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I 75 C ham pion H arry
1 P 7 -C o x Abraham
179 Brocks G eorge
81 A ldrid ge H enry
83 Frond G eorge
I s Evans Charles
87 Belcher A rth u r
89 Wise W illiam
91 R o g eis Fred
93 Dance H enry
99 R u m ble G eorge
101 T urner Fred
103 M ay W illiam
103 M atchw ick Sidney
107 M ay John
1 109 T u rn er Frederick

7 & 9 Eighteen John, whole
sale, fish m erchant
9 G roves Frederick
r 1 A m o r G eorge
13 F ullbrook Frederick Tlios



A U D L E Y S T R E E T , from
Salisbury road.
N orth side.

2 C oppock Mrs. shopkeeper
4 F re win A rth ur
East side.
6 L ew ington Mrs
2 C atchpole Isaac G eorge
8 Bath W illiam
4 W arw ick Charles
10 W hapham F'rank
6 W iggins W m . 0 . hairdrsr
12 Stephenson John
8 Boman Charles
14 Harris A lfred John
10 Love Charles
16 G om m F rederick
12 E ighteen John
r8 Ford F rederick
14 Pullen Charles
20 B ounds G ilbert
16 Joyce John R obert
22 L iddiard E dw ard
[8 L an g ford M artin
24 Sm ith A rth ur
20 L angford H erbert W illiam
26 Hall M rs
22 R u m ble W illiam , sh opkpr
North-east side.
28 Philpott H arold
30 F arm er A rth ur
)H 2 Crocker Mrs. (M oorligh t)
A sh le y terrace.
32 Brown F rederick
4 H unt T hom as, coal m er
e; , 6 Dee M rs. M aud Alice,
34 W ait G eorg e Sidney
36 G u tterid g e John W illiam
Athenaeum building's.
38 C ordery G eorge
8 Tilehurst Haulage Co. (J.
See F riar street.
.here is B eresford rd.
,|M c H erm an Brothers, oilmen
igney E d w ard John
. here is Polslead rd ....... A U C K L A N D
from St. Peter's road to 42 B urn Joseph Slater
Congregational Chapel
44 Lane A lbert V’ ictor
W ykeham road
H unt Thom as, coal m er­
46 P e rry Joseph
chant (y ard )
N orth side.
48 D avis G eorge
18 llsley Henry, shopkeeper
1 G od da rd H enry
50 A n d rew s G eorg e E dw ard
.20 H annington M issjane,drpr 3 M orley John
52 P ainting John
ia2 Buckland John
5 Stinchcom be W illiam Hy
54 P rattley A rth u r
24 Springell G eorge
7 W in chcom be Mrs
56 T ob ey F rederick
26 Baker Joseph
9 Joyce Francis John
58 Carpenter G eorg e
H unt Thom as
11 Tait H orace
60 Neal H orace
30 Abery Alfred
13 S horter G eorge Daniel, in­
62 M anns Bertie
32 Curtis Charles Frederick
surance agent
64 T a j lor F rederick G eorge
34 M alham Frederick Joseph 15 G arv ie David
66 T h om as G eorge E rnest
36 Brown Mrs
17 Vaughan Henry Thom as
68 C oath W illiam Francis
38 Johnson W illiam
19 Hill A lbert
70 Johns A rth ur
,40 Drew Alfred
21 Nicholls G eorge
72 K inchington John
44 C row hurst E dw ard, grocer 23 A m brose Frank
74 H ayden Joseph Charles
46 & 48 Phillips E. blacksm th 25 Jerm ey A rth ur
76 Palm er H enrv
here is Low er A rm ou r .. 27 Bungay H arry
[50 Sarjent Frank (T h e F irs) 29 A tkins Mrs
w holesale tinw are m a n u ­
32 & 54 Hunsdon Mrs. H.
here is Jubilee rd .......
facturers (P rov id en ce tin
Marshall Edwin Denny, beer
w ork s)
H ill G eorge
W'ickens M is
South side.
South side.
V Ilsley G eorge
2 Pocock Mrs
1 G reaves R obert
2 W atts Isaac
4 W arw ick W illiam T hom as 3 Y eates Sam uel
I 4 Parsons George
6 W in chcom be James
5 W h ittin g h am Jam es
*;6 Smith A lbert Edward
12 Jones Henry
7 C ooke F rank
Mission Hall
14 Prince R ichard
9 G errin g G eorg e, tailor
20 Sm ith R ichard
11 W eston Mrs
A R T H U R R O A D , from 93 22 Talbot Charles
13 W e st W ilfie d
i Orts road to A lbert road.
24 C ooper David
15 G ood liffe H erbert
26 S m ith H en ry
W est side.
17 T ow nsend Henry
28 Sparks Alfred
. 3 Gandy W illiam
19 Sherw ood A rnold
30 Jerome Alfred
ft, - Leighton W illiam H
21 Toros Charles