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b e a d in g
d i b e c t o h t â 1914.
Kim m ins, foun der; Rev. R . H. H art-Davis, The R idge Field, CaversÂ
ham, local president & hon. treas. ; Miss II. V. H art-D avis, The R idge
Field, Caversham, hon. sec. ; Miss M . Tims, Lock view, Thames side,
Reading, assistant hon. sec. ; meetings every frid a y from O ctober to
M ay, 4.30 to 6.30 p. m
H elp M yself Society, W. I. Palmer M em orial building, 42 W est street;
Charles Moss, hon. sec
International Order o f Good Templars
â Reading L od ge,â meets at the
Palm er M em orial Hall, W est street, on thursdays, 8 p.m
â Grovelands L od ge,â 1a , Cranbury road, meets on tuesdays, 8 p.m
â Pride o f W est R eading,â Grovelands hall, W ilson road, m eets ou fridays, 8 p.m
â Caversham Perseverance,â Weston M ead rooms, meets on fridays, 8 p.m
K in g âs M eadow Bathing Place, K in g âs M eadow roa d ; Arthur W . W ebb,
attendant; w om enâs attendant, Mrs. A. K in g
K in g âs Meadow Pu blic Recreation Ground, K in g âs M eadow road ; Patrick
Conolly, park keeper
Ladiesâ County Club, 10 Cross s tre e t; Mrs. E. M. Littlewood, hon. sec
Liberal Association, 26 Broad street; Arthur S. Brown, sec. & regisÂ
tration agent
Liberal Association Room s, 9 Gosbrook street, Caversham
M artin H ope Sutton M em orial H all (The), Sackville street
Masonic H all, 12 Greyfriars road ; Ernest Sopp, caretaker
M otor Union o f Great Britain & Ireland, Queenâs hotel, Friar s tr e e t; W .
Rees Jeffreys, sec
Museum & A rt Gallery, Blagrave street; Hon. Curators, 0 . A . Shrubsole
p . g . s ., archaeology, geology & eth n ology; H. M . W allis J . r . , m . b . o . u .
zoolog y ; W . E . Butler f.e.s. entomology ; J. R . Le B. Tom lin, f .e .s .,
eo n ch ology ; M ill Stephenson f.s.a. & S. S. S tallw ood f.s .a . Silchester
co llection ; H. Dawson Barkas a .r .c .a ., a r t ; superintendent, T. W.
Colyer. The Museum & A rt G allery are open d a ily (Sundays excepted),
January, February, Novem ber & December, 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. ; M arch
& October, 10 a.m. till 5 p.m . ; April to September, tuesdays, thursdays,
fridays & Saturdays, 10 a.m. till 6 p .m .; mondays & Wednesdays 10
a.m. till dusk ; O ctober to March, Wednesday evenings from 7 till 9
O xford Diocesan Church Room s, K ing Edward buildings. Station ro a d ;
Com m ittee room s fo r local & Diocesan meetings & reading room ; The
Ven. Archdeacon o f Berkshire, chairman ; F. J. Ferguson, W estbourne,
Reading, hon. treas. ; Frederick Hickman, K in g Edw ard buildings,
road. hon.
hnn. sec
Station road,
Palm er C lub (T h e), W . I. Palm er Memorial building, 42 W est s tre e t;
Charles Moss, hon. sec
Palm er Park, London road & St. Bartholom ewâs road
Palm er W . I. M em orial H all, 42 W est street; Charles M oss, sec
Park Institute (C ongregational), Palm er Park aven ue; J. J. Ridley, hon.
sec. ; E. O. R id ley, hon. treas. ; J. C. Jordan, caretaker
Phoenix A ir Rifle Club (The), 21 Queenâs road
P u blic H all, Em m er green, Caversham
Public H all, Hemdean road, Caversham
Public Library, News & Reading Rooms, Central Library, Blagrave s tr e e t;
West branch, O xford road ; Caversham branch, Church street, CaverÂ
sham ; W illiam H enry Greenhough, ch ief librarian
Queen V ictoria C lergy Fund (O xford Diocesan branch), O b je c t s :â( 1 ) to
impress upon all members o f the Church o f England the clearly defined
Christian duty o f contributing towards th oâ sn p port o f the c le rg y ; (2 )
to supplement & extend the existing organizations in the Diocese b y in-