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OCR Text
6 & 8 Freem anJam es,grocer n o W hite Jam es, jobm aster
& confectioner
114 M argetts John H enry A:
10 G oddard James, butcher
Son, builders
12 L ong W alter, clerk to St. 120 Horse & Jockey P . 1L
M aryâs church, Castle st
W illiam Vass
St. M aryâs Church
122 Berkshire C ou n t}' N u rÂ
14 W hite Mrs
sing A ssociation (M iss
16 Sun inn, Charles Roberts
T aylor, cou n ty su pt)
18 W hitehorn & Co. cy cle agts 122 Berkshire C ounty N urÂ
20 H iggs Sami. H arry,brew er
sing H om e (M iss G.
(T he Lion brew ery)
W right, m atron )
20 llig g s Joseph, beer retailr
here is Carey s t ............
22 Coombes E dwin Charles,
South side.
basket m aker
1 Rendell & Son, antique
here is C herry c o u rt.......
furniture dealers
24 O ram George, boot ma
3 Pilgrim Rd. furn. rem over
26 Slater W alter Jas. beer ret 9 H erbert Mrs. & M iss,
28 The Castle inn, Richard
registry office fo r srvnts
Jam es Hallett
Congregational C hurch
30 Bond A lfred Cox, confctnr 13 Hunt W m . bed d ing m n fr
32 & 34 T un bridge & W right, 15 M anw aring T hom as
m anufacturing chem ists 17 Roberts & Mowse, su rÂ
36 Shackel M rs.registry office
geons (L y n d ford house)
for servants
17 Howse
P ercy
W illiam
38 & 40 Kedge & Son, draprs
M cD ow all '
F .R .C .S .
here is Boarded la .......
E n g., D .P .H . surgeon
48 T he T ru ro P .H . Francis
& m edical officer to the
G eorge Statham
Borough p olice (L y n d Â
from Coley place.
50 Beesley John, furn. stores.
ford house)
See advertisement inside 19 Y o u n g W om en âs Christian
2 Turner George Edward
4 A llw ood Samuel
Back Cover
52 Starkey F. W . & Co. 19 S m ith Miss M
8 Hedges H arry
ro Davis W illiam
booksellers & printers
21 Salm on G eorge, oilm an
54 Stockw ell Chas. Jas. gro
12 Dye David
23 Pike R obert, dairym an
14 Josey George
56 TarrantJn. Fred, watch ma 27 M orris E dw ard & Co. corn
16 Eades Mrs
62 H iggins Mrs. confectioner
18 W ellsteed Henry
64 G ibbons Mrs
29 B E E SLE Y JO H N ,bedding
20 Reeves Mrs
m an u factu rer. See a d Â
22 Farr G eorge
72, 74 & 76 V incent W illiam ,
vertisem ent inside Back
coach & m otor works
24 Lester Mrs
28 Bennett W illiam Stephen 84 A dey George, beer retailer 31 L over rove A lbert Edward,
... here is Grape passage ...
p lum ber
C A S T L E S Q U A R E , from 86 M erchant W m . & Francis,
here is Peach c o u r t ........
Cherry court.
pastry cooks, &post office 35 Brown Herbert, h a ird rssr
20 Varndell Mrs
90 Harden A. H. grocer
37 T un bridge F rederick &. Co.
22 Davis Mrs
92 Nash H y.G .fried fish shop
m ineral water m akers
24 K night Mrs
94 Griffiths Mrs. upholstress 39 T u n brid g e F redk. chem ist ,
26 M organ G eorge
96 M artin W m .T hos. butcher 43 Colem an & Joy ce, p h y Â
30 Priest W illiam
here is Pine cou rt ........
32 G regory George
98 Iâocock Frederick, boot ma
(A b b otsb ro >k)
34 Choules Alfred Thom as
98a, Bland Miss S. A. draper 43 J oy ce
Jam es
L eonftfd
36 Gander Charles
M. A ., M .B ., B.C. C antab,
40 Sum m ers Mrs
B O U R HOME (C apt. F.
F .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .
42 Cross Charles
W arw ood,
supt. ; L oad, physcn. & surgti.
Mrs. W arw ood, m atron)
(A bb otsbrook )
C A S T L E S T R E E T , fr o m ! 100 W arw ood F . A
St. M aryâs butts to Castle hi. 1 .. here are B artlettâs bld g s... 47 Johnstone D avid, draper
51 W oodland Mrs
North side.
102 Allen W illiam , greengro
Castle S treet A lm shouses
2 The Horn inn, Charles W. 104 Sm ith Mrs. confectioner 55 Cusden Jam es W illiam
106 T hom as R ichard, tbceiixt 55 A- 57 Cusden Jam es A C o.
4 Poeock Mrs. butcher
H08 W hite Charles O
child ; Capt. A. R oberts
R .A .M .C
(a ttd .)
Capt. D. R . C. Tennant
A .V .D . fa ttd .) ) (Y e o Â
m anry house)
R eading Battalion Nat.
Reserve (Col. G . C.
R icard o, com m an din g
Berks C ounty ; SirPercy
K .C .M .G .
com m an din g
batt. ; Joseph J. Byrne,
sec.) (Y eom a n ry house)
A rm y Service C orps, 2nd
South M idlandM ounted
Brigade T ransport &
Supply Colum n (Capt.
A . G . T rou p ,com m a n d Â
ing ; Capt. T. Sm ithH u g b e s ; Lieut. L. G.
T rou p & 2nd Lieut. R.
C. H a l t ; S ergt. Thom as
Mole, drill instructor)
(Y eom a n ry house)
133 Leaver A rth ur John
here is Coley aven .