John E d w ard, un derÂ
M I L L C O U R T , from 67
47 H ow ard A lbert
Mill lane.
49 Dow ling A lbert John
1 Sm ith Albert
51 C ox Frederick
2 L o v egrov e G eorge
S3 L ock E dw ard
55 L eary Joseph M I L L G R E E N ,Caversham,
57 Streek John, gasfitter
from Mill road.
59 F rien d W illia m , tailor
E l m v il l a s :
61 Streek S idn ey, shopkeepr
1 M orley H enry Jam es
6sC h an d lerW m .cy cle repairer
2 Law rence Fred
67 Eaton A lbert H y. tobcenst
3 B iggs F rederick
here is M ill c o u r t ........
4 G osling John W illia m
5 H ibbs G eorge
N orth side.
6 A dam s E dw ard
R ead in g C orporation T ram Sm ith Peter Alex. (F lorida vil)
W ard G . boat proprietor
R i v e r V ie w c o t t a g e s :
H am ilton A rth ur John
Bone G eorge E dw ard
S im m ond s H enry
w ays
(G .
F. C raven
A .M .I.C .E ., A .M .I.E .E .
general m angr. & e n g n r)
R eading C orporation E lecÂ
tric G en erating Station
(G .F . C ravenA .M .I. C .E .,
A .M .I .E .E . chief en g n r)