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44 to 46 A yres Charles &
fu rn itu re
re Â
m overs & railway agts
47 A Y R E S
GIL ES, coal & coke
48 W est W illiam Francis,
dining room s
50 M ale G eorge lâercivnl
51 M ale
G eorge
M .R .C . V.K. vet. surgn
52 Haines W illiam , boot ma
53 Lansley A lbert Hy. valuer
1 W ebb Joseph
2 Hayward G eorge
3 Foster G eorge Jam es
4 Leaver Mrs
5 W alker Henry
6 S m ith Mrs
7 M ickel Mrs
8 W illou ghby Charles
9 Allen Richard, caretaker
10 Poulton Mrs
11 Hudson Mrs
12 K eeling R obert
... here are Blagrave cots ...
54 Jelley John, confectioner
55 Leaver Hy. hair drosser
60 H edingtonG eo. W m .tbcnst
60a, Chalfen B watch m aker
61 Merrill T om , cutler
62 Fullbrook Frederick, bakr
63 T he O ld Friars inn, Chas.
Samuel H opping
... here is G reyfriars rd ...
64 B oultbee Rev. H ugh E d Â
m und M. A. (G reyfriars
G reyfriars C hurch
... here is Caversham rd ...
... here is L ow er T horn st ...
South side.
here is Thorn s t ............
P rim itive M ethodist Chapl
Parish of R eading DispenÂ
sary (E dw ard Lycett.
C ropp
M .R .C . S. E ng.,
L .R .C .P .L o n d .* Fredk.
W ilson Stansfield M .B .,
B .S ., M .D .V icL , D .P .H .
Camh, m edical officers ;
John Jones, dispenser)
here is Cheapside ........
87 Dee Fredk. furniture dir
88 Vile John, dining room s
89 W hite Hy. A. pork butchr
90 A ldridge George, saddler
91 Cottrell & Co. watch mas
92 M itre
P .H .
T om
W ajdron
here is W est s t ............ 143 M offatt & Son, plum bers
93 to 97 Langston & Sons.tlrs 144 B lackwell Joh n, beer ret
98 L ow e tiy .m u sic w arehouse .
here is Fife cou rt ........
99 Heading
Industrial C o r45 B rnnton A lbert H ow ard,
operative Society Lim .
boot & shoe departm ent 146, 147 & 148 N e w b e r y
100 R eading Industrial C oÂ
A rth ur L im ited, house
operative S ociety Lim.
...h ere is Queen V ictoria St...
101 & 102 Turner G eo.grocer r49 Stanley Jas. & Co. tailors
& wine & spirit m er
L aud cham uers :
103 R eading Industrial C o 150 EGGINTON
operative Society Lim .
F .S .I.,
I '.A .I .
au cÂ
outfitters & tailors
tioneers & estate agents.
P igott H. & Co. whole- j
See advertisem ent
sale grocers
150 S arjcuu t & G oslin g, soirs
104 k 105 R eading Industrial 150 Euglefield Estate Office,
R ichard T od d , agent
L im ited, -confectioners
150 Iiigh ley M ining Co. L td .
106 & h i N ewbery William
(T h e) (R .B .P a y n e, a g t)
G. pawnbroker
150 R e a d in g * D istrict S oliciÂ
107 & 109 Fidler & Sons,
to rsâ ¡A ssociation (W . K.
seedsm en. See adverÂ
G oslin g, librarian)
tisem ent outside Front. 150 Thornton,
M urray
C over
T h orn ton ,
n o M illar John Morgan
i n & 106 N ewbery William 150. R eadingB oiler Set-tingCo.
G . pawnbroker
Telephone N o. 1177
R oyal C oun t}' Theatre 150 T ow ner E d w ard,collector
(M ilton Bode & Edward
of K in g âs Taxes fo r
C om pton, sole proprieÂ
p irishes o f St. M aryâs,
tors ; Frank Couch,resiÂ
R e a d i n g , T ilehurst,
dent m anager)
Theale, Pangbourne &c
115 Phillips W alter John, 150 Fennell Fredk. caretaker
refreshm ent room s
153 Hiekio &. H ickie, pianoÂ
116 L ovegrove Chas.undertkr
forte k organ m orehnts
118 & 119 Bull
II. 154 B L A G R A V E
L im ited, - house
fu rÂ
O F F I C E (A . W . J. W ay,
nishers, china & glass
154 W A Y A L E X A N D E R W .
125 Seebnrg Max, beer retail r
J . auctioneer, su rveyor
126 & 127 M ann W . & Son,
k valuer.
No. 422
128 & 129 Houghton Anthony, 154 AI bu ry, Rising k M orÂ
pictui'e fram e m aker
gan, architects
128 & 129 R eading Beacons- 154 Sainsbury F rederick G .
field Club L td . (C harles
T hackw ay,
sec ; 155 N ew bery W m . tobacenst
G. T. lie d g e , stew ard) 156 B rain & Brain, solicitors
130 G ilkes & Son, engravers 156 H aslam Jam es M .S . A.
131 brink worth H arrv.grn gro
132 Church H enry, ba k e r"
156 R eading
C ham ber
here is Union st............
C om m erce (Jam es H asÂ
133 Star & G arter H otel,
lam , sec)
W . C. M arshall
158 HASLAIW & SON F .S .I.,
134 Daffada A gostin o, eonfr
M em . R . San. Inst, estate
135 Clarke A rth. Thos. dyer
agents, auctioneers, su rÂ
136 H erbert Ernest, con fctn r
veyors & valuers (F riar
137 G oddard A rthur W . T.
Street cham bers). See
beer retailer
advertisem ent
138 St 13 9Stock A .E .n ew s agt
here is Cross s t