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B right
18 W ildor W illiam
20 K endall Mr®
22 Beard Jam es Francis
24 Jones Edward Evans
26 Mills Misses
28 Oates W illiam G eorge
30 L each W illiam
32 Challis H enry
34 Salt G eorge, insur. agent
36 Sim m ons H enry
38 Bailey John G eorge
40 Manners Horace
42 Over Harry
44 Harm sworth H e n ry ja m e s
46 G reenaw ay Samuel
48 E lliott V illiam
here is Jubilee rd .......
B R IG H T O N R O A D , from 80 Harris Fredk. John, baker
St. Peterâs road to W yke- 82 S h eilT om
ham road.
84 W ait Henry W illiam
N orth side.
86 Rosser John
3 Butler John
88 T a y lo r G eorge
S G iles W illiam Rowland
90 S m ith John
7 S im m ond s Frank B utter
92 E dw ards G eorge
9 Davies M rs
94 Capel M rs
j 1 D orm er E dw ard
96 Ewins Albert James
13 M ileham John
W all Letter Box
15 A ndrew s Frederick
IS B A N E R O A D , from
17 H arper T hom as
88 G rovelands road.
19 Hayes John
21 M artin James
South side.
23 S cotch m er Miss
T urner George
25 M artin T hom as
R idou t A rth ur Cecil
27 Ford A rth ur W illiam
H u m p hrey Mrs
29 Viner Jesse
G u m m e r H erbert
31 T a y lor G eorg e
H arris W alt. Sidney John
33 Bernard W illiam G eorge
S perring W alter Joseph
35 Randall H enry James
K irkpatrick Fredk. W illis
37 H arris Francis W illiam
H arrison E dgar W illiam
39 Payton John
S p ra tlin g F rederick Thos
41 G am m on s T hom as
B urden Edward
43 F idler M rs
W hitehead G eorge
45 W oodley A rth ur
H ousem an M rs
N orth side.
Shorter John
street â continued.
Turner T hom as
N orth way W alter
Duncan A rchibald
Neville Mrs
G ru b b Harold
N orth side.
here is Parnell st
1 H iggs Ernest
3 Sm ith John
S W aters Mrs
7 B iddle E dwin
9 Allen W illiam
11 H iggs W illiam
13 W ard Ernest
15 Sturgess W aterm an
5 1 Pol den H arry
53 lies Edward
55 P rior H enry
57 Rosser John, ju n
59 L loyd Frank
61 Saunders John
63 W illiam s T om
South side.
: W ise A lbert
1 M ason Isaac
i T u g g e y David John
1 Haw kins T om
> L evy A lfred
1 C linch Samuel
( A shby Charles Frederick
1 K edge James
32 Sm ith E dw ard Stanley
34 Bale W illiam H enry
36 Bennett John Lewis Thos
38 Stevens Mrs
40 R oberton Percival Ellis
42 Cox Alfred
44 G o ff T h om as E dw ard
46 H u bbard Charles
48 E ighteen G eorge A lfred
50 Stephens John
F abry Frank (C h arlton )
B ristow âs cottages.
See Southcote lane.
S T R E E T , from
K in g street to O xford rd.
N orth side.
1 Eastm ans L im ited, btchrs
2 London tavern,
W ilkinson
3A, Rain Bros, um brella mas
3 S T E V E N S & C O . coal
m erchants
4 T h orp
Thom as, ju n .
secondhand bookseller
5 Butler W m . & Co. hosier
6 United Counties
L im ited (S. J. N ock,
m anager)
7 W alker J. W . & W. W.
8 T ram w ay Parcel Express
8 C orn E x ch an ge & General
M arket (G eorge Steed,
toll collector)
... here is covered m arket ...
9 & 10 Rose John & Son,
paw nbrokers
11 T he Beehive P .H . H enry
T id y
12 M arks & S pencer L im ited,
13 S m ith & Son, restaurant
Jukes Eli
14 T he R oyal Oak P .H . M rs.
lâiercy Alfred
M ary Jane Davies
P ollard W illiam Jam es,
15 k 16 H u n t W alter C. corn
insurance supt
m erchant
L aw rence W illiam G eorge
Ponchaud W illiam Ashley 17 F letcher W . & R. Lim ited,
W hitfield G eorge Edwin
here is P ercy p i............
W arbu rton Ernest
19 M aypole D aity Co. L im
H iscock Mrs
20 R udland & Sons,fruiterers
P rice W illiam
21 Kendall & Sons L im ited,
Sim s H arry
um brella rhakers
M artin S ebright L
21 K en t A rth u r, solicitor
T om es Charles Harold
21 Rose W illiam A . solicitor
W estbrook H a rry
23 Bull hotel, John Foster
Parker W illiam Jolm
here is Cross st
W ade E dgar Sizer