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16 Baker James
18 & 2 oG len v ille J11. beer ret
Perrin Charles
E ast side.
W rig h t A rthur
T un bridge Francis Fredk
Spansw ick A rth ur
M oore W alter A
M orris A lbert
Oldland Frederick W m
Searle ¡Charles Ernest
F'arr H enry (Benson v d )
Dyer W illiam Richard
Shepherd M bs (S t. E lm o)
Howe Charles
Clarke Mrs. Sarah
K n igh t G eorge
Beamish Capt. W arburton
W ernbam Frederick
Ed ward
C olem an G eorge E dw ard
Searle lly . W in .(B ellevue)
Strange G eorge Ed w a rd
Bott John Thom as
Stenning FârederickG eorge
G o ld in g Mrs. (T h u rsley)
Puckett P'rank
Russell G eo.E rnest (In g le Â
Barrett W illiam
... here is M oun t st ......
29 H u tt H arry
W all Letter Box
31 Bishop
Thom as
Hughes Jn .H ayn es,sh pkpr
(Caine house)
Packer T h om as Frederick
33 Bourne George
Hessey Francis Jam es
35 N orris W illiam (F'erndale)
S exton W illiam Charles
37 Broad Miss (S tratfield)
Stevens H enry John
39 Sarjeant
Kerry W illiam
(M ontague house)
41 Soundy Jam es Scholefield
43W hatleyM iss(G ow an b rae) C O M M E R C IA L H A L L ,
from 48 Coley place.
45 L ance M issO .(C u lvercote)
2 L o n g W illiam
C O L L IS S T R E E T , from 4 Nash Charles
6 L am burne E dwin
W aterloo road.
8 F ord Charles W illiam
12 W ells G eorge H enry
W est side.
14 Cook Mrs
1 B ennett G eo. boot repr
15 S m ith Mrs
3 Rhodes T hom as W illiam
16 Sim pson Charles E dw ard
5 C arpenter Mrs
18 Driscoll John
7 E dw ards M rs
20 H ow arth T hom as
9 Belcher Philip W alter
22 F'ilmer W illiam
11 Brindley Charles
28 Dore Noah
13 C oppuck Charles Henry
30 Ballard W illiam
15 N ewham W m . Matthias
32 Sim pson John
17 Short Mrs
34 H iggs Joseph
19 Dunsdon Jesse
36 R obinson H enry
2i Dore Sidney Albert
38 Brown A lfred
23 Sw ift George
P earce A lbert
27 Keep Joseph
42 F'rankham G eorg e
29 Brow n Charles
46 Sim m onds W illiam
31 Austin W illiam Henry
here is Hosiers si] ....... 5
24 King W illiam
28 Allen H arry, shopkeeper
here is Marshall pi ....... 13
32 Darvall Joseph, baker
34 W arner Henry, shopkpr
36 W atson Alfred James
36a, Hathaway Bert, boot m a 23
38 F'urlongerGcorge W illiam , 25
beer retailer
R O A D , from
W okingham road to Culver
W est side.
W all Letter Box
2 Pratten Miss (A m o y v il)
6 Bull Alfred Holland J.P .
(Olay d on )
8 Blyde A rthur
W illiam
(B a n croft)
10 Lee Jam es (T he Bays)
12 H obbs W illiam
14 M urray J o in Alan
16 L ovegrove Mrs
13 T oovey Jn. (Clarence vil)
20 Dawbney John W esley
22 Rogers T om G iddings
28 M aynard Miss (V ellore)
28 Byers Miss (V ellore)
30 Pearce Ernest
F .In c.S .S .T . teacher of
(Sidm outh
32 Benger Henry G eorge
32 H owm an Frederick Geo
34 Bloomfield
G eorge
(H igh clere)
36 M athews L ucius Francis
38 B eaum ont
40 Brett Thom as I
42 Everitt H arry Alonzo
44 Tufnail E d w ard(T orw ood )
46 Dyer Hugh
48 Beare Noah (Roseleigh)
52 G lover Francis H arry
54 Jordan Mrs. F
56 Willison H erbert Rendal
56 A ldridge
A .T .C .L .
teacher of
m usic
58 Farm er Miss
62 W ooldridge W illiam
64 Batten George
66 Sheldon Theophilus
68 T horbu rn D anielG .,A .C . P
33 Short W alter W illiam
35 W ebb Charles
37 W iekins H arry G eorge
43 Hoad William Jam es
47 Sm ith W illiam
49 Sharpe Frank
51 Peck T hom as W ill am
C3 Annetts G eorge Henry
55 M arks Frederick Henry
57 R ichings Frederick
59 Cox A lbert
61 W est G eorge A lfred
East side,
2 Fewtrell Mrs
4 C ox Joseph T h om as
C O N IS B R O â
Caversham ,
m on d road.
R ich Â
S outh side.
S im m ond s
Nevil (M ead o w croft)
Letter Box
29 T itley
E d w ard
(L atton lodge)
31 T o b itt A lb ert(W ood la n d s)
33 Hanson Philip (D a lb u ry )
C aversham
S ports C lub
(E rnest
R avenscroft,
hon. sec)