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C raw shay esq. D .L ., J .P . of Caversham P a rk, is the principal landow ner.
The soil is chalk and g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk}'. T h e ch ief crop s are w heat,
barley and oats. T h e population o f the ecclesiastical parish in 1911
w as 9,858.
L o w e r C a v e r s h a m , f mile cast, E m m f.r G r e e n , l i m iles north, and
C a n e E n d (in the ecclesiastical parish o f K idm ore E nd), 4 miles n orth Â
west, are in the civil parish o f Caversham. T he church o f St. John the
B aptist, L ow er Caversham , built in 1888, at a cost o f £ 5 ,1 8 7 , is an
edifice o f Hint w ith stone dressings, in the E arly E n glish stvle, and c o n Â
sists o f chancel, nave, south aisle and a w estern turret con tain in g one
b e ll: in 1898 a stained w in dow was placed at a cost o f over £ 3 0 0 : there
are 350 sittings. T h ere is also a W esleyan ch apel, erected in 1898,
and a con ven t o f the V isitation . T he pu blic hall a t E m m er G reen,
belon gin g to M artin John Sutton esq. J .P . of W a rg ra ve M anor, Berks,
is used for lectures and religious services. The ch urch o f St. B arnabas
at E m m er G reen was opened for pu blic w orship in 1899.
P arish C lerk, D avid P la n t, 9 Chester street, Caversham.