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B u tler A lb e rt, jo b r,aster & carrier,
Sh iplake hill (letters through
R othertield P ep pa rd )
Cheaslev G eorge H en ry, station
m aster, R a ilw a y station
C heriton R oss, farm er, C row sley
Park farm
O ordrey John, boat builder
C ox Charles, farm er, Blackm ore
(letters th ro' K idm ore, Reading)
D ob le E dm un d, farm er, Shiplake
D ob le
R o b e rt,
bailiff to
R ob ert H. 0 . H arrison esq. D .L .,
J .P . Sh iplake C ou rt farm
D unn G eorge, dairym an , Shiplake
H ouse farm & L ashbrook
E ngland T h om as, B ottle & Glass
P. II. Binfield heath
1 idler V m. farm er, B ou rne's farm
F errier J o h n , lock keeper
F ry E rnest A lfre d , grocer, & post
office, Shiplake hill
F ry G eorge, gardener to R . H.
M ardon esq. H aileyw ood
GOOCH R. h . g ro ce r & house
a g e n t; T. N . 45 W a rg ra v e
H all John A lexander, gardener to
R o b t.H .C .H a rriso n e s q .D .L .. J .P
H arding Charles F . fruit grow er
H a r p e T G e o .W m .g rcr. Binfield hth
H ill Jam es W illia m ,
Binfield heath
H illier Francis, grocer, Shiplake
h ill (letters through R otberfield
H ¡stead Frederick, farm er
H obb s
L im ited ,
build els ; T . N . 51 W a rg ra ve
K ew C h arles,grocer & baker (letters
through K idm ore, Reading)
L am borne F redk . p olice constable
L a sh brook P riv a te H otel (R . H.
G ooch , proprietor) ; T . N. 45
W a rg ra ve
L y fo rd A rth u r, shopkeeper, & post
office & o ff-lic e n c e ; T. N , 32
W a rgra ve

M aitland Sanatorium for Consum p;
t,ives (Airs. E sther L illie Carling
M .D .llr u x .,
L .S .A .L o n d .
prietress) (letters th rou ghR otnerfield P eppard)
M arlow Charles H enry, B u tch ers’
A rm s P .H . W id m ö o r pond
Marner T h ou Geo. W h ite H art P . n
M ildenhall Joseph , carrier, S h ip ­
lake bottom
M ontague Charles, parish clerk,
Binfield heath
N eville Bros, grocers, Binfield hth
Mrs. apartm en ts, G os­
brook house
P orter Owen W illiam , Plough hotel
Quaint W illia m & Son, coal m e r­
chants, Shiplake station & B in ­
field heath
Q uaint
E dgar
H aines,
farm er,
H om ew ood farm , B infield heath
Sadler F rederick H en ry, insurance
a gen t, P rosp ect ho. Binfield hth
H enry,
beer retaileT,
Binfield heath
Shorland G eorge, frm r.B in field hth
Simmonds- A rth u r J . grocer, B in ­
field heath
Tanner W illiam J oh n , farm bailiff
to Col. J. B askerviile D .L ., J .P .
Frieze farm
Thames V a lley H orticu ltu ries (C.
F. H ardin g, proprietor)
T u bb G eorge W illiam , beer retailer,
& b oot m aker, Shiplake b ottom
Tu bb J. W illia m , gardener to Col.
J oh n
B askerviile
D .L .,
J .P .
C row sley park
V ick ery G eorge, farm bailiff to the
R t.H o n .S ir W a lter G eorge Frank
P h illim ore bart. D .C .L ., L L .D .,
•T.P. Binfield heath
VVakelin A d a M ercy (M iss), district
nurse, Shiplake rise
W arner F. Owen, schoolm aster
W errell H erbert R ich a rd, coachman
to R. II. M ardon esq .H a ileyw ood

S O N N I N G is a picturesque village and parish on th e banks o f the
lh am es, over w hich is a bridge, built about. 1903, con necting the
B erks w ith the O xfordsh ire p ortion o f th e parish ; it is 4 m iles n orth ­
east from R eadin g and 2 n orth -w est from T w y fo rd (G reat W estern
railway) station, and having a station at E arley, on the R ea din g and
R eigate branch o f the South Eastern ra ilw a y, 34 m iles from Loridon.
T h e L on don and South W estern ra ilw a y has also a service o f trains