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b a r lb y .
Johnson F red erick , gardener to S.
J oel esq
L ew in gton
m ilk
L od d on bridge
S p on g Mrs. D readnought P .H
S u tton & Sons, seed m erchants,
Trial grounds
T rig g W illiam F. G eorge P .H .
L oddon bridge
W ilson F ran cis H a rry , b uilder,
F a ir lig h t ; T. N. 214
W o o d le y A rth .J a s. police con stable
W oold rid g e H y. J . school m aster,
Sch ool house
E N G L E F I E L D is a village and parish, 1^ miles north-w est from
Lheale railw ay station on the G reat W estern railw ay, 42^ miles from
L on don , 5 w est from Reading and 3 south from Pangbourne station, in
the Southern division o f the cou nty, hundred of Theale, R eading petty
sessional division, Bradfield union, cou n ty cou rt district of R eading,
rural deanery o f Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese o f O xford.
This parish is said to take its nam e from being the site of a battle
fough t betw een the D anes and Saxons A .D . 871. T he church of St. Mark,
restored in 1857, and the chancel rebuilt at th e sole expense o f the late
R ich ard B enyon esq. is a building o f flint and stone, con sisting o f chancel
with north aisle, nave, south aisle, south porch and a w estern tow er w ith
broach spire, con tain in g 6 bells, presented b y M r. B en yon in 1878 ; the
Englefield chapel, w hich is now used as an organ cham ber, was added to
the north side o f the chancel in 1514, h av in g been for a series of years
the burial place of th at fam ily, w hich becam e ex tin ct on the death of
Sir Henry f haries E nglefield bart. 21st M arch , 1882 ; Sir Thom as E n gleÂ
field knt. Speaker o f the H ouse o f Com mons in 1496, and in the first
Parliam ent of H enry V III. the foun der o f the chapel, is here b u r ie d ;
bis monument, an elegant altar-tom b, surm ounted b y a canopy and once
bearing brasses, stands on the north side o f the com m union ta b le ; and
there is also in the chapel a m onum ent to Sir Francis Englefield bart.
ob. Oct. 26, 1631, and Jane (B row ne) his w ife, w ith effigies of both,
kneeling at a desk, and of several children, besides other monuments of
the Engl field fa m ily ; there is also a m onum ent to Charles Benyon,
lieutenant in H .M .S . â A ja x ,â killed w hile attem pting to board a French
vessel off the Isle of E lb a ; on the north wall is a mural tablet o f black
m arble, w ith epitaph b y D ryd en, to Joh n P au let, fifth M arquess of
W in ch ester, o f Basing, H an ts, w h o held B asing H ouse for four years
for K in g Charles I. but the m ansion bein g eventually storm ed bv the
P arliam entary forces was burnt to th e ground ; the M arquess died March
6 th, 1 6 7 4 ; the m onum ent is surm ounted b y a shield o f arm s and the
m otto â D onee pax redit terris ; â a portion o f this m onum ent, hitherto
m issing, togeth er w ith three other sepulchral stones, were discovered in
the pavem ent of the church in Septem ber, 1878, during som e alterations
then proceeding, and the four slabs are n ow fixed upon the surface ;
that belon gin g to the m onum ent o f th e M arquess bears a long in scription,
detailin g his pu blic services, marriages and issue ; the others are inscribed
to H onora (de B u rgh), his second w ife, 1 6 6 1 ; J oh n Paulet, her eldest
son. 1660; and to H onora Paulet, her youngest daughter, 1 6 6 0; in the
south aisle is a beautifully sculptured mural m onum ent to M ary, w ife ol
Richard B enyon esq. 1777, and another to Paulet W rig h t esq. 1779 ; over
the pulpit is mural brass inscribed to R ich ard de B eauvoir B enyon esq.
1854 ; in the south aisle, under tw o obtuse arches in the wall, "are tw o
recum bent effigies; one o f these is a stone figure o f a knight in full
armour, w ith a surcoat, and bearing his shield upon his arm ; the other
figure is that o f a la dy in the costum e o f the 14th cen tu ry, and is carved
ou t o f a solid piece o f oak ; th e arcade betw een the nave and south aisle
has E arly E nglish arches w ith very bold m ou ldings sup ported on plain