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13 Francis Frederick
15 Allaw ay W illiam
17 Hodge T om
19 Sansutn Mrs
21 Everard Francis
23 Best Mrs
25 T a y lorJ sp h .H y.p h otogph r
27 Bradley Enoch
29 H itchm an John F
31 Hunt M rs
33 Palm er W alter G eorge
35 Pearce Thom as
Green J. cabinet m aker
South side.

40 Brooks Alfred
42 Edm eades M rs
44 T albot A ndrew
46 Bennett John
48 Bowley Francis G eorge
50 Lovelock David
52 W illiam s G eorge
54 Birkett Francis
56 R olph A rthur
58 W arner Harry
64 Johnson John
66 Brind Charles
68 T horogood Thom as James
70 W hitts Jam es Henry
72 M attingley Edward
74 W atts Jam es





from 45 C holm eley rd.

! 2

N orth -w est side.
Baggs M rs
Hughes Jam es
C ooper Joseph
C lem ents W illiam

; 11
j 17

South-east side.
A bsolom Joseph
Brown Frank
L ow ry W illiam H enry
W ard Richard
W ade Mrs
Pryor Charles
Catt W illiam

2 Fisher Frederick Charles
4 M enday Ernest W illiam
6 Dye W illiam Henry
8 M enday John W illiam
from 275 L on d on road to
10 Dolan Thom as
Kennet side.
street to Hill street.
12 Jardine John (A rundel l o )
South side.
14 Talbot Frederick
South side.
W all L etter Box
here is Short s t ...........
1 Bushell W alter
S T R E E T , 1 Parsons Edwards
3 H a m blin g M rs
from 464 O xford road,
3 Cliff Albert
5 Brown Ernest Charles
5 Pike A rth ur T hom as
7 Silver Mrs. confectioner
est side.
7 P arr H enry
9 A llaw ay H en ry T hom as
3 Sm ith C harles,'carrier
11 Ellis John E
11 P ryke Ernest
5 Barker Alfred
13 Read W illiam
15 C lem ents M rs. E
7 Fuller W alter
15 Pyke Mrs. E. J. shopkpr 17 H ow ard John
9 E m m ett Jabez
17 & 19 Baker Thom asStacey, 19 H awkins Mrs
11 Sm ith John
beer retailer
21 B eckford W alter, fried fish
13 Scutter W alter H erbert
... here is Sherm an r d .......
15 Sim pson A rth ur
here is C holm eley ter ...
17 C hittleborough Frederick 23 Beaver M rs. Jane
23 W atson W alter, news agt
19 E dwards G eorge
25 S eym ou r Frank
25 M oss W illiam
here is Sherwood s t....... 27 M ackie H enry Wallis
27 A ttree Jam es
29 E yles Joseph
I 23 N ewm an George
29 C anning P ercy G eorge
31 W in grove Jam es W illiam
25 H edges Bertie
31 W h ite G eorge F rederick
33 Stevens H enry
27 Richards Thom as
33 Sim pson H ugh
35 Burgess E dw in
«2 9 W oodley R obert
35 Sm ith H a rry
37 L on g G eorge W illiam
31 P um m ell W alter
37 G ou ld A
39 Brunsdon Sidney Penfold
33 C am bridge James
39 W atson Frederick
35 Spearey James
41 Vass W illiam
41 M artin Charles
East side.
B utcher R obert
North side.
2 A rgent Percy
45 C ooper G eorge, fruiterer
4 Curtis Fred
4 Hewett Mrs
here is C holm eley pi ...
6 T ipping H enry
6 Pearce G eorge
47 F oster H en ry D yer
8 M iatt W illiam
8 R ow ell R obert
49 Sm ith W illiam Joh n
here is Sherm an r d .......
10 Bartlett G eorge
51 T a y lo r A rth u r G eorg e
14 P earce Charles
12 R ice John
53 Stokes M rs. nurse
16 Vickers James
14 Bellinger Charles
55 Hall H arry
18 Keats A rth ur
16 T u rton A lbert George
57 Sales W illia m Jam es
20 S m ith M rs. T hom as
18 W illiam s George
59 R idley W illiam W alford
22 Pearce M rs
20 Miles John
, (E astgate hou se)
22 H op troff W alt.Jn.gen .shp 24 Cole Stephen
61 B utler E d w in
26 T aylor Charles
30 C ooper Edward
63 S p rin g Charles F arnham
28 Main John Jubilee
32 Pocock W illiam
65 Fisher G eorge
30 C ooper Charles Christr
34 M ullis Mrs
67 Saunders John W hitfield
36 Brown W illiam
69 C oggin s Claude E d w in
38 Beasley Fred
71 E ighteen W illiam