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134 D O W
D o v e r s t r e e t â c o n t in u e d .
here is Garnet st .......
16 Russell Arthur John
Bendell W alter John
Painter Henry
Collins Henry
Mills Arthur
Hayes W illiam
Shepherd W illiam Caleb
Cox Joseph
Pocock Frederick
Thorne W illiam
Koster H arry Thom as
D U K E S T R E E T , from E A R L E Y H I L L R O A D ,
K ingâs rd. to London st.
from Whiteknights road to
Wokingham road.
East side.
North side
1 Jackson E. & Sons, staÂ
Ayres Ernest (The Maze)
tioners, & post office
1 Pursey Pieareey, fruiterer
South side.
3 Rowell Jn. Childs, chemist
Stroud Stephen (Fircroft)
& druggist
5 & 7 Barnes & Avis, piano
& player-piano experts E A R L E Y P L A C E , from
40 Minster street.
James & Co.
wholesale grocers
Heelas Limited, stables
1 ia, Wright Henry
I PowersJas. (Telephone cot)
D O W N I N G R O A D , Tile- 13 Watson Mrs. L. cycle agt
15 Silver James & Son, art
hurst, from School road.
E A S T S T R E E T , from 18
furniture makers
W est side.
Queen's r.oad.
17 Hunt Brothers, grocers
1 Letvis John Frederick
East side.
19 Haynes Wr. ironmonger
3 A bery G eorge
here is S ou th .st..........
5 A bery A braham
Boyd & Uurley Limited,
7 Fisher John
2 Boots
plumbers (workshops)
9 Parr A m os
(Southern) Limited
5 Keel Bert
i r Paice W illiam
6 Ship hotel
7 Edmonds William
13 Messenger Mrs
10 , 12 & 14 Nelson Robert & 9 Hyde John
15 Swain Thom as
Co. domestic machinery II Bailey Edward
19 Kirton Charles
13 Carvill Arthur
21 Sim m onds E dw in Charles 14 a, Worsfold Edward W. 15 Leaver Robert
23 Noakes Sidney
artificial teeth maker
17 & 30 Mackrill
31 Parr Charles
coach builder
here is Thorn la...........
33 Seaward W alter
19 Bond William
18 Knill & Sons, printers, 21 William James
35 W est T hom as
bookbinders & account
37 Hazell Joshua
23 Trotman Mrs
book manufacturers
39 Greenwood A ugustus W in
25 Jarvis George
20 Nicholson & Sons Limited 27 New Joseph
East side.
(Oswald J. Gardner, 29 Clark George
2 Jerom e George
manager), brewers &
31 White Frederick George
4 Palmer W illiam James
wine merchants
33 Rowsher Fred
6 Pi ntin Mrs
Lower Ship Hotel (Nichol 35 Bond Arthur
10 Seym our Henry
son & Sons Lim. proprs)
39 Brown Henry
12 Hazell W illiam
43 Kirke William Alfred
16 Sivell Samuel
D U K E âS C O U R T , from 41 45 Brown Mrs
18 W igm ore Albert
Broad street,
20 Wickens Frederick James
West side.
22 T illin g W illiam (T he Nest) i & 2 Durham Mrs
here is Sims court ,
24 K im ber R obert (South lo) 4 Dell William
18 Blake Thomas Holmes,
5 Thornley Mrs
D O W N S H I E E S Q . from 6 Dell Mrs
24 Borough
26 Bath road to B rownlow rd.
Measures & Gas Meter
W est side.
E A G L E C O U R T , from 79
Inspectorsâ Otfice( Henry
1 Hickm an Frederick
Silver street.
Wright, chief inspector
3 Cripps Mrs
of weights & measures
1 Laws John, firewood dealr
5 Bird Misses
& inspector under the*
2 Stevens John
7 Austin M rs
Petroleum Acts & the
3 Bargent William
9 B oucher M rs. f'F.rersley)
Sales of Gas Acts)
4 Mitchell Mrs
11 West. Mrs. (Beilerive)
26 Pawley Frank
5 Dredge Thom as
11 '.Vest F r.d k . M .tB e lle m e )
25 Jordan Frederick
11 Holmes
13 Pierson Mrs
North side.
All Saintsâ Church
E A R L C O U R T , from 56 ¡............ here is South st...........{
Southampton street.
30 & 17 Mackrill
coach builtler