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r e a d in g
m n U c âr O ity â 1 0 1 4 .
T he W . I. P alm er M em orial H all, 42 W est s tre e t; Charles M oss, sec
Tilehurst C onstitutional Club, 14 K entw ood hill, T ile h u rs t; E . A.
H etherington, sec. ; J. Allen, steward
Tow n H all, Blagrave street
U n iversity C ollege A th letic G round, Elm hurst road
Vaudeville E lectric Theatre, 47 & 48 Broad street
V ictoria Recreation G round, K entw ood road, Tilehurst
V illage H all, V ictoria road, Tilehurst
W ellin gton Club, Station r o a d ; James H erbert Beuyon esq. J.P. presiÂ
dent ; J. H . Jones, sec
W e st R eading L iberal Club, 535 O xford road ; A. A. Nash, sec
W estâs Picture Palace, 35 & 36 W est street
W om en â s Social & P olitical Union, 49 M arket place
Y o u n g M enâs Christian Association, A thletic ground, Liebenrood road
R eadin g & County Permanent Benefit B uilding Society (founded 1852), 2
F o r b u r y ; Blake P. Allnatt, sec
Berkshire C hronicle, 1770 (Conservative), 17 & 19 V a lpy street; T he
Chronicle Co. Lim ited, publishers; published frid a y m orning & tuesda y afternoon | d .; footb a ll chronicle, sat. evening £d
D aily News & Leader, daily ^d. ; branch publishing office, 14 F orbu ry ; C.
T. H oney, representative
Reading M ercury, O xford Gazette, N ewbury H erald, & Berks County
P aper (10 pages), estab. 1723 ; price 2d. ; head office, 7 M arket plaee,
R e a d in g ; F . Cowslade, p ro p rie to r; published sat. morning
Reading Observer, 1860 (L iberal), 19 & 21 Blagrave s treet; Charles
Slaughter & Son; publishers ; published sat. & thurs
R eadin g Standard (L iberal), 13 & 15 V alpy street; W alter V . Rivers,
pu blisher; published sat. Id. m idw eekly (tues. evening) £d
Star, daily £ d .; branch publishing office, 14 F orb u ry ; C. T. H on ey,
G reat W estern, James H enry Noble, station master, Station r o a d ; & goods
station & offices, Vastern road & W illow st. ; W . H. Lucas, goods supt.;
George M iles, district goods manager ; Lionel R. W o o d , permanent
w ay assistant engineer
London & South W estern, W illiam G eorge NoLbs, passenger & parcels
agent, Station road ; goods station & offices, Vastern r o a d ; L. H .
Turner, goods supt. & district representative
South Eastern & Chatham, Edw ard G ratw ick, supt. & station master,
Station road ; goods station & office, F orbu ry road ; Jesse H ood, clerk
R eadin g W est (G .W .R .), O xford ro a d ; E . H unt, station master
Tilehurst (G .W .R .), O xford road, Tilehurst ; H y. G rim m ett, station rustr
Farley H ill, Three M ile Cross, Spencerâs W ood & Swallow field, leaves
B road Face hotel, H igh st. tues. thurs. & sat. 3 .3 0 ; sat. on ly 9.30 p.m
Tilehurst, leaves â Peacock,â Broad street, 12 noon & 4 .3 0 p.m . (wed.
12 noon on ly) ; leaves â W hitehouse,â Tilehurst, 9.15 a.m . & 2.15 p.m
Sonning & T w yford , leaves 1 P eacock,â Broad street, 5 p.m . daily ; wed. 3
Electric Tram cars ru n to various parts of the borough every few minutes