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here is R ectory rd .......
B ronsdon W . w h eelw right
6 Addison H enry (A shleigh)
Addison H. & fa school
furniture m anufacturers
8 Farr A rth ur Owen
1 > H ands Joseph
14 P eth eibridge George
R O A D , 16 T hom as R .& S on ,d airy m n
here is Priest hill ....
P riory, C hurch street, to
18 Hawkins Miss (F.lm sido)
G rove hill.
20 Syrad A lfred
East side.
2 2 H opgood Charles
1 Bennett A rth ur E dw ard
24 H edger M rs
1 Bennett M rs. Sarah, ce rti 26 W iltshire Mrs
fied m idw ife
28 Cox Charles
3 Sm ith Thom as
30 Currall Sam uel
5 James W illiam John
32 W arrilow Sam
7 W ilson T om
34 M ilborrow W alter
9 Cove Thom as John
36 A dnam s Frederick John
1 Barlow W illiam G eorge
38 M ay Mrs
9 W itterton W illiam
40 P lestcd Miss, tchr. of m us
I5 1 Taylor Frederick
40 Plested Mrs
2 3 Fewster Mrs
42 N orris Edwin
S T ovey Mrs
44 H u nt W alter Henry
46 R aym ond Joseph,relieving
=7 H utton W illiam Dance
& vaccination officer,
here is Chester st ...
Caversham district, re1L igh t Daniel
- gistrar of births & deaths
fjr Gale W alter
for Caversham sub-disÂ
g3 Perkins Mrs
H enley union,
33 Perkins Miss V costum ier
collector for the guarÂ
35 Messer E rnest Francis
dians & inspector under
, Gatfield Mrs. F. A
Children Act
Pinchin H enry
48 W oolliam s P ercy John
43 Turner David
50 N ew port A rthur Jam es
45 Jeffries T hom as
52 H am lin W illiam
I47 Y ouens Joh n , grocer
... here is H em dean hill ...
...... h ere is Oxford st ...
54 Heath Jam es
I19 W in ter Jam esH gro 56 N ewton Miss (St. M on ica)
fc i Hayes W illiam
58 H em sley Peter
S 3 W oodley Mrs
60 Roads Charles James
%5 W ebb H arry Chas. confr
62 L eg gett Jam es
£7 H odge Ernest James
64 Curtis Edivard Thom as
'â ¡9 Hawkins Miss
66 G o d fre y Mrs
:j Public Hall
70 Davis Frank
K nighton
Miss, ladiesâ
liE L M O R E CO TTA G E S :
school (H euideau house)
Canning Fred
134 House George
Parker Thom as
136 House Frank
here is G rove hill ......
138 Clark Frederick
140 Millard Alfred
W est side.
2 Cheyney G eorge H am  142 Henbest W alter C
m ond,
M .R .C .S ., 144 G odden James
L .R .C .P .L on d .
physi 144 Godden Miss, dress m a
cian & surgeon, & m edi 146 H u nt Thom as
cal officer & public 148 Hope Mrs
vaccinator, Caversham 150 N ewm an Frank
district, Henley union 152 Palm er Henry
East side.
4 G ibbons W illiam George
(C ranleigh)
... here is H em dean hill ...
6 Phillipson George Michael
(S yringa)
(The Priory)
here is Queen st
15 9
L am p Letter Box
154 K ing John W illiam
156 Millard F rederick
158 Cresswell Charles
160 Taylor M rs
162 W augh Sam uel Edwin
164 W oolicott. E dwin
166 M achin Miss
168 G oodw in Charles
170 Moulden Charles
172 Hughes Peter
174 Barlow W illiam G eorge
176 R ound G e o rg e Henry
here is V ictoria st
Hancock T om
W alker H erbert
Cox Reginald (O asby)
G illingham W m . G eorge
Watson E dwin John
Cane Charles Ernest
Robinson H erbert John
M ulford W illiam
Tarrant James
Horton Thom as
Brooker William
H u nt G ilbert Law rence
Slaym aker John
Crew James Charles
Gale Alht. Geo. insur. agt
Andrew s Alfred John
here is Oakley rd ........
H E N L E Y R O A D , CaverÂ
sham, from P rospect street.
N orth side.
Mason Miss (H illside)
H um phery
C om m ander
P ercy E. M ., R .N . (C am den
Queen A nn eâs School (M iss
A. Holm es, head m istress ;
S pencer - Sm ith,
clerk & receiver)
Poynder T. H . (T h e C ottage)
......h e r e is G rosvenor r d .......
Wall Letter Box
Tanner A lfred (L o d g e )
L ovegrove Miss (T h e E lm s)
South side.
here is Westfield rd .........
here is C rom well r d ........
F arm er George
A ncient Order of F oreslers
(R eading d istrict) (G e o rg e
F arm er, district sec)
S anatorium (Q u een A nn eâs
S chool)
H odges A lfred
....... Hatto H u bert