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b l t i k C 'l O H Y â 1 9 1 1
the forearm is 5ft. ; and from the nose to th e end o f th e tail it is o v e r
31ft. in length : the v iew from this sp ot com m ands a beautiful p rosp ect
o\er part o f O x fo rd sh ire : the H orticu ltural S ocietyâ s show s are held ia
these grounds.
The Tham es Side P rom enade, extending from C aversham B rid ge for
nearly a m ile alon g the river is furnished w ith seats, and is greatly
resorted to by inhabitants and visitors.
A bronze statue o f His Jute M ajesty K in g Edw ard V IE w as presented
to the tow n by M artin J. Sutton esq. and occu pies a prom in en t position
in the open space fa cin g the G reat W estern R a ilw a y s ta t io n ; it was unÂ
t i l e d on the 3rd D ecem ber, 1902, b y H .R .H . P rin ce Christian of
S ch lesw ig-H olstein K .G ., K .C .B . ; the figure, w hich w as m od elled by
M r. G eorge E. W a d e , represents the K in g in field-m arshalâs u n iform ,
h oldin g the sceptro and orb , and the pedestal is o f red and blue granite
and bears the fo llo w in g in s c rip tio n : â
â C oron a tion o f H .M . K in g E dw ard V II. 1902.â R e co rd o f the com Â
m em orative celebrations and pu blic rejoicin g s h eld in th e C ou nty
B orou gh o f R ea d in g. D in n er to 2,000 aged persons. T ea to 14,500
sch ool children. S pecial services at churches and chapels. P rocession
o f the T ow n C ouncil and o f O ddfellow s, Foresters and oth er benefit and
frien d ly societies, trades, florally decorated, em blem atical and h istorical
cars and decorated carriages, including autom obiles and cy cle s, aquatic
sports, am ateur and non-am ateur and old English sports, w a ter carnival,
w ith procession o f illu m in ated and decorated b oats and steam launches.
R oya l salute.
P la n tin g com m em oration tree in the F o r b u ry pleasure
grounds b y th e M ayoress. Illum inated prom en ade con certs, torch lig h t
procession , attended b y the M ayor and b y th e Chairm en and S ecretaries
of the C oron a tion C om m ittees, distribution o f m edals and C oron a tion
pictures b y the M a yor and M ayoress.â A lfred H olla n d Bull J .P . m ayor ;
H enry D a y , tow n cle rk .â
; j
jj I
T h e R o y a l B erksh ire H osp ita l, in L on d on roa d , open ed M a y 27th,
1839, is an extensive buildin g of stone in th e D om estic Classic style,
w ith a n oble p ro je ctin g p ortico o f six Ion ic colu m n s, su p p ortin g a ped iÂ
m ent, adorn ed w ith the R o y a l Arm s ; tw o w in gs, added in 1882, com Â
prise operatin g room , lib ra ry, museum, ch apel, w ith stained w in d ow s,
laundry, servan tsâ dorm itories and d w ellin gs for p riv a te n u rses; an
a ddition al w in g w as added in 1911, com prisin g an eye th eatre, ch ildren 's
w ard and casualty ward. T h ere is a C on valescent F u n d for disch arged
patients, adm inistered b y the board of m a n a g e m e n t: the h osp ita l is
supported b y vo lu n ta ry con tribu tion s raised in th e cou n ty, and has 188
beds ; the num ber o f in-patients in 1912 w as 2,174, and o f ou t-pa tien ts,
7,552 ; casualties, 5,436.
T h e H elena N u rsin g H om e, B row n low road, open ed in 1878, is in tended fo r p o o r ladies suffering from incurable m aladies and n eedin g care
and nursing, such as are in the later stages o f illn ess, hom eless and
w ith ou t relations able to nurse o r su p port them ; cases o f infectious and
m ental disord ers are ineligible. P atients p a y from £ 2 10s. m on th ly in
advan ce, and are received in the first instance for th ree m onths. A ll
a pp lica tion s for adm ission m ust be made to th e la dy in ch a rge, who
will furnish the applicant with copy of the rules, forms of application
and forms of medical certificates required.