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Clarke G u y
L ock John
A ck lin g A lfred
W hite A rth ur
Jt r ir
Cherrill A lfred
J o h n A â L a r d e r âs b l d n g a ,
A llw ood John, gasfitter
See Bear square.
E lderfield H enry
D ickie David
D unlop & Son, coal mers
J U B I L E E R O A D , from
I O W A E D S T . from 95 38 A tkins H enry
B righton rd. to A u ck lan d rd.
O xford road to Baker st.
40 G ardenerM rs.E . aprtm nts
42 A ger A lfred
E ast side,
from 27 Silver street.
here is Baker st.......
t Cocks Bertram Henry
East side.
3 T aylor Frederick William
S H ughes E dw in R ichard
I L K L E Y R O A D , Caver- 2 W ilkins G eorge
7 Corke W illiam James
7 P ottinger W illiam
sham, from W oodcote road.
9 Lewis E dwin
9 Davies G eorge T ru ndell
1 G ardner Mrs
10 Lester R ichard
I V Y C O U R T , from Coley
3 Marshall Henry
11 A llum Mrs
5 K n ott W illiam Charles
12 Brown John
5 Knott Mrs. dress m aker
1 W ells Elias
13 H ensley A lbert
7 W ellington A rm s P.H. 2 H itchm an Frederick G eo 14 Rose Mrs
G eorge Jas. G reenaway 3 F lux H en ry W illiam
15 Clem ents James
16 Turner A lbert
....h e re is Soho st.........
18 East Edward
3 Anderson H enry W illiam J A M E S S T R E E T , from
¡5 A ndrew s G eorge A lfred
11 G eorge street.
W est side.
7 H opkins George
21 Anderson M rs
South side.
9 H artwell Ernest
22 W est John
1 M atthews James
1 Dolton George
23 W illm ott G eorge
3 M oore B ertram W illiam
26 R off W illiam
N orth side.
7 Saunders Mrs
30 B ow m an H enry
2 T ucker A rth ur George
9 Stickley Samuel
1 M ercott Charles, boot A 4 Hall Edgar
6 H oldw ay Charles
shoe repairer
J U N C T I O N R O A D , from
8 T aylor W illiam
3 Lewendorr Frank
Erleigh rd. to Eastern aven.
5 W atson Jam es
South side.
7 Edwards T hom as George
J E S S E T E R R A C E , from 2 T ice A lfred
19 Sickelm ore Mrs
Baker street to Castle hill.
4 T ufnai! Mrs
1 W'ayman John
6 Owen T hom as E dm u nd
W est side.
¡3 Paice Stephen
8 L orkin W illiam John
5 Edw'ards W illiam John, 8 T am e Joshua
10 H oare-Sm ith Miss
general shop
10 M awson Thom as
12 V ear Mrs
¡7 Barlow A lfred, boot repr 12 M aggs Mrs
14 B urrett M rs
Haines W illiam
14 Sm ith Miss
14 B urrett Miss, dress m aker
...h ere is H osier st.......... 16 Holm es W illiam
16 W ells Ernest
E dw ard,
20 Caffin Miss
22 Marlow Miss
W est side.
20 Holland W illiam
24 Dacre Miss
2 G oddard F rederickG eorge
22 M orley M anford Charles
26 Coivill Miss
4 Hobbs Mrs. laundry
24 S tron g
H arold
28 Brow njohn Miss
4a, Narushken Isaac,' tailor
D ouglas
6 Shayler W illiam , shopkpr
26 H arm an Charles John
8 Hobbs Ernest G ilbert
28 H unt W m . & Son, slaters
1. Ford M rs. L
o Drake James W illiam
9 Wiles Mrs
2 Bowler A rth ur G eorge
N orth side.
11 Barker Mrs
+ G ore John
19 Dwyer Jerom e
1 A lbu tt & H ore Misses,
6 Stevens Miss
21 Davis James (Jesse estate
con fection rs. (H orb u ry )
3 Pointer M aurice
3 Ja cob S ydney T om
5 Bristow Sidney
23 Venn Mrs
3 Royal
L aun dry
u Adam s Charles
25 T a g g e y Miss
(receivin g office)
, Green Miss
25 P layer Miss
5 W rig h t W illiam
26 A lbu m Jack, tailor
31 Clarke W illiam A. tailor
7 C handler G eorg e T
8 M ott Charles
L overid ge Jas. ( A y lton ho) 9 H opkins W illiam H