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construction o f the sewage w orks, bones o f an enorm ous w ild ox standing
16 hands h igh, oth e r remains o f smaller anim als, fragm ents o f fossil
oysters and pieces o f ancient ware and glass were discovered along
Plum m ery D itch.


The soil here principally consists of alternate layers of clays and
sands of m an y colours w ith flmt pebbles ; the clays are m ade into tiles
and drain-pipes, and the sands are m ixed w ith the clays in brick-m aking.
B y the R eadin g (E xtension) Order, 1911, w hich cam e in to operation
on. 9th N ovem ber, 1911: ( 1 ) R eading County B orou gh was extended to
include parts of Bradfield Rural D istrict (viz. : parts of T h eale and Tilehurst C ivil Parishes) and of Caversham Urban D istrict and C ivil Parish ;
(2) Caversham east and Caversham w est wards w ere con stituted ou t of
the added parts of Caversham ; (3) T ilehu rst ward was form ed out o f the
added part o f the Bradfield Rural D istrict and a part o f th e W e s t w ard
o f the borough as constituted previous to the extension : (4) R eadin g.
C ivil Parish was extended to include the added parts o f Theale and
T ileh u rst C ivil Parishes.
The area and population of th e cou nty borough and civil parishes thus
altered w ere as fo llo w s : —
R eadin g C ivil Parish
Caversham C ivil Parish
T ota l for the C ounty Borough ...







* In clu d in g 572 persons in R eading W orkh ouse, 123 in H is M a jesty 's
Prison, 242 in the R oya l B erkshire H ospital and 300 in the Barracks. *■
T he population of the M unicipal wards in 1911 w as, A b b e y 3,923,
Battle 10,167, Castle 5,130, Church 7,777, East 11,203, K a tesgrov e
8,286, M inster 4,369, R edlands 5,793, V ictoria 5,992, T ilehu rst 7.824,
W est 7,444, Caversham E ast 5,742, Caversham W est 4,043.
T he population o f the ecclesiastical parishes in 1911 was : — St. M arv,
15,071; St. G iles’ , w ith St. Luke, 14,147; St. Laurence. 3 ,1 2 3 ; C hrist
Church, W h itle y , 8 ,0 8 7 ; G rev Friars, 4 ,5 7 2 : H oly T r in ity , 8 ,0 3 0 - St
John the E vangelist, 5 ,6 0 0 ; St. G eorge, T ilehu rst, 5,344 : St. B a rth olo­
m ew , E a rley, 7,499.
T h e area of the Parliam entary borough is 2,441 acres ; the population
in 1911 w as 63,299 ; the num ber o f electors on the P arliam entary register
m 1913 was 11,088.
T h e C orp oration have from very ancient tim es been th e ow ners o f the
m arkets and fairs in the borough. In 1868 the C orp ora tion becam e the
ow ners of the w aterw orks, w hich have from tim e to tim e been considerably
enlarged and extended, and now supply a p op u la tion o f about 90,000
within and outside the borough.
The C orp oration are the owners of valuable and extensive properties,
w hich include a b ou t 800 acres of land held for the disposal o f sewage.
W H I T L E Y is a ham let o f the parish of St. G iles, Southoot House
is a large and ancient edifice, built b y J oh n B la gra ve, the m athem a­
tician, to w hose fa m ily, fo r m ore than tw o cen tu ries, S ou th cot belonged.
RE A D ,
