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OCR Text
K ew
K entwood
Sandford Mrs
W ebster Bertie
Parsons Albert
Seller G eorge Charles
Miles Mrs
Videon G eorge Alfred
W illiam s Mrs
S m art James
Barker W illiam
A verill Mrs
Hatherell E dw ard S
Dorm er Mrs
Phipps George
A bery W illiam George
Matchwiclc John
Cockbill Richard Charles
Green Mrs
H unt A lfred
T urner Henry (Iv y c o t)
W heeler F rdk. (K ew hurst)
T ilehurstPotterlesLim ited,
brick, tile & pottery
w orks (K ew kiln)
here is G ipsy la............
T rye C om m ander JohnHenry
R .N . (K en tw ood)
W est side.
Victoria Recreation Ground
here is road toL ow er A rm ou r
Singleton W alter (N ew land)
Sutton Basil H ope(W oodside)
Saunders John Thom as(K entw ood lodge)
Fitzm aurice W illiam (K en tÂ
w ood cottage)
Sich Thom as Thrale (V an Â
cou v er)
Gardner John C om ber R aybould (F ord house)
P lunkett F rederick Sturge
(A bbassiyeh)
Starling Jam es W orseldine
(W ealds tone)
Deacon H a rryE dw d .(T h eC ot)
...... here is Oak T ree r d ........
K e n tw o o d te rra ce .
See Kentwood hill.
K e n tw o o d v ie w .
See L ow er A rm ou r.
R O 'A D ,
Caversham , from Priest hill.
South side.
1 Dorm er Frederick W illiam
3 Slade Ernest
S H u rst
Charles W illiam
(L eighsw ood)
7 Perugiiii M adam e C am pÂ
bell (T h e K noll)
7 Cam pbell Henry Alexander
J. (T he K n o ll)
9 W ylie Rev. A. E. (curate
ofSt. Peterâ s,Caversham )
11 Burtenshaw John Martin
(St. Catherines)
19 Sharpe Mrs. (C orbiere)
21 P iggott R obert James
23 Mason James (Ilm inster)
25 H um phreys W illiam
27 de Villiers Paul (Ravenscou rt)
29 A rnold Jn. W m .(Iv y b a n k )
31 Herring W illiam W elsley
( Ingleside)
33 M idgley Stanley W alter
35 M oore Miss
37 Ingram W illiam G eorge
39 M errick H arold Stanley
(R og ate)
41 W right
W illiam
(F inch green)
43 Allen R obert (L yn w ood )
here is H ig h m oor r d ......
47 F ry W illiam HenryPearson
(G lenthorne)
49 Atkinson James T hom as
(M ontrose villa)
here is Oakley r d ..........
61 M ead Thos. L . (D olw yn lo)
63 W alford W alter Thom as
(N orthfield )
65 James R obert H enry
M ott Fredk. (T he Poplars)
....h e re is St. A ndrew âs r d ....
69 Bateman G eorge Campion
(T h e Nest)
71 B illem ore A rthur
B un galow )
75 Reece H y. Fear (T h e Dell)
77 Deane Frank (T he W ood Â
79 S m ith
T hom as
H ugh
(Caversham grange)
81 Sainsbury H en ry W illiam
(M af eking)
85 Sisam W illia m M .D .,B .S c.,
D .P .H . (W alton hou se)
Wall Letter B ox
here is R ichm ond r d .......
91 R udge Frederick Samuel
(H igh clere)
93 G raystone-S m ith
H u gh
(D evonia)
109 T hom as H en ry, d a iry Â
m an & cow keeper (A s h Â
croft F arm dairy)
R ose cottages :
1 H a ttoW m .Ja s.m a rk etgd n r
2 Deacon W illiam , fruiterer
Knee J. dairy
Healey C ecilA lic(L y n ton )
Druce T hos. (M oorlands)
M rs. (G len
121 R oberts R obert
123 Phillips W illiam G eorge
(T in ta g el)
here is Uplands r d .........
159 H olecroft StanleyE dw ard
(T aeden)
171 Cash Jam es (B rooklandg)
173 W hite
S ydney
V ictor
(C onw ay)
F a r t h in q s w o r t h g r e e n :
T urner G eorge
T urner Albert
Hawkes Geo. H . (T he E lm s)
N orth side.
2 Bennett B enjam in W illiam
4 Cooper Jam es H. (Sum *
m erfield)
6 A llen
A lfred
(M ou n t
8 Foster Frank (B roadm ead)
10 W estcom be G eorge H erbt
16 Jarm an
E dgar
(S ilverston e)
18 W rig h t M rs. (E v ersley)
20 B ridgew ater W illiam (T h e
R ow ans)
22 T eggins A lbert
24 A llw righ t F rederick W m .
(L ozoth )
26 G ale Frank (D ra y ton )
30 Bennett W illiam B axter
(H a y to r)
32 H a m m on d Miss
36 Y oungs John W icks (N o r .
folk house)
38 Sam uell Charles (Queens*
40 P arrott H erbt. (G reylan ds)
42 C usden M iss (B riar dene)
44 Baker P ercy A . (G avaston)
46 Davey M rs. M . (H elvetia)
48 C ouldrey N orm an John
(A bb ots w orth )
52 Nisbot F . S. (T ullyd onell
lo d ge)
56 G re g o ry W m .J n .(S tu d le y )
58 Pope W m . Ernst. (G lenlea)
60 Sm ith Jas. H y. (B u rd erop)