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i 64
J u n c t i o n r o a d â continued.
I I B uckeridge Miss
13 Hukins W illiam Am brose
13 Culpin Charles
17 Crabb Henry James
19 Stock W illiam James
21 Eades Frederick
here is C arnarvon r d .......
23 H oltom Mrs
25 Green
W illiam
[P rim itive M ethodist]
27 Butler A rthur
29 Ibbetson Miss
31 M erry Miss M. S
from 10 S outham pton st.
to E lgar road.
E ast side.
3 Hall R obert, brass founder
3 H odges Alfred, printer
S Prior Mrs
7 Packer Joseph
9 A rlett Joseph
11 N odder Frederick
13 Beasley W illiam
15 Mead E dw ard
17 Barker W illiam
19 East W illiam
23 M ing J o b » James
23 W eller James
27 Perrin G eorge
29 G rig g H enry
31 Payton Mrs
33 Clark A lbert A rthur
35 Stream s A lbert
37 Mills Edward
39 Cox W illiam ,chim ney swp
41 Slade Francis George
47 Banning Mrs
here is Orchard s t ........
49 F loyd Thos. beer retailer
S3 Mascell Frederick
Sm ith Mrs
Brazier John
Mitchell H erbert Thom as
Collier John
B otting Ernest W alter
Atkins James
here is F oun dry s t .......
Harris A rthur, shopkeepr
Pritchard Charles Alfred
G oddard Albert W illiam
Sm ith Alfred
Skelton Thom as
Stoner Mrs
Jackson Mrs
G erm ain John E dw ard
8 5 G erm ain J. & G , furniture 86 K n ott A lfred
rem overs
CouncilSchool ( Katesgrove)
87 M ickle G eorge, shopkeepr
89 Russell Vincent
91 W interbourne Thom as
93 Bonney William
9S W itherell Richard
97 Mackie G eorge W illiam
99 Patrick Tracey
101 Mackie Thom as
103 G oddard Henry Thom as
105 Prout Thom as
107 Hawkins H arry
109 M cG ee John
h i Salter G eorge
113 Jordon George
115 Mace Mrs. Jane, shopkpr
88 W ebb W illiam
90 Saunders Josiah
92 Burchell Frederick G eorge
here is R iver rd
from 80 K atesgrove lane.
N orth side.
4 Hensley W alter Levi
6 Dell John
8 Peedell Alfred Charles
10 Chard Albert Edward
12 Hawkins John Charles
14 Hawkins G eorge W illiam
16 Docherty Mrs
here is Pell s t ............ 18 Bowley Frederick
20 Pike Mrs
W est side.
22 Belcher Ernest John
6 Jackson George, shopkpr 26 Clarke Mrs
28 Hawkins H erbert H arry
8 W hite W illiam
10 Hawkins Alfred
South side.
12 Parson W illiam Thom as
14 Denton A lfred
3 K ibble Christopher
18 Ballard Thom as Henry
5 Levi W illiam
20 Griffin Thom as
7 Barnes W alter
22 Robinson John William
11 T aylor C
G ant Frederick James, 13 Tanner John
wholesale potato m er 15 N orcott W . Alfred
17 W illiams Charles
chant (stores)
24 Saw yer James
19 Cook David
26 Philbrick C. & G . tanners 21 Bowley T om
32 P iggott R ichard
23 Bowley H arry
34 G rant John
25 Johnson Stephen
36 Hinton Alfred Thom as
38 North Mrs
K E N D R I C K R O A D , from
42 Stevens James
12 London road to ChristÂ
44 Dunn Frederick
chu rch roau.
46 A ndrew Charles
5 > Parkinson W in. b o o t ma
W est side.
52 H inton A lfred
2 Brain W alter John (K endÂ
54 Bird John
rick h ou se'
P ilgrim R ichard,furniture 4 H erbert John James
rem over (stables)
6 T urner
64 Oldham Thom as
Knapp M .A
66 Classic Colour Press (T he) 8 W in ter W illiam Henry
Lewis G . S. & Brother, 10 Tee W illiam Jas. (L ynton
12 & 14 Peacock R ev. William
The Tokio Printing Co.
R ichard (C eylon house)
16 Cripps M isses'
Pilgrim R ichd. fu rn .depos 18 B ottrell John Thom as
76 Coffee H enry (B ro o k ly n ) 26 Clemetson R ichard
78 W arrell David (G le n co t) 28 Baker Mrs
80 B rowning Mrs
28 Bowen
R ev.
Patrick M .A . (priest-inhere is K atesgrovo ter ...
charge of St. M ichael &
82 G rayer A lexander
All Angels)
84 M ortim er W illiam
30 Perkins W illiam S