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b h a iì w o o d
i h l « n d^ S Rt o10' 4-? a 'in ' P ostal 0 ld « rs are issued & paid here.
A ib oitieW C ross. 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order & teleÂ
graph office
Foresters : â
Cou rt â P ride o f the Luddon â (B 2050), m eet first m on day in m onth
at tlm In stitu te, S in d iesh a m ; Ernest M ea dow eroft, Si'ndlesham, s e e " y
E lem en ta ry S ch ool, Sindiesham (m ixed' & infants), built b y the late
J oh n W a lter esq. (d, 1894), & enlarged 1896; it w ill hold 240 ch ild ren ;
a\ eiage attendance, 10 0 ; H en ry Francis Sim m ons, m a s te r; M rs.
E m m a Jessie Sim m ons m istress
Bear W o o d In stitu te, Sindiesham ; Thom as, sec
Cas W o rk s , G eorge S h a db olt, manager
A ssistan t O verseer, Moses B lake, W estw ood , O sborne road, W okin gh am
Carriers to R e a d in g, Joh n W in gfield , tries. & sat, 10 a .m .;
da ily & Bayliss, daily except, wed
F arr C harles, pain ter
F ord J. agricultural m achinist
D eane W illia m , E state cotta ge
Gas W o rk s (G eo. .Shadbolt, m grj
G odsal E dw ard H. W inners]) lodge
G race G eorge (M rs.), w oolstap ler,
H arm an T h om a s R ick m a n J .P .
- L od d on B rid ge ho. K in g Street'
Sindiesham house
G rainger
W illia m ,
gam eÂ
H ow k in s J . T. A d d in g to n , S in diesÂ
ham Mill house
keeper to Joh n W a lter esq. M .A
V ick ers
R e v.
W illia m
V ern on
H ow k in s B rothers, m illers (w ater),
M .A . (rector)
Sindiesham mill
I Leach M rs. L ou isa, P o s t office,
W a lte r J o h n M .A . Bear W o o d
K ing street
W ilson
C ou rten ay
B oardm an,
W in nersh grove
N eve T h om as, head gardener to
T h om as R ickm an ' H arm an esq.
J .P . Sindiesham
A lln a tt J oh n E dw ard , baker & | N ew b erry A m o s E. clerk of w orks
g ro ce r, Sindiesham
to John W a lte r esq. M .A
B a rtlett Joseph , blacksm ith
Oates W in . parish clerk,S indlesh m
W ood
In stitu te
(Thom as
; Sim m ons H en ry F ran cis, m aster of
N eve, se c.), Sindiesham
E lem entary S ch ool, Sindiesham
B on d G eorge, W a lte r A rm s inn,
Sm ith H arry C. farm er, K in g
Street F arm house
B o w y e r Charles, fa rm er,H a tch frm
Sm ith W m . b la ck sm ith , Sindleshm
B rigden Isa b ella (M rs .),P o s t office,
T u b b J . T . head gardener to Joh n
W a lte r esq. M .A
B ritton T h om as, stew ard to Tlios.
W ingfield J oh n , corn & coal m e rÂ
R ickm an H arm an esq. J .P
chant & carrier, K in g Street
D eane W illia m , sub-estate agent
to Joh n W a lte r esq. M .A . Bear
(T h e rem ainder o f the nam es in
W o o d estate office
N ew la n d w ill b e foun d under
D im on d J. G. farm baiiliflF to John
A rb orfield , being placed there for
W a lte r esq. M .A . H om e farm
postal purposes)
is a Par' sh>
miles south-east from Theale station
on the G reat W estern railw ay and 5 south-w est from R ea d in g, in the
Southern division o f the cou n ty, hundred o f Theale, Bradfield union,
Reading p e tty sessional division and cou n ty court district, rural deanery
o f B radfield, archdeaconry o f B erks and diocese of O xford. T he river
k e n n e t flows on th e north. T he church o f the V irg in M ary, rebuilt at