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r e a d in g
45 Gray W illiam F uce (C ulverdene)
49 W aight
Cam den (G len m avis)
51 Marsh Mrs. (E lm h u rst)
53 P lum er Geo. (C ulver co t)
d ir e c t o r y â
99 Lush A lbert
101 W icks M rs
103 H am m ond Alfred
105 Brewer W illiam , grocer
105 Telephone Call Office
here is Sun st ............
107 Blackwell H enry
C U M B E R L A N D R O AD . 109 Chaffey W illiam
from 211 L ondon road.
W est side.
1 Cansick James
3 Willans H erbert James
7 Fisher Henry John
9 Casburn John Thom as
ti Moore G eorge Burbidge
:3 Iverm oe W illiam G
15 Lord Joseph Henry
17 Carter Mrs
19 Clark Frederick
21 Beattie H arry Edward
23 M ountford John, boot nut
25 Haines A lfred
27 W ooldridge Charles
29 Underwood Mrs
31 Upstone E dw ard, grocer
here is Norwood r d .......
33 Palmer Charles H enry
¡5 Rathell John
17 Clinch Henry
9 Henw ood W illiam
i Marshall W illiam Joseph
.3 Aplin George
.5 Holm es Henry
7>Fortescuo Mrs
9 H um phries G eorge
1 W iggins Thom as
3 Cook G eorge Levi
55â Matthews George
here is Orts r d ............
57 Payne Henry, grocer
59 Pizzey W alter Edward
61 Blunden Charles
67 Owen A lbert James
69 P yle Alfred
71 L uker W illiam
73 H olley W illiam
75 Blunden Charles
77 B rowning John
79 Paine A m os
81 Bunce Stanley
83 House.Charles
85 Moss Stanley
87 Lovelock A lfred Charles,
here is W oodstock st........
89 Hutton H enry
91 W ise A rthur \V
93 Rhodes W illiam
;5 Atkins Mrs
Childs T om
E ighteen Charles
B row n W illiam John
Palm er William H orace
Tull W illiam
Rack ley Herbert
G rantham W illiam
Sm ith Mrs. E m ily, con fr
R um ble G eorge
Steiver G eorge W illiam
C ham berlain Peter
W eaver Mrs
Hutton W illiam
M cM ullen W illiam
H u m phreys Richard
E dw ards Jam es, boot ma
here is Avon p i ............
r49 Harm an John
h i
East side.
C hurch Mission R oom
H enry,
m ason (y a rd )
2 T o tt Mrs
4 Butler A. J
0 Pyke Charles
8 Eagles W illiam
10 Dore A rth ur
12 Baul Ernest
14 S m ith George
16 Viner Alfred
18 W oolford W illiam
20 P urdu e G eorge H arry,
hair dresser
22 Casburn Charles
24 G ou ld W illiam M
26 H iggs Stephen David
28 Bell W illiam
30 F ord W illiam Chas. coach
& m otor bod y builder
Prim itive
M ethodist
32 Burt Charles
34 L edger H enry
36 Evans David
38 Wells W illiam , house dcrtr
40 Pyle W illiam
42 Henw ood Edward
44 M aynard M rs
46 Duckett David
48 C roxford Joel
50 B ettridge H enry
52 L eaver W illiam A lfred
54 Childs Edwin
56 W oodbam W illiam
58 C ox M rs
60 Carter T om
62 H orton W illiam
64 B u rt T hom as
66 Patrick F rederick Frank
68 Parrant W illiam
70 Shayler Joseph
72 Usley Mrs
74 Haines Frank
78 L eaver Arth. boot m aker
80 C onnett G ilbert
82 G rim m ett Frank
84 Field Charles
86 Pleass G eorge John
88 Rolfe Lewis
90 A lder Jam es
92 R ixon E rnest A lfred
94 Neville W illiam
96 Burrows John W illiam
98 B uckingham F rancis
100 G oodyear Jacob
102 B utler T hom as
104 Bowsher W alter
106 W arren John
108 Barwick W alter
n o Perks M rs
112 W m terton Joseph
114 R ed m an Charles
116 G rain ger Joh n Fisher
118 Sm ith F rederick Charles
120 Palm er M rs
i 22 Davies Evan
V ockins W illiam
Palm er Jam es W illiam
Hartwell H enry Charles
K em p A lbert E d w ard
De V oil Sam uel W alter
P usey Frank
here is A m ity st ..........
136 Dawson T hom as W illiam
138 Fisher A rth u r John
140 D u tton M rs
144 H erries Mrs
146 H y d e Jam es
148 L eg ge John Jam es
150 Palm er A nd rew E d w ard
152 G ou ld W illiam
154 G od da rd R ichard
156 Ow en H erbert W alter
.. here is S chool ter .........
W oold ridge Charles T hom as
(S ch o o l h ou se)
C U R Z O N S T R E E T , fro m
S alisbury road.
S ou th side.
1 Preece G eorg e L
3 D yer H arry
5 G rad den M rs