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9 Dearlove W illiam
11 Bloom field H enry
13 Page H en ry G eorge
15 B eckett Mrs
17 Stevens Jam es, shopkeeper
19 Barlow A lbert, tobacconist
21 Fedrick E dw ard, beer retlr
.here is A lbert ter.,
23 Hannon M rs. C
25 Kirby A rthur
27 Keeping Frank
29 G arrett Jam es
31 Forrest James
33 Packer James
35 Russell John H enry
37 Kearse T hom as
39 Uphoff H u bert
41 W hitchelo Jam es
43 Ben ham M rs
45 Shaw T hom as
53 Neville A lfred
57 Biggs W illiam
59 H olley A lbert H en ry
61 Jenner W illiam L yne
63 Evans H. J. boot repairer
63 E vans G eorge, p lum ber
65 Basgallop W illiam
67 Brooker John
69 Shepherd Mrs
71 Palm er E d w ard W illiam
here is A w brey ter ........
73 Hutchins Jn. fried fish shp
75 H olley E rnest
W illiam ,
77 E ighteen Jn. dir. in horses
79 B am ping W illiam John
81 L ovell W illiam John
83 L eg g John
85 Sm ith Mrs
87 Y o u n g Mrs
89 Glanville R ichard
91 W ebberR bt. &Sons, buildrs
91 P rince
of W ales P .H .
R obert W ebber
93 T he C arpentersâ
A rm s
P .H ..W . J. Hastings
here is A rth ur rd
J Mrs
t L ev y Alfred
3 Datlin G eorge
5 L am bourn Henry
7 Shackleford
Charles, gasfitter
109 Sherw ood R obert W m
211 W ilkins C harles G eorge
Padley Charles A
213 Eighteen G eorge
113 Jones M rs
115 M alaune Mrs. laundry
South-east side.
117 M alaune Francis
119 T he Dove Inn, Charlie 2 Keeping E dw ard
4 Slyfield E dw ard Joh n
6 R ogers F rederick J
.here is Leopold rd..
8 Davis Mrs
10 M erryw eather E rnest H y
i 2 i Brooks F redk. greengro
12 Pizzey John
123 Crook Mrs
14 S m ith E dw ard
125 S tagg Mrs. A m elia
16 M un dy H arry
127 H ilsley A rth ur
18 D ow ling John M ajor
129 Seeby Stephen
20 H am let A lbert E dw ard
131 H andheart Joseph
22 K ing A lfred G eorg e
133 E arley W illiam , baker
24 Akers John
135 S ta g g M rs. E dith
26 N orm an Fredk. W illiam
137 Stam p B enjam in
28 Brown W alter Jam es
139 Crew Frederick
28 B row n Miss E .H .d ress m a
145 E m m ons Ernest
30 G ood en ou gh A rth u r
147 T hatcher T hom as
32 N orm an T hom as
34 B owsher M aurice
.here is V ictoria rd.
36 Haines M rs. J
38 M cM ahon Mrs
149 W est G e o .co a l m erch a n t
40 W entw orth
M iss Jane,
151 Eales A rth ur
153 M urdoch R ichard
iSS H u ggin s John
here is K ingsgate s t ........
157 L uker M rs
42 Cosson A lfred H y. sh opkpr
159 R ussell Joseph
44 R oberts & R oberts, drapers
161 Chandler M rs
46 L aw ren ce E d w ard W illiam
163 C ooper A lfred John
d 8 F ren ch John G eorge
50 G ro th E d w ard A lb ert
here is R u p ert st
52 L ailey H a rry T hom as
165 T ull W illiam
here is R u p ert st
167 P u rton G eorge
167 Purton M iss, dress m aker
St. Stephenâs C hu rch
169 S tru dley Oliver
56 C hu rch H en ry W illiam
171 S m ith E dw ard
58 T u ll Joseph
173 L am bourn Charles
60 W ick s G eorg e, ju n
175 R ed w ood Mrs
62 L eaver David
177 Chandler John
64 W ebster M rs
179 Sturgess A lfd .p u b lic baths
66 L o n g h u rs t Charles
181 Deeley Mrs
68 B ow ley John
183 Haines H erbert
74 A p lin G eo. fried fish shop
185 G ale A rchibald H arry
76 B oram F red erick
187 C ox F rederick Denton
78 D eadm an G eorg e H en ry
189 H olley Charles
80 A kers W alter John
191 Coleshill G eorge, shopkpr
82 H orne A rth u r
193 Hester John W illiam
84 S hirley G eorg e
195 D y m e n tW m . H y. beer ret
86 F riend M rs
197 Packer Charles
88 B rindley E d w ard
199 L o v egrov e E rnest, house
90 G o slin g F ra s. J n .d a iry m a n
h i
A ldrid ge T hom as
G reaves Ernest
G iles Stephen
T y rrell A rth u r Oliver
O x fo r d c o tta g e s .
See C onisbroâ avenue.