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B EAD IN G D IR E C T O R !— 1 9 1 4 .

(T h e publishers w ill be obliged if secretaries o f F riend ly & Trades
Societies not mentioned ¡11 this list w ill kindly forw ard inform ation
to th e office, 182, 183 & 184 H igh H olborn, London w c)
A N C IE N T O R D E R O F F O R E S T E R S .
(R eading D istrict.)
O f f ic e r s .

D .C .R .

E . M eadow eroft, Sindlesham, W okingham

D .T .

E . C. Liddiard, 4 School terrace, Reading

D .S .

G eorge Farm er, H enley road, Caversham, Reading

C ourt John K e n d r ic k ” (N o. 2 0 3 2 ); F. H . E llis, 74 Radstock road,
sec. ; meet 1st monday in each month a t the Friendly Societies
Assem bly room s, 19 Bridge street
Cou rt “ M erry Men o f Sherw ood F o r e s t” (N o. 5229), W . M iles, 211
Southam pton street, sec. ; meet first Saturday in each m onth at the
Friendly Societies’ Assem bly rooms, 19 .Bridge street
Court “ P ride o f Robin H ood ” (N o. 4810), W . A. Giles, 211 Southam p­
ton street, sec. ; m eet on first monday in each mouth at the L ow er
W h itle y school, W hitley
Court “ R obin H o o d ” (N o. 4265), George Fraser, 17 P rospect street,
sec. ; meet at the Friendly Societies’ Assem bly room s, 19 Bridge street,
3rd monday in each month
C o u rt“ P ride o f R eading ” (N o. 4961), E . B. Deadman, 28 Manchester road,
s e c .; m eet at the Friendly Societies’ Assem bly room s, 19 B ridge street,
second Saturday
Court “ Sherw ood F o r e s t” (N o. 3463), G. L. Boddington, 33 London
road, sec. ; meet second m onday at the F riendly Societies’ Assem bly
room s, 19 B ridge street
Court “ Queen Alexandra ” (N o. 8968), M iss II. Farmer, H enley road,
Cavershara, sec. ; meet third thursday at the Friendly Societies’ Assem­
b ly room s, 19 Bridge street
C ou rt “ R obin H o o d ” J uvenile; A lbert Win. Sherw ood, sec. ; m eet on
the 3rd monday in each month at the Friendly Societies’ Assem bly room s,
19 Bridge street
Court “ R oya l B e rk s ” J u v en ile; G. W . Durman, 25 A ddington road,
sec. ; meet on the fourth thursday in each m onth at the Friendly
Societies’ Assem bly room s, 19 Bridge street
C ourt “ N oble ” (N o. 5534), meet at the Parish room , Caversham,
2nd tuesday in the m o n th ; E . M ortim er, In gleb erg, A lbert road,
Caversham, sec
C ou rt “ Saunders ” (No. B 2 8 3 3 ); meet at The Hall, Emmet' green,
Caversham, 1st m onday in the month ; T. E. P ovoy, Caversham, sec
Court “ Pride o f T ile h u rs t” (No. B2245), meet first tuesday in the month
at the Village hall, T ileh u rst; Joseph W illiam s, sec
O D D F E L L O W S (M anchester U n ity).
R eading D istrict Office, 70 Prospect street, Caversham ; Corresponding
Secretary, H erbert Bristow
“ Berkshire,” W . E . Chapman, 52 H enry street, sec. ; meet at th§
R oyal Oak, 14 Broad street, alternate tuesdays