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r e a d in g
B a s in g s t o k e r o a d â con .
3 T ow nsend Edward
W all Letter Box
4 Sm ith G eorge
5 Saunders James
6 Boswell John
d ir e c t o r y â
... here is L ong Barn la ...
Four Horse Shoes P .II. Mrs.
Ellen Ransom
L on g B a rn c o t t a g e s :
1 W arner Frederick
3 A lder W illiam
5 G oddard Alfped
....... here is M anor Farm rd.
7 G oodchild W illiam
(private road) ...........
9 Harm an Thom as
T he Grenadier P. H. Mrs. 11 G irdler W illiam
E d ith E m ily E m ery
13 Barnes Albert
15 L intot Mrs
D a l k e it h p la c e :
17 H untley John
1 Osier John
2 C ordery Mrs
3 Spencer George
4 Clarke A lfred
Clark Jam es (Englefield co t) 235
T him blebyA d juvaut Cadence 237
(W orton grange)
L it t l e L ea road :
Clark Henry
Clark Mrs
h it l e y
c o tta g es
F ord Mrs
Turner Jam es
Brown Miss
D urbridge Mrs
& 2 E m ery Benjam in,
wheelw right
East side.
... here is C hristchurch rd ...
.here is Christchurch grdns.
S cott Frederick
C oulton Charles
F aulkner Stephen John
W aite H arry
Lunt M bs
Evans Alfred G eorge
Sykes Arthur
Sm ith G eorge G
Stocking Allen Edwin
Chesterman Chas. market
g rdn r.fS traw b erry cot)
Fennell F red,
farm er
(G rays farm )
Flippance Jn .(G rays cot)
W orld Turned Upside
Down P .H .A lbt.T u rv ev
G rays Farm A llotm ents
G over W illiam , dairy
farm er (W hite house)
Hatch Henry (L on g cot)
R obbins H enry (Silicia)
H olt Thos. (A erodrom e)
Parker Albt. (H azelm ere)
W ooldridge A lbert H.
(G len brae)
H ickm ott W illiam John,
clothier (T he L im es)
G oodey Thos. Granville,
g rocer
Pillar Letter Box
.. here is W hitley W ood la...
W hitley
School (M rs. E. E. H ickÂ
m ott, head mistress)
Brown W m . Hy. (School ho)
W illiam ,
farm er
(N orris fa rm )
...h ere is W hitley W ood Iâd . . .
G ilbert
H arry
L .R .C .P .E d in ., M .R .C .S .
Eng. (T h e E lm s)
Wheeler Sidney, printer
4 Brown Thom as
8 Tap]in Michael
10 Cotterell Henry
12 Neri Michael
Daniel] J. carpenter
B A T H R O A D , from Castle
street Borough boundary'.
South side.
3 Dryland Misses (Bath pi)
5 Weedon Mrs. (Winona)
7 Vincent William
9 Walters James Hopkins
M .R.C.S. Eng.,
L.M .,
L .S .A ., F.R.M .S. surÂ
geon (Angas lodge)
11 Foster William James
F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Lond. physician & surÂ
geon (Downs)
13 Bray George
15 Ducat
V eil.
Methven Gordon M.A.
(hon. Canon of ChristÂ
church, Oxford & ArchÂ
deacon of Berkshire)
(Ripon lodge)
17 Blandy Mrs. (Fremantle
19 Brooks R. Philip F.R.C.S.
ophthalmic surgeon
2 i Bazett Mrs. R. Y . (Highfield)
25 Brinn W.
J. Justins
(Berkeley house)
27 Clowes Norton Burroughs
M .R .C.S.,L.R.C.P.physician
(Aubrey house)
29 Forbes Maj.-Gen. Charles
P. (Fairlawn)
31 Lyle Mrs. (Laughton lo)
31 Ogilvie Mrs. A.(Laughton
33 Neovard Mrs. (Lindeth)
35 Carter Mrs.(Sherwood ho)
35 Carter Miss(Sherwood ho)
37 Jones Arnold M.A. preÂ
paratory school for boys
(Marlborough house)
39 Clarke Rupert Lewis (St.
Maryâs Priory) is Berkeley aven...... the Railway crosses...
here is Southcote la.......
Austen M rs.L .F . (W hitley
i i M ay Miss (W hitley knoll)
H eale F. it. & Son, collar
& shirt m annfacturers
33 B uchanan-D unlop L ieu t.Col. H. D. (W hitley rise)
Council (G eorge Palm er)
49 Sim s W illiam ,confectioner
51 H art A lbert, tobacconist
55 D rew Fredk. W m . draper
57 A braham Charles, baker
59 A ntell K . butcher
6 1 W ellm an Charles, beer &
spirit m erchant
here is Surrey rd .......
63 C ottle A lfred H. g ro ce r, &
post office
63 Telephono Call Office
... here is W inchester rd ...
M aurice John, B A T H
C O U R T,
d airym an (W h itley Rise
Mill lane.
2 Flitter B enjam in, shopkpr
Ctisden E dw d. farm er (H om e
G a m m on Sydn ey, corn 45 Holloway David
fa rm )
merchant (store)
47 Ashby William (Toll bar)