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R tlA D fN G
48 MoFgan Mrs. M . (S h nnyside)
86 G illender Miss M . E.
(G erolstein)
88 Bartram Cecil
90 W oodruff T hom asR ichard
92 Johnson Coningsby Sam i
94 Reading Bowling Club
96 Shepherd W m . (L onsdale)
98 A ger Mrs
100 M orris W illiam
104 Hiekes
Thom as
Duke B.A. (cu rate of
Christ C hurch)
106 Jackson R obert H enry
108 Nixon Mrs
n o Lea W illiam
112 Poulton M ajor Artliui
Faulconer (H igh g rov e)
East side.
W all Letter Box
1 Percival & Harris Misses,
private surgical & nursÂ
ing hom e(T he Beeches).
See advertisem ent
3 M ole H erbert B .(R oxville)
5 G ou gh Frank (S am oa)
9 M aurice W illiam James
M .A .,
M .B .,
O xon., L .R .C .P .L o n d .,
M .R .C .S .E ng. physician
& surgeon (B rooklyn)
11 G od dard
T he
(H oi well)
13 Hayward Stanley (H azelÂ
w ood )
15 LewisH y. A rth ur(H alm ar)
T he A bbey S chool for
G irls
(Miss II.
M usson, head m istress)
19 M ascie-Taylor M rs. (B e rÂ
w yn)
21 Flanagan Misses
23 Spencer Jam es T hom as
(N ew lyn)
25 Henman
W alter James
J.P .O x on (S t. Iv es)
27 W ray M rs. & B eecroft
Miss, boarding house
(V iroflay )
27 W ray Mrs R. W . private
29 Leney Mrs. (C arbis)
31 G ood enou gh Fredk. Geo
33 Knapp
(C h addin gton)
35 H am pshire Rev. Knowlton
Harold M .A . (p riest-inch arge of St. Agnes
ch u rch )
37 A shcroft Miss (S u nset)
39 W rig h t Jam es M etcalfe
(St. Denys)
41 Jones Neilson
43 Jones S. C ecil (B riardale)
here is M organ rd ........
45 Benton Capt. Chas.Joseph
(Casa Blanca)
47 B urney
H erm an
(W estcom be)
49 Knapp T hom as (Ellerslie)
here is A llcroft rd ......
G eorge
E dw ard
Boulderson (K endrick rise)
Sutton H ugh R eginald (D ry bu rgh )
.. here is C hristch urch rd ...
K E N N E T S I D E , fro m S id m outh st. to Cholm eley rd.
2 T he Six Bells P.H. W alter
S um m er
A therton W m . blacksm ith
OpenshawCharlesLim ited,
haulage contractors
4 B orrow s W alter Wallis
6 W icks Alfred
8 Jones Frank
10 F reebody Mrs
12 Sm ith G eorge
14 Butler W illiam
16 Pearce Frederick James
18 B uckland Joseph
20 A llum John
22 W h atm ore Miss
24 Mills James
26 Durden Charles
28 W icks Charles
30 Nickless James
34 The R eading Paint Co.
L im ited
38 W eston G eorge
40 G range Mrs. Esther
Brow n Sidney & Co. corn
here is W atlin gton St.. ..
H arding W illiam
Bennett Jam es
H arding E dw ard
W ells H en ry
Bryan G eorge
Jessop Thom as
B arrett Mrs
Cousins T hom as H en ry
Farm borough Joseph
Blake H enry
L egge H arry
R oe H en ry
Jones F rederick
Jennings G eorge
Y o u n g Mrs. Jane, beer ret
W allis Mrs
K irby Ernest
here is Back r d ............
98 M arks J. J. shopkeeper
100 H orne Mrs
102 Horne Jam es
104 Palm er Mrs
108 Gee James
n o Evans Charles
112 Parsons T hom as
114 Stephenson Joseph
116 Dean Henry
118 A llum G eorg e
120 R edgate Henry
122 Talbot Frederick
124 M aguire Peter
166 E vans H. J. boot repairer
here is A lbert ter ........
196 F ord G eorge
here is A w brey pi ........
214 Leahy E dw in
220 Baker Charles
222 G ooderson G eorge E dw d
224 Fisherm anâs C ottageP .H .
Mrs. E leanor Boulton
here is A lbert r d ...........
230 Loueh John, shopkeeper
Blakeâs - L ock
(J oh n
O very, keeper)
268 W icks A rthur,beer retailr
here is R upert st...........
314 M ustoe A rth u r W illiam ,
beer retailer
316 P ocock Joseph
318 M oore Frederick
322 C orneby G eorge
326 C ox W alter
328 Bastick G eorge
334 G ood ey A lfred
... here is C um berland rd ...
336 B ennett A lbert W illia m ,
338 D orm er G e o rg e E dw in
340 B utler R obert
342 Brown Jam es
346 K n ott John
here is C holm eley r d ........
B oat-B uilding
L im ited (K en n etâs m ou th )
K E N N E T S T R E E T , from
21 W atlin gton street to
K in g âs road.
1 Barnes Albert.
3 C offee Mrs
5 G ard n er Mrs