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r e a d in g

B a s in g s t o k e r o a d — con .

3 T ow nsend Edward
W all Letter Box
4 Sm ith G eorge
5 Saunders James
6 Boswell John


d ir e c t o r y —


... here is L ong Barn la ...
Four Horse Shoes P .II. Mrs.
Ellen Ransom
L on g B a rn c o t t a g e s :

1 W arner Frederick
3 A lder W illiam
5 G oddard Alfped
....... here is M anor Farm rd.
7 G oodchild W illiam
(private road) ...........
9 Harm an Thom as
T he Grenadier P. H. Mrs. 11 G irdler W illiam
E d ith E m ily E m ery
13 Barnes Albert
15 L intot Mrs
D a l k e it h p la c e :
17 H untley John
1 Osier John
2 C ordery Mrs
3 Spencer George
4 Clarke A lfred

Clark Jam es (Englefield co t) 235
T him blebyA d juvaut Cadence 237
(W orton grange)
L it t l e L ea road :
Clark Henry
Clark Mrs


h it l e y

c o tta g es


F ord Mrs
Turner Jam es
Brown Miss
D urbridge Mrs
& 2 E m ery Benjam in,
wheelw right
East side.

... here is C hristchurch rd ...
.here is Christchurch grdns.

S cott Frederick
C oulton Charles
F aulkner Stephen John
W aite H arry
Lunt M bs
Evans Alfred G eorge
Sykes Arthur
Sm ith G eorge G
Stocking Allen Edwin
Chesterman Chas. market
g rdn r.fS traw b erry cot)
Fennell F red,
farm er
(G rays farm )
Flippance Jn .(G rays cot)
W orld Turned Upside
Down P .H .A lbt.T u rv ev
G rays Farm A llotm ents
G over W illiam , dairy
farm er (W hite house)
Hatch Henry (L on g cot)
R obbins H enry (Silicia)
H olt Thos. (A erodrom e)
Parker Albt. (H azelm ere)
W ooldridge A lbert H.
(G len brae)
H ickm ott W illiam John,
clothier (T he L im es)
G oodey Thos. Granville,
g rocer
Pillar Letter Box
.. here is W hitley W ood la...
W hitley
School (M rs. E. E. H ick­
m ott, head mistress)
Brown W m . Hy. (School ho)
W illiam ,
farm er
(N orris fa rm )
...h ere is W hitley W ood I’d . . .
G ilbert
H arry
L .R .C .P .E d in ., M .R .C .S .
Eng. (T h e E lm s)

Wheeler Sidney, printer
4 Brown Thom as

8 Tap]in Michael
10 Cotterell Henry
12 Neri Michael
Daniel] J. carpenter
B A T H R O A D , from Castle
street Borough boundary'.
South side.
3 Dryland Misses (Bath pi)
5 Weedon Mrs. (Winona)
7 Vincent William
9 Walters James Hopkins
M .R.C.S. Eng.,
L.M .,
L .S .A ., F.R.M .S. sur­
geon (Angas lodge)
11 Foster William James
F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Lond. physician & sur­
geon (Downs)
13 Bray George
15 Ducat
V eil.
Methven Gordon M.A.
(hon. Canon of Christ­
church, Oxford & Arch­
deacon of Berkshire)
(Ripon lodge)
17 Blandy Mrs. (Fremantle
19 Brooks R. Philip F.R.C.S.
ophthalmic surgeon
2 i Bazett Mrs. R. Y . (Highfield)
25 Brinn W.
J. Justins
(Berkeley house)
27 Clowes Norton Burroughs
M .R .C.S.,L.R.C.P.physician
(Aubrey house)
29 Forbes Maj.-Gen. Charles
P. (Fairlawn)
31 Lyle Mrs. (Laughton lo)
31 Ogilvie Mrs. A.(Laughton
33 Neovard Mrs. (Lindeth)
35 Carter Mrs.(Sherwood ho)
35 Carter Miss(Sherwood ho)
37 Jones Arnold M.A. pre­
paratory school for boys
(Marlborough house)
39 Clarke Rupert Lewis (St.
Mary’s Priory) is Berkeley aven...... the Railway crosses...
here is Southcote la.......

Austen M rs.L .F . (W hitley
i i M ay Miss (W hitley knoll)
H eale F. it. & Son, collar
& shirt m annfacturers
33 B uchanan-D unlop L ieu t.Col. H. D. (W hitley rise)
Council (G eorge Palm er)
49 Sim s W illiam ,confectioner
51 H art A lbert, tobacconist
55 D rew Fredk. W m . draper
57 A braham Charles, baker
59 A ntell K . butcher
6 1 W ellm an Charles, beer &
spirit m erchant
here is Surrey rd .......
63 C ottle A lfred H. g ro ce r, &
post office
63 Telephono Call Office
... here is W inchester rd ...
M aurice John, B A T H
C O U R T,
d airym an (W h itley Rise
Mill lane.
2 Flitter B enjam in, shopkpr
Ctisden E dw d. farm er (H om e
G a m m on Sydn ey, corn 45 Holloway David
fa rm )
merchant (store)
47 Ashby William (Toll bar)