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ftfiAblNG STREET D1EECT0RVâ 1914.
18 Bonriey Archibald
I 6 W aite W illiam
20 H ancock W illiam
8 Platt R obert G eorge
here is W olseley s t ......... 12 H old sw orth W m . H en ry
here is Dover st............
N orth side.
22 Oke Francis
1 C ooke A lb e rt Jam es
G rA E E A E D
from g G arrard street.
C aversbam , from Gosbrook
W est side.
3 Leach John
East side.
W est side.
2 Barrett T hom as
24 L ovegrove Jam es
4 Chalk G eorge
26 G illingh am G eorge
g ^6 Sm ith Joseph
28 S um ner John
30 C laridge Charles
S T R E E T . 32 F aulkner T hom as
from 38 G reyfriars road.
34 Kendal] Sam uel
North side.
38 Preston W illiam John
3 Griffiths Mrs
40 Reade W illiam , fruiterer
5 Jerom e H en ry, insur. agt 46 Pratt Jam es
7 R oberts F rederick H enry 46 P ratt M rs. boot repairer
9 Basdon John
50 Belcher G eorge
here is Garrard s q ......... 52 R oberts Jam es
[i M itchell W illiam
54 Hissie Ernest
3 Pocock G eorge
56 Bolton T hom as
5 Eeles John
60 Evans John
7 Cosell Henry
62 W ootton A lbert
9 Attwells Mrs
64 Potter A lbert
66 Hatton T hom as
South side.
New bery A rth u r L im ited, 68 Crook G eorge
70 K n igh t W illiam
72 Pangbourn G eorge Henry
4 Dowd T hom as
R ead in g
& Caversham
8 Pocock A lbert
Steam L aun dry Co. Ltd
0 Sturgess Mrs
6 T hatcher Alfred W illiam
East side.
8 G ear Christopher John
here is K in gâs r d ..........
0 L ooker T hom as
1 W ebb John G ibbon
here is Queenâs rd .......
¡â AS L A N E , from Bridge
G E O R G E S T R E E T , from
1 D yer Daniel
146 O xford road.
2 Brooks James
3 Fennell W illiam
East side.
R eading Old Gas W orks
1a, H errington A lfd . boot repr
4 Fow ler E rnest
Jam es, 1 C rooke Mrs
chief inspector R eading 3 N axton G eorge
G as Co
5 Sadler T hom as Charles
7 B right W illiam H enry
¡â AS W O R K S
R O A D , 9 M atthews Jam es, beer ret
here is Jam es s t .........
from K in g âs road.
r i H arm s Mrs. E
South side.
15 N orth Mrs
R eading Gas Co. (D ouglas 17 C ox H enry Charles
H. Helps A .M . I.C .E . 19 L loyd F rederick E
engineer & m anager) 21 Jarvis W . A lfred, beer ret
(w ork s)
here is Battle st.........
, | Sewerage P um pin g Sta- 23 L eaitj Sidney Chas. baker
(R ob ert G eorge 27 B arrett James
P latt,resident engineer) 29 Pottinger Jam es
I « W atson Frederick Charles 31 Chandler Jesse
Noakes H arry R eginald
S ta g g G eorge
H ollis M rs. dress m aker
Hollis W illiam A rth ur
here is Stanley st ........
41 & 43 Brant G eo.P .sh op k p r
45 Collett Stephen
47 Y ou lton A lfred W illiam
51 A llaw ay & Co. builders &
shoplifters (w ork s)
53 Parker A rth ur W illiam
55 Sew ard G eorge
57 Jack Miss
59 M artin W m .T h os.b u tch er
...h ere is G reat K nollys s t . . â
61 W ithers F rederick J
P ublic R ecreation G rou n d
W est side.
W al 1 L etter B ox
2 Pulverm acher Israel,tailor
4 Strange John
6 Bowden A lbert E dw ard
12 Davis F rederick
12 Davis Miss L ily,violin ist &
14 M iles Charles H en ry
14 M iles M rs. Jane, dress m a
here is Stanley g r o .........
16 D avey H orace S ydn ey,
20 H arris W illiam
20 H arris
Iv y
D .,
A .M u s.T .C .L . teacher
of m usic
22 W rig h t John H enry
24 R obinson Mrs
26 R alph H enry
28 E llis Joh n, engineer &
boiler m aker
30 Dickens Richard
32 T hom pson A rth u r
34 H eath M rs. dress m aker
36 Brooks G eorge W illiam
38 W ern ham W illiam
40 H u m phreys W alter
here is Mason st...........
42 L ew is W m . beer retailer
44 Fulker Jam es H en ry
46 Parsons W m . upholsterer
48 G ood y ear H arry
50 N ash'M rs
52 K in g T hom as
54 B urridge A lbert E dw ard
56 W oodh am H enry John
58 W en m ar W illiam
here is C am hj idge st......
62 S ta cey W alter Joh n , ham
& beef dealer
64 G a m b rill Joseph
66 Exell Joh n H en ry